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  • Productivity

    Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization
    by the Federal Reserve Board

    Industrial production fell 1.5 percent in March after a similar decrease in February. For the first quarter as a whole, output dropped at an annual rate of 20.0 percent, the largest quarterly decrease of the current contraction. At 97.4 percent of its 2002 average, output in March fell to its lowest level since December 1998 and was nearly 13 percent below its year-earlier level. Production in manufacturing moved down 1.7 percent in March and has registered five consecutive quarterly decreases.

    Broad-based declines in production continued; one exception was the output of motor vehicles and parts, which advanced slightly in March but remained well below its year-earlier level. Outside of manufacturing, the output of mines fell 3.2 percent in March, as oil and gas well drilling continued to drop. After a relatively mild February, a return to more seasonal temperatures pushed up the output of utilities. The capacity utilization rate for total industry fell further to 69.3 percent, a historical low for this series, which begins in 1967.


    Market Groups
    Most major market groups recorded decreases both for March and for the first quarter as a whole. The production of consumer goods declined 0.3 percent in March and dropped at an annual rate of nearly 15 percent in the first quarter. Consumer durables declined 0.5 percent in March, as a gain of nearly 2 percent in the output of automotive products partially offset declines in home electronics; appliances, furniture, and carpeting; and miscellaneous goods. Despite the recent increase in automotive-related production, motor vehicle assemblies in March, at an annual rate of 5.0 million units, were more than 4 million units below the level 12 months earlier. The production of nondurable goods edged down 0.3 percent in March, as declines in foods and tobacco, chemical products, and paper products offset gains in clothing and energy.

    The output of business equipment decreased 2.3 percent in March, as production in all of its major categories moved down. For the first quarter as a whole, business equipment fell at an annual rate of 11.7 percent. The production of transit equipment increased at an annual rate of 70 percent in the first quarter; this advance was more than accounted for by a gain in civilian aircraft after a strike that affected output in the fourth quarter. Elsewhere in business equipment, the output indexes for information processing equipment and for industrial and other equipment fell.

    The output of defense and space equipment dropped at an annual rate of 1.8 percent in the first quarter despite a gain of nearly 1 percent in March. Overall, production in this sector has been little changed, on net, since the third quarter of 2007.

    The output of construction supplies decreased 2.8 percent in March. Production of these goods dropped at an annual rate of nearly 36 percent in the first quarter after falling a bit more than 26 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008. This index is now about 27 percent below its peak in January 2006. Widespread declines pulled down the output of business supplies 1.1 percent in March.

    The production of materials to be further processed in the industrial sector continued to exhibit broad-based declines. Materials output decreased 2.0 percent in March, and for the first quarter, output fell at an annual rate of 22.4 percent after dropping more than 16 percent in the fourth quarter. All major components of durable and nondurable materials posted steep declines in March, and the production of energy materials slipped 0.7 percent.

    Industry Groups

    In March, manufacturing output decreased 1.7 percent, and, for the first quarter as a whole, manufacturing output dropped at an annual rate of 22.5 percent after falling nearly 18 percent in the fourth quarter. The factory operating rate, which extends back to 1948, dropped 1.1 percentage points to a new historical low of 65.8 percent. The production index for durable goods fell 2.4 percent in March and contracted at an annual rate of more than 30 percent for the first quarter. The only major component of durable manufactures to increase production for the month was motor vehicles and parts; nonetheless, output in this industry fell at an annual rate of about 67 percent for the quarter as a whole. The production of nondurable goods decreased 1.0 percent in March as a result of substantial declines in textile and product mills, paper products, and plastics and rubber products. Production for nondurable goods fell about 13 percent in the first quarter and has fallen for six consecutive quarters.

    The index for the other manufacturing category, which consists of publishing and logging, fell nearly 3 percent in March.

    The output of electric and natural gas utilities moved up 1.8 percent in March, as production rebounded after temperatures returned to more seasonal norms. The operating rate for utilities moved up 1.3 percentage points, to 80.5 percent, yet remained below its 1972-2008 average. Mining output dropped 3.2 percent in March, and the utilization rate fell to 83.8 percent, roughly 4 percentage points below its 1972-2008 average. For the first quarter, the output of mines fell nearly 15 percent at an annual rate.

    Capacity utilization rates in March at industries grouped by stage of process were as follows: At the crude stage, utilization dropped 1.8 percentage points, to 79.5 percent, a rate 7.1 percentage points below its 1972-2008 average; at the primary and semifinished stages, utilization dropped 1.1 percentage points, to 66.8 percent, a rate 15.2 percentage points below its long-run average; and at the finished stage, utilization slipped 0.6 percentage point, to 67.9 percent, a rate 9.8 percentage points below its long-run average.

    Revision of Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization
    The Federal Reserve Board released its annual revision to the index of industrial production (IP) and the related measures of capacity utilization on March 27, 2009. The revised IP indexes incorporated data from selected editions of the U.S. Census Bureau's 2007 Current Industrial Reports.

