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Resist or Become Serfs

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  • Resist or Become Serfs

    Resist or Become Serfs by Chris Hedges

    America is devolving into a third-world nation. And if we do not immediately halt our elite’s rapacious looting of the public treasury we will be left with trillions in debts, which can never be repaid, and widespread human misery which we will be helpless to ameliorate. Our anemic democracy will be replaced with a robust national police state. The elite will withdraw into heavily guarded gated communities where they will have access to security, goods and services that cannot be afforded by the rest of us. Tens of millions of people, brutally controlled, will live in perpetual poverty. This is the inevitable result of unchecked corporate capitalism. The stimulus and bailout plans are not about saving us. They are about saving them. We can resist, which means street protests, disruptions of the system and demonstrations, or become serfs.

    We have been in a steady economic decline for decades. The Canadian political philosopher John Ralston Saul detailed this decline in his 1992 book “Voltaire’s Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West.” David Cay Johnston exposed the mirage and rot of American capitalism in “Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You With the Bill),” and David C. Korten, in “When Corporations Rule the World” and “Agenda for a New Economy,” laid out corporate malfeasance and abuse. But our universities and mass media, entranced by power and naively believing that global capitalism was an unstoppable force of nature, rarely asked the right questions or gave a prominent voice to those who did. Our elites hid their incompetence and loss of control behind an arrogant facade of specialized jargon and obscure economic theories.

    The lies employed to camouflage the economic decline are legion. President Ronald Reagan included 1.5 million U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine service personnel with the civilian work force to magically reduce the nation’s unemployment rate by 2 percent. President Bill Clinton decided that those who had given up looking for work, or those who wanted full-time jobs but could only find part-time employment, were no longer to be counted as unemployed. This trick disappeared some 5 million unemployed from the official unemployment rolls. If you work more than 21 hours a week—most low-wage workers at places like Wal-Mart average 28 hours a week—you are counted as employed, although your real wages put you below the poverty line. Our actual unemployment rate, when you include those who have stopped looking for work and those who can only find part-time jobs, is not 8.5 percent but 15 percent. A sixth of the country is now effectively unemployed. And we are shedding jobs at a faster rate than in the months after the 1929 crash.

    The consumer price index, used by the government to measure inflation, is meaningless. To keep the official inflation figures low the government has been substituting basic products it once measured to check for inflation with ones that do not rise very much in price. This sleight of hand has kept the cost-of-living increases tied to the CPI artificially low. The New York Times’ consumer reporter, W.P. Dunleavy, wrote that her groceries now cost $587 a month, up from $400 a year earlier. This is a 40 percent increase. California economist John Williams, who runs an organization called Shadow Statistics, contends that if Washington still used the CPI measurements applied back in the 1970s, inflation would be 10 percent.

    The corporate state, and the political and intellectual class that served the corporate state, constructed a financial and political system based on illusions. Corporations engaged in pyramid lending that created fictitious assets. These fictitious assets became collateral for more bank lending. The elite skimmed off hundreds of millions in bonuses, commissions and salaries from this fictitious wealth. Politicians, who dutifully served corporate interests rather than those of citizens, were showered with campaign contributions and given lucrative jobs when they left office. Universities, knowing it was not good business to challenge corporatism, muted any voices of conscience while they went begging for corporate donations and grants. Deceptive loans and credit card debt fueled the binges of a consumer society and hid falling wages and the loss of manufacturing jobs.

    The Obama administration, rather than chart a new course, is intent on re-inflating the bubble. The trillions of dollars of government funds being spent to sustain these corrupt corporations could have renovated our economy.

  • #2
    Re: Resist or Become Serfs

    The kiss of death for the Obama Administration was letting Bernanke run the Fed, letting Geithner run the Treasury Department, and letting the West Coast eco-nuts shape the energy policy for the nation. These collosal (sp?) mistakes will make Obama a one-term President, and sadly, the Repukes will be back in Congress in the 2010 election.


    • #3
      Re: Resist or Become Serfs

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      The kiss of death for the Obama Administration was letting Bernanke run the Fed, letting Geithner run the Treasury Department, and letting the West Coast eco-nuts shape the energy policy for the nation. These collosal (sp?) mistakes will make Obama a one-term President, and sadly, the Repukes will be back in Congress in the 2010 election.
      3 months ago I would have said bullshit to the above. Now, I think I'd call it preescient.


      • #4
        Re: Resist or Become Serfs

        Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
        These collosal (sp?) mistakes will make Obama a one-term President, and sadly, the Repukes will be back in Congress in the 2010 election.
        Not as though it matters. The Repukes and Democrats are two sides of the same coin.


