Re: Which one will have done more damage to the country in the end?
Obama gave up being "presidential" when he signed the Porkulus Project handed him by Pelosi/Reid. He had the opportunity to truly affect "change" at that moment, but he sent the message the CON-gress was in charge and he was along for the ride. Now it is basically too late to stand up to Pelosi/Reid and look meaningful -- the momentum is lost.
We may get lucky -- we may end up with the Obama presidency being a repeat of the Clinton presidency, where, in retrospect, Clinton had quite a good presidency because the Republicrats hated him so much they tied his hands on everything. Gridlock is a good thing in DC and that was the best gridlock we had had in a long time. Will lightning strike twice?
Obama gave up being "presidential" when he signed the Porkulus Project handed him by Pelosi/Reid. He had the opportunity to truly affect "change" at that moment, but he sent the message the CON-gress was in charge and he was along for the ride. Now it is basically too late to stand up to Pelosi/Reid and look meaningful -- the momentum is lost.
We may get lucky -- we may end up with the Obama presidency being a repeat of the Clinton presidency, where, in retrospect, Clinton had quite a good presidency because the Republicrats hated him so much they tied his hands on everything. Gridlock is a good thing in DC and that was the best gridlock we had had in a long time. Will lightning strike twice?