    Detailed data from the 2007 Economic Census, however, were not available. Annual data from the U.S. Geological Survey regarding metallic and nonmetallic minerals (except fuels) for 2007 were incorporated.

    Utilization rates were updated to incorporate data from the U.S. Census Bureau's Quarterly Survey of Plant Capacity through 2008 as well as data from other government and trade sources.

    The published revision release is available on the Board's website at The revised data are also available through the website of the Department of Commerce. Further information on the revision can be obtained from the Board's Industrial Output Section (telephone number 202-452-3197).

    Note. The statistics in this release cover output, capacity, and capacity utilization in the U.S. industrial sector, which is defined by the Federal Reserve to comprise manufacturing, mining, and electric and gas utilities.

    Mining is defined as all industries in sector 21 of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS); electric and gas utilities are those in NAICS sectors 2211 and 2212. Manufacturing comprises NAICS manufacturing industries (sector 31-33) plus the logging industry and the newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishing industries. Logging and publishing are classified elsewhere in NAICS (under agriculture and information respectively), but historically they were considered to be manufacturing and were included in the industrial sector under the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. In December 2002 the Federal Reserve reclassified all its industrial output data from the SIC system to NAICS.

  • #2
    Re: Productivity

    Most of those charts can't be described as anything less than stunningly depressing.

    So what happens if industrial production declines to...say...early 1990's levels before bottoming? Is anybody ready for something like that?

    Could the Geithner Gang PPIP their way out of that?


    • #3
      Re: Productivity

      Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
      Most of those charts can't be described as anything less than stunningly depressing.

      So what happens if industrial production declines to...say...early 1990's levels before bottoming? Is anybody ready for something like that?

      Could the Geithner Gang PPIP their way out of that?
      As we know, productivity is not their game, only an important card in its political ramifications toward realizing their agenda. (See FIRE- the last 30 years)


      • #4
        Re: Productivity

        Originally posted by don View Post
        As we know, productivity is not their game, only an important card in its political ramifications toward realizing their agenda. (See FIRE- the last 30 years)
        EJ's increasingly dire predictions [I am certain he toned down his earlier stuff circa 2006/07 so it didn't sound so farfetched that people would completely ignore it] look to be coming true in spades...unfortunately.

        As I recall don, you've run your own business(es), so you know that it's virtually impossible for most business owners to plan for the sheer rate of change most of them have been subjected to in the past year or two. First rapidly escalating energy and other input costs, followed by imploding demand and throttled credit. From not being able to find qualified people a year ago, to trying to figure out whether one can afford to keep any of them this year.

        Even if they saw it coming, how the hell do most prepare for it so the business survives. In many cases in some economic sectors it's probably impossible.

        Now let's think about those who are now scrambling and manage to salvage the current situation and stabilize their enterprises. How many are then so fragile that "the next leg down" [industrial production at early 1990s levels, for example] wipes them out anyway?

        Perfect storm, my azz. This is looking more and more like a bloodbath.


        • #5
          Re: Productivity

          Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
          EJ's increasingly dire predictions [I am certain he toned down his earlier stuff circa 2006/07 so it didn't sound so farfetched that people would completely ignore it] look to be coming true in spades...unfortunately.

          As I recall don, you've run your own business(es), so you know that it's virtually impossible for most business owners to plan for the sheer rate of change most of them have been subjected to in the past year or two. First rapidly escalating energy and other input costs, followed by imploding demand and throttled credit. From not being able to find qualified people a year ago, to trying to figure out whether one can afford to keep any of them this year.

          Even if they saw it coming, how the hell do most prepare for it so the business survives. In many cases in some economic sectors it's probably impossible.

          Now let's think about those who are now scrambling and manage to salvage the current situation and stabilize their enterprises. How many are then so fragile that "the next leg down" [industrial production at early 1990s levels, for example] wipes them out anyway?

          Perfect storm, my azz. This is looking more and more like a bloodbath.
          You may have a strong point. It does seem that EJ backed off the pedal. I listened to Hudson's latest today, a one-hour audio at He was just in Iceland and characterized that country in a way we don't hear anywhere else. His major theme, which we kind of gloss over, is that assest stripping is the FIRE's game and we're getting our turn right now. If that's true, most of us can't quite believe the scope of the assault. He did state that the $11T was enough to re-load the oligarchy for the forseeable future.


          • #6
            Re: Productivity

            Thanks for posting this, don.

            I have been a minority owner in a specialty food manufacturing business for the past seventeen years which has sales of about $3.5 Million (2008). Mid-2007 through 2008 was like nothing we had ever seen. Our costs exploded for cheese, flour, packaging and shipping, and there was no way to pass it all along. Last year was pretty good but the first three months of this year are the worst we have ever seen - or dreamed we would ever see. I don't know how all this will eventuate, but this is no recession like I've ever experienced, and I remember 1974-75 and 1981-82 very well.

