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Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

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  • #76
    Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

    Then there was this - Swine Flu...biologically engineered in USA, now missing (Did the USA cause this Disease?) and this - Is the Mexican Swine Flu a genetically engineered weapon?

    The first one could be linked to the dead polo horses of a Chavez supporter before Obama's visit


    • #77
      Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

      Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
      Not bitching about the cost per se, just the lack of capital feedback to participants. Don't know, maybe I'm wrong, just seems not kosher charging for public health info. A couple of items like that ( and the fact that Everything I put in the select forum is no longer visable to me).
      I take it then you consider all of the other contributors like GRG, JK, Finster, Bart chumps? You have an inflated idea of the value of your contributions. I do look for their comments but not for yours. Sorry.

      Dk, Site is genius. Put out some quality content with value added anecdotal evidence/opinion.
      Oh, dear. Another tickerforum troll. I was greatly revealed when Fred finally chased Denninger, that is, Phraing or whatever his fake name is here out of here. Quite irritating.

      I guess my big issue is that I think the contributing members ALSO frame the discussion and provide content, not just the editors.
      No they do not. Not only do you have no idea what you are talking about, you don't understand what is being put before you.

      For the editors to claim exclusive rights to that product (even if they didn't produce it exclusively) seems not Kosher.
      Kosher? Thank goodness we have you to tell us idiots who value the analysis done here we are suckers willing to pay non-Kosher fees.

      I thought $100 bucks was a reasonable price given the interplay of ideas, $250 seems, well greedy, considering that the sum of the parts (with awesome exclusives, Props where props are deserved) is not the product of an individual or group of individuals, but in reality the entire community of contributors.
      Interplay of ideas? Is that all you see?

      OK, made my point, so long soap box.
      Yes, thanks for the lovely speech.

      Fred, can you please get rid of these trolls. They are ruining the site. Seriously. I appreciate your principles of fairness and openness but allowing these guys to disrupt the site quite frankly comes across as insecure. You have a pearls before swine problem. Deal with it. You're losing me. I've complained before but not in public.

      Now I'll get off my soapbox.


      • #78
        Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

        Jtabeb - I think you just got your ears pinned back onto your head with industrial staples by one of those big fish from publishing. :cool: Your best bet now, is to meekly say "Yes Ma'am!", make a hasty bow and stealthily fade this whole standoff.

        Besides, Ann's just lifted my entire "you unappreciative troll" rant that I roasted the Symbols Kid with only weeks ago!?! :rolleyes: She just changed some of the wordage about how great iTulip is., and how neanderthal the unappreciative skinflints are, and then she made it a lot more concise than my long and embellished version, and just sort of put her name on the end! The gall! The chutzpah! Isn't that plagiarism!? That was MY rant ... on Symbols! He was the unappreciative neanderthal troll from Tickerforum!! Where's my publicist! I'll tear him limb from limb.
        Last edited by Contemptuous; April 26, 2009, 11:55 PM.


        • #79
          Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

          Originally posted by Lukester View Post
          Jtabeb - I think you just got your ears pinned back onto your head with industrial staples by one of those big fish from publishing. :cool: Your best bet now, is to meekly say "Yes Ma'am!", make a hasty bow and stealthily fade this whole standoff.

          Besides, Ann's just lifted my entire "you unappreciative troll" rant that I roasted the Symbols Kid with only weeks ago!?! :rolleyes: She just changed some of the wordage about how great iTulip is., and how neanderthal the unappreciative skinflints are, and then she made it a lot more concise than my long and embellished version, and then, just sort of put her name on the end! The gall! The chutzpah! Isn't that plagiarism!? That was MY rant ... on Symbols! He was the unappreciative neanderthal troll from Tickerforum!! Where's my publicist! I'll tear him limb from limb.
          Back to the topic, Luke, your comments on the BBC comments on the Mexico situation prompted me to read that. If all those comments were by real people in Mexico, then they struck me as much more elucidating about the situation there than anything else I have yet read. It has occurred to me that this might be like the Indian Ocean tsunami. That night I went to bed with the first reports I think from Indonesia of deaths in the low hundreds, then it was thousands before one could blink, and on and on as the stories were reported.

          It strikes me that something serious is perhaps underway if it has apparently shut down a place as big as Mexico City.
          Jim 69 y/o

          "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

          Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

          Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


          • #80
            Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

            khkjbhkjhbouyboe08r8034050904472867386tecb2sjjjjjj jjjjj#####$566666 (text below for translation of this mis-post)


            • #81
              Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

              Yeah I was just trying to diffuse some of the trillion volt sheet lightning in Ann's dismissal, before Jtabeb got turned into a crispy chip. :rolleyes:


              • #82
                Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

                Luke, what has Ann contributed, being a "contributing author" (but not a paying "select" member?).

                Looking through her posts I find nothing of any especial value, to me at least.

                Just curious
                Justice is the cornerstone of the world


                • #83
                  Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

                  Originally posted by Lukester View Post
                  Jtabeb - I think you just got your ears pinned back onto your head with industrial staples by one of those big fish from publishing. :cool: Your best bet now, is to meekly say "Yes Ma'am!", make a hasty bow and stealthily fade this whole standoff.

