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Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

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  • Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

    To get the common folks to back an agenda that primarily benefits the richest Americans requires a sophisticated message and strategy, but America's oligarchs are up to the challenge.

    With the demise of the FIRE economy, income tax cuts that primarily benefit the top 1% are a thing of the past, so a new plan is required. Get the "little people" riled up and protesting against taxes.

    " Corporate Lobbyists Raising Money for Tea Parties

    From the FreedomWorks website:
    With your help, we have been able to organize hundreds of Taxpayer Tea Parties across the country, from Santa Barbara, California to Amarillo, Texas, and all the way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    If you are not able to organize or attend a Taxpayer Tea Party, you can still help the cause by donating or buying a t-shirt. You can also spread the word via email, facebook and word of mouth. If you would like to post updates on tea parties in your state, or if you’d like to get in touch with other people planning tea parties, visit our Tea Party HQ. We have created an interactive Google map that you can use to locate a tea party near you!
    The "donation" for the Tea Parties page goes to -- you guessed it -- the FreedomWorks Foundation. The "thank you" lettter is signed by Matt Kibbe, President & CEO, who cut his teeth working for Lee Atwater. He was behind the attempt to get Ralph Nader put on the ballot in Oregon in 2004, prompting a complaint to the FEC of illegal collusion with the GOP.

    FreedomWorks was launched a GOP version of MoveOn. "We believe that hard work beats daddy's money," said Dick Armey at the time. Armey seems to be a bit irony challenged -- Steve Forbes is on the FreedomWorks board.

    As Krugman notes, their money comes from the Koch, Scaife, Bradley, Olin and other reliable funders of right wing infrastructure including Exxon Mobil.

    I don't know which is sadder -- the fact that the Teabaggers don't understand that it would be impossible for them to do what they're doing without this kind of infrastructure behind them, or the fact that they're being manipulated by the very people they appear to be raging against who are only looking to channel their anger for their own purposes..."
    Last edited by World Traveler; April 15, 2009, 11:02 PM. Reason: fix line spacing

  • #2
    Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

    We can't keep calling for revolution on this site, or at least discussing the likelihood of revolution, and then belittle the participants when a first step toward revolution occurs. Regardless if the participants today were pawns in an ironic ruse (as the article seems to indicate), I regret not having been among them. So, the least I can do is to defend their honorable intentions. Let's hope the minor success of today's multiple and geographically dispersed Tea Parties provide an incentive for further activism.
    "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


    • #3
      Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

      Those fools! I'm sure those "little people" wouldn't feel angry and overtaxed if those events weren't funded by some organization. How gullible they are.

      I'm glad we have a real "common man" like Krugman to enlighten those ignorant peasants.


      • #4
        Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

        I do not wish in any way to demean the individuals participating in the tea parties. I think they are honest and sincere in their beliefs. And that most don't realize they are being used.

        Let's face it, we all hate paying taxes, including me.

        But we've haven't had an honest discussion about taxes in the U.S. for a long time.

        Majority of Americans pay more in payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare) than the do in income taxes. Social Security revenues collected are added to the Fed's general revenue and spent today, and an IOU is put in the Social Security ledger. Since no one knows if the Feds can honor those SS promises in the future, the Social Security Administration is careful to say that Social Security payouts can be changed by law in the future, no matter what you paid in.

        So the effect is that Social Security functions as an additional income tax for working people of lower incomes (due to SS tax cutoff at around $110,000). SS is also a very regressive tax, hitting the middle and lower classes the hardest.

        The SS taxes are used to pay TODAY's government expenses and is what has enabled the cuts to income taxes in the last 25 years.

        That's because the Greennspan Commission (yes, Alan) in 1983 induced Congress to raise SS taxes significantly, so that Baby Boomers could "pre-fund" their own retirement. So Social Security has collected taxes far in excess of it annual payouts since 1984 and that excess has been spent every year. That run of good luck now is ending and as Baby Boomers retire, the government will have to scramble to find the money.

