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08 Depression Entertainment

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  • 08 Depression Entertainment

    Netflix Q1 profit up 68% to $22.4M

    Apparently, during this depression the favored past time will be sit your ass at home and watch American idol and rented DVD's....:cool:

  • #2
    Re: 08 Depression Entertainment

    Yep, just upgraded my statelite to get more channels. My wife needs something to do while not working.


    • #3
      Re: 08 Depression Entertainment

      Heard that booze sales were up, but that bar revenues were down.

      Guess the crap on tv needs a little nudge now a days. hehe


      • #4
        Re: 08 Depression Entertainment

        Booze sales aren't up - certainly not at my Sis in law's company that owns JD. Their numbers are down big and layoffs are happening.

        Consumers are buying more of the cheaper brands though, but that hurts them overall.

        BF lays off 250


        • #5
          Re: 08 Depression Entertainment

          So that's why they hiked the rate on Blu-Ray movies! Those buggers.


          • #6
            Re: 08 Depression Entertainment

            Originally posted by flintlock View Post
            So that's why they hiked the rate on Blu-Ray movies! Those buggers.
            I still cannot believe that a cheaper alternative (HDDVD) producing the same or comparable video and sound quality and with as wide a library of titles but at a fraction of the price got slaughtered by blueray.

            I had a convo with my cousin about 1 year back in re: blueray vs hddvd and who would win. He liked blue, I liked the other. My impression was that since america is the home of the $1 whopper and cheap beer and generic prescription drugs and cheap chinese products that the more economical hd format would win out. His argument was basically "but blueray is Sony! and that has to mean better video quality!" nevermind that both formats were capable of the same full hd.


            • #7
              Re: 08 Depression Entertainment

              Originally posted by jwonks View Post
              I still cannot believe that a cheaper alternative (HDDVD) producing the same or comparable video and sound quality and with as wide a library of titles but at a fraction of the price got slaughtered by blueray.

              I had a convo with my cousin about 1 year back in re: blueray vs hddvd and who would win. He liked blue, I liked the other. My impression was that since america is the home of the $1 whopper and cheap beer and generic prescription drugs and cheap chinese products that the more economical hd format would win out. His argument was basically "but blueray is Sony! and that has to mean better video quality!" nevermind that both formats were capable of the same full hd.
              Yeah, I sat that one out until I was able to take advantage of a great deal to get a PS3 for $200.


              • #8
                Re: 08 Depression Entertainment

                Originally posted by CanuckinTX View Post
                Booze sales aren't up - certainly not at my Sis in law's company that owns JD. Their numbers are down big and layoffs are happening.

                Consumers are buying more of the cheaper brands though, but that hurts them overall.

                BF lays off 250

                Total sales should not be up for anything, other than guns and ammo. I just bought some Johnnie Walker Smooth because it is new. At an auction I picked up some aged Wild Turkey. I want to grow my own tobacco because Altria, RJR and the US is making too much money off of the fact that I like to smoke regardless of my persistent cough and potential for cancer. I plan on growing corn, tomato, onion, cucumber and watermelon on my property. I bought a 4WD Jeep Liberty for my wife and kids because there are potholes in the roads that will never be properly repaired.(I had a dream about mounting an M50 on the back or inside of a 360 degree rotating turret.) I am considering purchasing a large freezer to store a fair ammount of food. I am in the process of picking up an AR-15 with 5 options and a larger safe to hold it with other things.......

                IMO I have no need to purchase anything unless it will serve me and my family in the future. Oh, and I outfitted my house with 3 types of redundant heating. I live near chicago and I don't buy in to global warming. I also don't plan on defaulting on my mortgage. I could go on, but if what I have said provides any insight then I am glad. Most people I know and see, daily, have no idea what is ahead of us. I generally do my best not to go into public places if I don't have to. It can be frustrating.
                I am eagerly awaiting a signal to short company's like DRI, AAPL, COH.
                I am looking for irrational exuberance in XLF, KIE and IYR, but I wouldn't buy FAZ, FAS, TZA, TNA, SKF, UYG, ERX, ERY or any other leveraged ETF. I would urge everyone interested in ETF's to do a 6 month comparison of FAS and FAZ (or any other combo listed above) and see what I have seen for 4 months now. Shorting both sides is a winning strategy, meaning that these funds are legally stealing money IMO.


