Re: $USD Bullish - $2 Trill bonds must be sold
I think the US is unique in this respect amongst non-emerging market countries. Japan's QE was from a position of relative financial strength (surplus and high presonal savings) and thus, IMO, a legitimate attempt to juice money supply and get the economy rolling.
My point is not that China will soon be selling Treasuries, and there is some sort of arrangement whereby the Fed is front running this as they did with the MBS. My point is that the defecits will be so huge, and the domestic savings pool already so low, that China/Japan/UK etc. will no longer be capable of absorbing the volume of debt that will be coming to market. The money just doesn't exist to fund these future defecits (and I do not see China or anyone else printing their own currency to buy US Treasuries). So the Fed will buy the debt because the have to.
Originally posted by *T*
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My point is not that China will soon be selling Treasuries, and there is some sort of arrangement whereby the Fed is front running this as they did with the MBS. My point is that the defecits will be so huge, and the domestic savings pool already so low, that China/Japan/UK etc. will no longer be capable of absorbing the volume of debt that will be coming to market. The money just doesn't exist to fund these future defecits (and I do not see China or anyone else printing their own currency to buy US Treasuries). So the Fed will buy the debt because the have to.