        Why is there never a debate about the above issues? SS taxes hit most folks harder than income taxes.

        Because the people and organizations that fund the anti-tax movement and the politicians who fan its flames are either very rich or beholden to the very rich for financial support.

        They focus on cutting income taxes and captial gains taxes because these are the taxes that affect the very rich.


        • #5
          Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

          Originally posted by rjwjr View Post
          We can't keep calling for revolution on this site, or at least discussing the likelihood of revolution, and then belittle the participants when a first step toward revolution occurs. Regardless if the participants today were pawns in an ironic ruse (as the article seems to indicate), I regret not having been among them. So, the least I can do is to defend their honorable intentions. Let's hope the minor success of today's multiple and geographically dispersed Tea Parties provide an incentive for further activism.
          That this "tea party" movement was backed by FOX and mocked by MSNBC as the "tea bagging" movement says everything. It never escaped the realm of politics. It was more of the same game playing we've seen in the US for longer than most of us want to remember. Until there is more unified action outside the main political parties, this will go nowhere.


          • #6
            Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

            These folks seem to be in a head to head:



            • #7
              Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"


              I attended a tea party in Fort Lauderdale yesterday. Around 2000 people. Highly rambunctious but orderly crowd. Very festive atmosphere.

              The issue of who funded or instigated it is moot. After all, many super rich support left wing causes, who cares. My general sense was that the crowd was motivated, not so much by taxes but by the sense the the federal government was running amuck.

              Anti government sentiment has been simmering for years but with multi trillion dollar deficits looming and the subsidy of failing institutions, many people are finally fed up enough to take to the streets. Breaking news yesterday that combat veterans could potentially be considered threats by joining right wing groups struck a nerve also.

              I can assure you that the vast majority of the people in the crowd (myself included) would never in a million years have joined a street protest. This was driven by honest patriotic sentiment.

              PS: I observed closely the reaction of passing cars. About 50%, stared straight ahead or watched with bewilderment. Of the 50% that did react, 90%+ were positive. During the 2 hours I was there, only three people flipped us the bird. This in a county, 2/3rd Democrat. Not scientific obviously, just an observation.
              Last edited by BiscayneSunrise; April 16, 2009, 05:52 AM.


              • #8
                Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

                Originally posted by World Traveler View Post

                But we've haven't had an honest discussion about taxes in the U.S. for a long time.

                Everyone wants to go to heaven. They just don't want to die to get there.


                • #9
                  Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

                  Originally posted by BiscayneSunrise View Post

                  I attended a tea party in Fort Lauderdale yesterday. Around 2000 people. Highly rambunctious but orderly crowd. Very festive atmosphere.

                  The issue of who funded or instigated it is moot. After all, many super rich support left wing causes, who cares. My general sense was that the crowd was motivated, not so much by taxes but by the sense the the federal government was running amuck.

                  Anti government sentiment has been simmering for years but with multi trillion dollar deficits looming and the subsidy of failing institutions, many people are finally fed up enough to take to the streets. Breaking news yesterday that combat veterans could potentially be considered threats by joining right wing groups struck a nerve also.

                  I can assure you that the vast majority of the people in the crowd (myself included) would never in a million years have joined a street protest. This was driven by honest patriotic sentiment.

                  PS: I observed closely the reaction of passing cars. About 50%, stared straight ahead or watched with bewilderment. Of the 50% that did react, 90%+ were positive. During the 2 hours I was there, only three people flipped us the bird. This in a county, 2/3rd Democrat. Not scientific obviously, just an observation.
                  Thanks for sharing a real-life account. My sincere respect and gratitude for participating. Your recap provides me hope.

                  Since we are a long, long way from a legitimate 3rd party threat to the entrenched two party system, let's fight for some small victories now. I'd like input on your ideas, but my first idea would be strict term limits. Too many polititcians are drawn to public service as a career rather than as "public service". Let's get a constitutional amendment on the ballot for strict term limits. What do you think about this idea and what other ideas do you have?
                  "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


                  • #10
                    Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

                    You don't get it. Just because you don't personally directly benefit from lower taxes doesn't mean that a) it's right to steal the wealth of those who have earned it, or b) you don't indirectly benefit.