        • #5
          Re: Resist or Become Serfs

          The lies employed to camouflage the economic decline are legion
          Over 13MM people or 8.5% of the civilian workforce is officially out of work. Another 2.1MM people were not counted as unemployed because they hadn't looked for work in the last 4 weeks. Adding these people, like we would have prior to the Clinton administration, gets us to 10%.

          See John Williams site for an explanation of this:

          But worse than the above are the underemployed - the involuntary part-time workers. This group of people is now 9MM, (as of March). When the newly added part-time workers are counted with the newly unemployed in March, we added over 1MM new unemployed or under-employed and the total the groups is 15.75%.

          And finally, the average workweek for production and non-supervisory workers is now at the lowest level on record...33.2 hours a week. It's a good thing wages moved up 3 cents an hour. 3 cents!


          • #6
            Re: Resist or Become Serfs

            Why did anyone vote for Obhama or McCain? Do the sheeple realy believe either party was going to change anything? Why would they, has either parties track record been one of change, or one of protecting there respective parties and maintenance of the status quo?

            Start thinking third party. Niether party will change what they have created over the last century. Lets pray that third party that will move in is Libertarian or Independent.


            • #7
              Re: Resist or Become Serfs


              Excellent article. I've been reading Saul, Korten, Johnston and many, many others for years. America's ruin was all predicted.

              As for Obama, well, his despicable performance really proves and confirms the whole theory of an American plutocracy, ruling class or whatever you want to call it. Just a seamless continuation of their policies. In honor of that, Obama is now, for me, Obumma with the bu for bush. Other choices were Obusha and O Bummer!

              One ray of light may be that as the Pie diminishes, the Plutocracy will start fighting it out for lucre and turf. I'm very surprised that the corps who actually have to produce or supply a service aren't screaming. But I think that shows the level of intimidation and omerta. After all, you scream; we pull your financing. But this will all fall apart soon enough.

              I have arranged my personal affairs accordingly.


              • #8
                Re: Resist or Become Serfs

                Originally posted by petertribo View Post
                Something about this entire concept fascinates me. There is in fact some truth to it...
                Every interest bearing loan is mathematically impossible to pay back.


                • #9
                  Re: Resist or Become Serfs

                  Originally posted by petertribo View Post

                  Excellent article. I've been reading Saul, Korten, Johnston and many, many others for years. America's ruin was all predicted.

                  As for Obama, well, his despicable performance really proves and confirms the whole theory of an American plutocracy, ruling class or whatever you want to call it. Just a seamless continuation of their policies. In honor of that, Obama is now, for me, Obumma with the bu for bush. Other choices were Obusha and O Bummer!

                  One ray of light may be that as the Pie diminishes, the Plutocracy will start fighting it out for lucre and turf. I'm very surprised that the corps who actually have to produce or supply a service aren't screaming. But I think that shows the level of intimidation and omerta. After all, you scream; we pull your financing. But this will all fall apart soon enough.

                  I have arranged my personal affairs accordingly.
                  May I recommend




                  • #10
                    Re: Resist or Become Serfs

                    Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
                    Really, what relevance does that have? I think that stuff is cool, and have some neat goodies myself. Tomorrow I take delivery of a Springfield XD45. But again, I don't see how these toys/tools relate to the problems with our system.

                    As I wrote in another thread, why aren't we (iTulipers) doing much (except educating ourselves, and perhaps those close to us)? Should we be doing something? What?


                    • #11
                      Re: Resist or Become Serfs

                      Originally posted by leegs View Post

                      As I wrote in another thread, why aren't we (iTulipers) doing much (except educating ourselves, and perhaps those close to us)? Should we be doing something? What?

                      Finally, a very good question.


                      • #12
                        Re: Resist or Become Serfs

                        Originally posted by leegs View Post
                        As I wrote in another thread, why aren't we (iTulipers) doing much (except educating ourselves, and perhaps those close to us)? Should we be doing something? What?
                        For what it's worth, here's my free advice:
                        - If you haven't already, get your financial house in order. Don't be a monthly payment consumer. Set an example.
                        - Suggest to your family and friends that they do the same. Help them understand what that means.
                        - Be as self sufficient in your life as you can be. For me that was:
                        • Move out of a large city
                        • Sell the cars and consumer stuff with monthly payments
                        • Live and work within walking distance
                        • Be aggressive in buying locally to support your community
                        • Work with your local government to encourage them to live within their means
                        • Support local energy projects
                        • Speak regularly to various groups about ways to support the above.

                        For my family, that started over 12 years ago and it's been a process. For example, I used to commute an average of 200 miles a day in an SUV in Los Angeles. Now I commute 2.5 miles a day on a bike unless the weather is bad. That was a gradual change.

                        I'm not so interested in changing government at the national level. I think it starts with your local government and you should live somewhere where you can effect change. Everyone will have their own way of making changes and encouraging change in others but this way works for me.