                  Besides, Ann's just lifted my entire "you unappreciative troll" rant that I roasted the Symbols Kid with only weeks ago!?! :rolleyes: She just changed some of the wordage about how great iTulip is., and how neanderthal the unappreciative skinflints are, and then she made it a lot more concise than my long and embellished version, and just sort of put her name on the end! The gall! The chutzpah! Isn't that plagiarism!? That was MY rant ... on Symbols! He was the unappreciative neanderthal troll from Tickerforum!! Where's my publicist! I'll tear him limb from limb.
                  not 'unappreciative skinflints' ... socialist trolls. they believe in free public transportation, movies, music, food, beer and itulip, paid for by the state from taxes on the rich. free access to ej's writing & analysis. free access to interviews. who cares when the stock market's gonna lose 40%? when commercial real estate will start to crash.

                  i'm with grg on this... $250 is cheap. i'd subscribe just to be reminded to not sell my gold over the past few years when it was sorely temping, what with all the deflation talk. that's saved me at least $250 a year in taxes and transaction fees. and i trust no one else to tell me when the gigs up and to sell gold for good... and that day will surely come.

                  and to not invest in mining stocks... another big money saver. wait, they're coming back now! investors who bought in 2007 have made half their $$$ back. woo hoo! i don't consider recouping half my losses a 'win'. i call avoiding all losses for over ten years and making 7% a year a 'win'.

                  ej strikes me as a businessman...

                  by the view counts on the select articles I see approx. 1000 paid subscribers @ $250 (not counting their corp. subscribers... can't tell them apart) that's $250k.

                  last year when itulip charged $100 instead of $25 they had closer to 1500 subscribers.

                  $100 x 1500 = $150k

                  $250 x 1000 = $250k

                  $150K vs $250. huh. guess it was underpriced before.

                  itulip stands accused by socialist trolls of... doing good business! :eek:

                  that is called 'capitalism' folks. i like it.

                  if you don't like it you should hope itulip takes a hit to its track record else if it keeps making the macro calls they might raise the price to $500 and lose only a few dozen who don't see that much value. 99/100 will downshift quietly to the free area while socialists whine and bitch about "non-kosher" pricing, while they suck on their favorite state beer.


                  • #84
                    Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

                    Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
                    From Reuters.

                    "Eight schoolchildren in New York were confirmed as having caught the swine flu virus, although like other cases reported outside Mexico they were relatively mild."

                    How does this make sense. Are they different strains? Is healthcare so much worse that you get a high mortality in Mexico? Wouldn't that always be the case in Mexico and if it were, wouldn't the statistic be obvious? Something doesn't add up.
                    Yeah, this is pretty weird.


                    • #85
                      Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

                      Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
                      I'm heartened to see that the management of Itulip are SOOOooo Concerned for the welfare of the public and their readership that they have taken the time to address this issue specifically in this (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY) forum.:rolleyes:

                      Jtabeb, I mildly disagree with you here.
                      First, this is a private for-profit site, it is the right of its owners to devise the best strategy for obtaining a profit.
                      Second, I think you are over blowing the issue. If the information in that subscriber only thread contained crucial information for saving your life, a protest might have been warranted, ..... only of you could not afford to pay for the minimum level of subscription (which is $30 for one month). I personally don't think your life and your well being depends on acquiring the knowledge existing on that subscription thread.

                      Of course people always have to decide for themselves where the drive for profit should stop and where decency starts. I personally would never demand money for knowledge that might save people's lives. But that is my choice (and I guess yours too). I think it is wrong to impose on, or demand from other people the adherence to our moral standards.

                      If you are really concerned about this manbirdpig flu (sounds like manbearpig ) becoming a global catastrophic pandemic, I can send you an email explaining in detail why that is not going to happen.
                      Last edited by Supercilious; April 27, 2009, 02:10 AM.


                      • #86
                        Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

                        Well if we are talking about deaths from auto-immune reactions like in the 1918 pandemic, then children are not the most vulnerable - young adluts are. In reverse logic to common flu, the elderly and children have mild symptoms. Actually makes a lot of a sense and the fatality rate even at 2.5% like one of the posters above mentioned would make it as bad as 1918.


                        • #87
                          Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

                          No one has died outside of Mexico.


                          • #88
                            Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

                            While at first it did strike me as a bit tacky to reserve that health thread only for paying members, I think it is up to the owners of this site what they choose to make available to us bottom feeders. I also think its up to them what they choose to charge for access to "subscription" threads. The fact someone chooses NOT to pay for it doesn't always mean they think it has no value, only that it may not have sufficient value to that person to justify the cost, or perhaps exceeds the level of discussion that person is desiring. I've paid before, but frankly, I found I get enough out of the open threads to satisfy my curiosity. A lot of the technical analysis is over my head anyway, and I suspect a lot of the information discussed in the paying threads ends up working its way into the public ones.( for example, MMs subscription numbers information above) I certainly don't consider the price to be a "rip-off" or anything like that.

                            I for one do value Jtabeb's comments, and find Ann's reply an overreaction.

                            Yes, this forum does get it's share of socialist trolls MM. But I like it. It gives us real insight into how they think. ( not calling Jtabeb a troll btw)
                            Last edited by flintlock; April 27, 2009, 07:52 AM.


                            • #89
                              Mexico: A Pakistani, among those killed by flu.

                              A Pakistani, among those killed by flu

                     --in Espaņol...

                              A Pakistani was the first foreigner to have died in Mexico, the victim of swine influenza.



                              • #90
                                Re: Mexico shuts schools, museums to stop flu outbreak

                                It is spreading fast