                    Go ask Californians how higher taxes and bigger govn't have worked out for their state. Or former Soviets, for that matter. But wait, let me guess, you think they were better off then.

                    And the fact you call them "teabaggers" says a lot about your intellect and maturity level. They don't call themselves that. Do you think you can discredit a movement by calling it silly names?

                    I'm curious if you even understand the simple fact that "huge corporations" aren't actually alive. Or that when they pay less in tax it's actually a good thing. Why? Because they are owned by people. People like retirees, school teacher pension funds, and yes, even (gasp!) wealthy people.

                    Instead of envying the rich and wasting time here, why not work harder and smarter and join them?

                    Originally posted by World Traveler View Post
                    To get the common folks to back an agenda that primarily benefits the richest Americans requires a sophisticated message and strategy, but America's oligarchs are up to the challenge.

                    With the demise of the FIRE economy, income tax cuts that primarily benefit the top 1% are a thing of the past, so a new plan is required. Get the "little people" riled up and protesting against taxes.

                    " Corporate Lobbyists Raising Money for Tea Parties

                    From the FreedomWorks website:
                    With your help, we have been able to organize hundreds of Taxpayer Tea Parties across the country, from Santa Barbara, California to Amarillo, Texas, and all the way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
                    If you are not able to organize or attend a Taxpayer Tea Party, you can still help the cause by donating or buying a t-shirt. You can also spread the word via email, facebook and word of mouth. If you would like to post updates on tea parties in your state, or if you’d like to get in touch with other people planning tea parties, visit our Tea Party HQ. We have created an interactive Google map that you can use to locate a tea party near you!
                    The "donation" for the Tea Parties page goes to -- you guessed it -- the FreedomWorks Foundation. The "thank you" lettter is signed by Matt Kibbe, President & CEO, who cut his teeth working for Lee Atwater. He was behind the attempt to get Ralph Nader put on the ballot in Oregon in 2004, prompting a complaint to the FEC of illegal collusion with the GOP.

                    FreedomWorks was launched a GOP version of MoveOn. "We believe that hard work beats daddy's money," said Dick Armey at the time. Armey seems to be a bit irony challenged -- Steve Forbes is on the FreedomWorks board.

                    As Krugman notes, their money comes from the Koch, Scaife, Bradley, Olin and other reliable funders of right wing infrastructure including Exxon Mobil.

                    I don't know which is sadder -- the fact that the Teabaggers don't understand that it would be impossible for them to do what they're doing without this kind of infrastructure behind them, or the fact that they're being manipulated by the very people they appear to be raging against who are only looking to channel their anger for their own purposes..."



                    • #11
                      Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

                      Some of us wonder where these folks were for the last eight years while the government was running amok. And we wonder what could have possible changed in the last six months to make them worry now?

                      It's pure partisan politics.

                      And to borrow from Jon Stewart '...[losing is] supposed to taste like a shit taco.'
                      Last edited by WDCRob; April 16, 2009, 10:15 AM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

                        If this Tea Party idea is going to work, it has to be done right.

                        Tea Party is a very powerful method, similar to an army tank. Before you design, buy, startup, and use an army tank, you need to think about how you keep the army tank safe from people who will try to hijack your tank.

                        Remember a decade ago when a National Guard tank was stolen from an armory, running amok down a freeway? We don't want that to happen. We don't want to park the tank on the street over night with the keys in the ignition. Same with the Tea Party.

                        "Rules for Radicals" was a book written in the late 60's early 70's, and had excellent ideas for social activism.