                        • #13
                          Re: Resist or Become Serfs

                          Originally posted by leegs View Post
                          Really, what relevance does that have? I think that stuff is cool, and have some neat goodies myself. Tomorrow I take delivery of a Springfield XD45. But again, I don't see how these toys/tools relate to the problems with our system.

                          As I wrote in another thread, why aren't we (iTulipers) doing much (except educating ourselves, and perhaps those close to us)? Should we be doing something? What?
                          We did something don't you remember Tuesday, November 4, 2008?

                          Realistically give it more time, as the moratorium on foreclosures is lifted, Mr. Market gets off the bench, and batter up. Yes, you can delay, freeze, apply gauze pads, print, cheer, debase etc, but in the end, Mr. Market always wins.

                          There is a silver lining here, somehow we avoided a mass hysteria over the course of the last 19 months, most likely because the MSM did their best to not to scare the crap out of the people. To me it is utterly shocking that we have any stability AT ALL. What we are viewing right now a eerie calm, for the most part the only reaction I can get from some of the smartest people I know is the shrugging of shoulders even with the U-6 being over 15%.

                          Most of the public is whining about something but for the most part they are still fine and in an eerie state of bewilderment. EJ wrote an article about it, "What Just Happened" Yes, the bus broke down in the desert and but most people still do not know what happened and may never fully understand.The reaction of the people just reflects that this current administration is following the will of the people, simply being NO PAIN = NO PAIN.

                          We will unfortunately as even some of the MSM has come to believe have our hyper-inflation,only then the game may change.

                          As far as ACTION, I have been writing my congressional delegation regularly, you would be surprised at some of the responses I have gotten regarding the Enron Loophole, Derivatives, and even the Federal Reserve. Most of our electorate however were on that bus with the rest of the people and still do not know what to do.

                          Other than vastly expensive and immeasurably long lawsuits all we can do legally is vote, hold our elected officials accountable, run for office ourselves or as has been suggested here start a political party.

                          FYI, I am not in the doomer crowd and I am not digging a bunker. That kind of stuff only happens when the essentials, food, water, shelter and energy are in short supply, not yet, that will happen however when the oil wells run dry.


                          • #14
                            Re: Resist or Become Serfs

                            Originally posted by leegs View Post
                            Really, what relevance does that have? I think that stuff is cool, and have some neat goodies myself. Tomorrow I take delivery of a Springfield XD45. But again, I don't see how these toys/tools relate to the problems with our system.

                            As I wrote in another thread, why aren't we (iTulipers) doing much (except educating ourselves, and perhaps those close to us)? Should we be doing something? What?
                            If I honestly thought that there would BE a system when this is all said and done, I would not be recommending the above.

                            Until I see evidence to the contrary my operative thesis is not change in the system it is that the system will cease to exist. Think about the implications for that (truly, UNDERSTAND the consequences and ramifcations that we face as a result of our failing to effectively deal with this crisis). It boggles the mind how things would change.

                            I've been to survial school in the air force (in case we were shot down over enemy territory), even got to be schooled in "advanced beatings" (you can guess as to the subject matter and curriculum of the course). What that left me with was a strong appreciation of how quickly circumstances can drastically change. I've never lost that lesson. The difference in this instance vs combat is that there is no hope of a chopper or a SEAL team coming to rescue you. And at least for this individual, that is an extremely worrisome prospect to comprehend.

                            If you ask me why there is no panic yet, I would tell you my honest observations about the population at large (and the people I know in paticular)

                            They either are in complete denial, or have the mind set of "nothing has happened to ME yet, so I'll be okay" or even worse HONESTLY HAVE NO REAL COMPREHENSION OF WHAT IS OCCURING AT ALL. And the worst part is, I would say that 90% of people fall into the last category.

                            From my perspective, today, right now Doomer = Realist.
                            For what it's worth.


                            Last edited by jtabeb; April 16, 2009, 08:47 PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: Resist or Become Serfs

                              SF - Certainly, at the level of personal preparedness, your comments make sense and I have and am making significant moves along the lines you describe. But, as you make reference to in your last paragraph, my question concerns the role we could or should play, if any, in affecting change.

                              My strong personal tendencies are to be totally uninvolved in any such effort. But somehow that seems a bit selfish and short-sighted. I think the people that participate in (or as I mostly do, just consume) the content on this forum are in a small minority that does have some inkling of how really rotten things are. There is is frequent discussion of the coming 'revolt', but it seems to be discussed either in the context of an outside observer, or in terms of how we can mitigate the damage to us personally. I'm not complaining or criticizing, just observing.

                              Regarding these impending revolts, I wonder how they will be catalyzed. Will they only be sparked by the misery of the masses? Will they result in any positive change? Is there a better way? Frankly I suspect that there isn't, that the system has to hit rock bottom.