                        For example, when you have a demonstration, most leaders keep the crowd around too long. People get bored and drift. You want an empowered crowd. So the leaders state their case to the crowd using only the strongest arguments for their case, build solidarity, then tell everyone to go home immediately, and tell all their friends to come back with them next demonstration date & time; not too soon, not too long in between, make the interval just right.

                        Think about "the man" who sees the following out his window at the demonstration site: A demonstration is called and right on que, a handful of people show up, then they leave after their short & sweet demonstration. You dismiss it, but are worried to hear they're coming back later. At the next scheduled demonstration, 10 times as many demonstrators show up at the second demonstration, then 100 times as many at the third, etc. The demonstrators obviously support their leaders, come when they say come, and go home when they say go home. That shows power and authority to a worthy, just cause. To "the man", that is very scary.

                        Got the idea? Get the book. Follow it. The people will not be stopped.
                        Last edited by Glenn Black; April 16, 2009, 10:02 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

                          Maybe they're just people who are sick and tired of political hacks who can't see anything beyond your "team". Rah rah, my team won. Rah rah, sis boom bah, everything we do is great and they're all evil. As if any one party has all the answers. "We're 100% correct and they're the opposite" How convienient and tidy.

                          The entire Republican and Democrat parties could be swallowed into the earth and I wouldn't care. This isn't a game, it's people's lives. Do you think ANY of these politicians have your best interest at stake? Do you think your tit for tat childish "well they didn't complain for 8 years!" comments change any facts? No, they didn't complain, or at least most didn't. They were fooled. Now they're seeing a continuation and want it stopped. So what if they sat by for 8 years? Does that make destroying the nation and walking over the constitution right now? Only a child goes "but Jonny hit me first" when confronted with evidence of his wrongdoing.

                          Quoting John Stewart isn't exactly like quoting Churchill (Winston, not Ward). It's ridiculous and absurd. He's a COMEDIAN, not a great political thinker. And since when do clever "gotcha" phrases and put downs substitute for actual thought? Did "if it doesn't fit, you must aqquit" make O.J. innocent?

                          Besides, most of his lines are written for him anyway. Or did you think Carson was really that witty too? Or did you think they don't run through "spontaneous" comebacks on those shows ahead of time? The real skill for those hosts is feeding the pre-packaged lines in seamlessly so it's not too obvious. Ever hear of "pre-interviews" done by their production assistants? Wonder why they do those? Check the credits at the end of the show. He has writers. They all do. Imagine how foolish someone using Carson and the tonight show as the basis of their political knowledge base would have sounded 20 years ago and maybe you'll realize you are barking up that same alley. Where do you get your medical advice, "Grey's anatomy" ?

                          It is absolutely childish to think that because people voted for candidates who lost elections they have no right to political protest or even discourse. This is a pluralistic society, not a marxist utopia where dissent is squashed. At least for now. And does it occur to you that just maybe they supported old W and his cronies not so much out of adoration but because they feared that the alternative was even worse? And in the last 90 days or so they are being proven correct.

                          Hitler or Stalin. You choose.

                          Originally posted by WDCRob View Post
                          Some of us wonder where these folks were for the last eight years while the government was running amok. And we wonder what could have possible changed in the last six months to make them worry now?

                          It's pure partisan politics.

                          And to borrow from Jon Stewart 'You lost, get over it. It's supposed to taste like a shit taco.'


                          • #14
                            Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

                            The Tea Party was started by the Ron Paul campaign - on Dec 16 2007 when he raised millions overnight.

                            No one I know (and I attended) had ever heard of the people you list. It was spontaneous and mostly came from the Campaign For Liberty started by Ron Paul.

                            We want the government to return to constitutional limits, thats all. This movement is widespread.


                            • #15
                              Re: Super Rich Backers for April 15 "Tea Parties"

                              The 'movement' went nowhere until a big PR firm and the shill Rick Santelli partnered with Fox 'News' to gin up a little attention.

                              Nothing wrong with that - and I'm all for the partisan politics. Just stop pretending it's a grassroots movement based on some philosophically pure position.

