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Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

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  • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

    Originally posted by Lukester View Post
    I don't understand why people need to buy houses in Vancouver when they can just go around at night prying up those big fat golden cobblestones that the streets are paved with. If I was up there I'd get me a pickup truck and do nothing but go around at night prying up the golden cobblestones which Vancouverites so naively ignore. Houses are just less interesting to visiting Americans compared to those fifteen pound and twenty pound cobblestones made of gold IMO.
    I don't know where the streets are paved with gold in Canada, but suffice to say that after an hour of panning in the ice-water of the North Saskatchewan River inside the city limit of Edmonton, Alberta, I did get a pin-point of gold. I used nothing but a gold pan.

    My luck came after I used my head: I lifted a boulder out of the river and panned the muck underneath it. And in the muck, there was one pin-point of gold available for-the-taking.... Life doesn't get any better than that in Canada!


    • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      My luck came after I used my head: I lifted a boulder out of the river and panned the muck underneath it. And in the muck, there was one pin-point of gold available for-the-taking.... Life doesn't get any better than that in Canada!
      So you are saying that was a bonanza grade find? Way to go Steve. Persistence pays off! See, I knew it. Those Canadians are blessed with bounty everywhere. All they have to do is turn over a boulder whenever their bank accounts are depleted, and there is a bonanza.


      • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

        Originally posted by Lukester View Post
        Thyroid problem.
        Is that from eating too much refined food


        • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

          Ramen noodles all day, while watching the Bloomberg terminal unblinkingly, for hours at a time.

          Originally posted by ax View Post
          Is that from eating too much refined food


          • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

            Originally posted by Chomsky View Post
            I don't think you'll find many itulipers invested in gold mining stocks. Physical gold seems to be the preferred mode of safeguard investment.

            Yea. I'm the moron who's in mining stocks. Finally sold my CCJ though.


            • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

              Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
              Yea. I'm the moron who's in mining stocks. Finally sold my CCJ though.
              A fellow mining stocks moron, here. I can relate. Wish I caught on sooner. Recommend Jim Roger's "Hot Commodities." He makes the same case that makes.


              • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

                Originally posted by metalman View Post
                MM, its Easter... Canadians are to bring all the maple suguar needed. :p


                • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

                  Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                  The most under-reported news event of our time is inflation, according to realtor, Ozzie Jurock, and he is absolutely right.

                  I don't know what to-morrow may bring: inflation, deflation, panic, correction, or what, but the long haul, the mega-trend is inflation. Houses will cost more over a lifetime. Everything will cost more over a lifetime. That is the hidden story: inflation.

                  Money and income and savings and investment goes down thru time. But property tends to go up. Energy trends up. Food trends up. The cost of living goes up and up and up..... If you want to survive, you have to be out of money and into real things. And forget all the market timing and charts and advice; just get real.

                  In America, you want to be out of cash now and into real things that produce value.... Buy crashes. Buy dips, sell rallies, and never forget ( or forgive ) inflation. There is nothing more to really know.

                  A telling comment by Ozzie Jurock, to-day on Money Talks on the Corus Radio Network in Canada: The average price for a home in Vancouver, BC during the recession of 1974: $54,000. And people doddled and thought $54,000 was too high for a house. They tried to time the real estate market on the assumption that the recession would deepen even further.
                  Lets get all in debt @4 percent to our eyeball and pray for inflation continues...cause if it does not...well...damn.

                  The trillion dollar question is; where is the fiat going to next? (hint: its black and gooey)
                  Last edited by LargoWinch; April 11, 2009, 08:40 PM.


                  • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

                    Originally posted by nero3 View Post
                    In my opinion you don't have the intelligence to be worthy of my effort to convince you. That's why I don't communicate with you.
                    nero3, I am unsure if this kind of attitude or comments is constructive.
                    Last edited by LargoWinch; April 12, 2009, 06:37 AM.


                    • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

                      Originally posted by Fat Hampster View Post
                      A fellow mining stocks moron, here. I can relate. Wish I caught on sooner. Recommend Jim Roger's "Hot Commodities." He makes the same case that makes.

                      Glad to know you. Do you still hold? (I do.) I got in early, (SLW, NTO, AEM, GG, AZK, AUY.) Took and spent some profits. Then watched the great paper gains disappear.


                      • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

                        John Mauldin's take on the New Bull Market in 'Is That Recovery We See'

                        "All in all, the next few years are going to be a very difficult environment for corporate earnings. To think we are headed back to the halcyon years of 2004-06 is not very realistic. And if you expect a major bull market to develop in this climate, you are not paying attention.

                        The original question was "Is that recovery we see?" I think the answer is no."


                        • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

                          Originally posted by stockman View Post
                          John Mauldin's take on the New Bull Market in 'Is That Recovery We See'

                          "All in all, the next few years are going to be a very difficult environment for corporate earnings. To think we are headed back to the halcyon years of 2004-06 is not very realistic. And if you expect a major bull market to develop in this climate, you are not paying attention.

                          The original question was "Is that recovery we see?" I think the answer is no."
                          I think the discussion are kind of absurd.

                          Look at PBR, and compare with 2002-2003. Soros is the man is he not?


                          We are in a bear? Now, that's insane is it not?

                          Of course it's a bull, at least that's what's the market is telling me.


                          • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

                            Back in november, the dollar was pushing 7,3 against the NOK, the week before QE easing, 6,9, the day of QE, 6,72, two days later 6,29. In 2000 the dollar was peaking 9,5. When oil was peaking 147 dollars the dollar was as low as 4,98. AS a comparison, that's similar to the level back in 1980, when the dollar was also below 5. (a normal price for the dollar is around 7). I think the quantitative easing tool is pure dynamite, when done in the US, because of the reserve status of the dollar, and the potential inflationary impact as you get a carry trade effect, and growth elsewhere in the world, while the US just get's dragged along. The inefficiency of debt in creating growth in the US, just caused the money to get spread all over the world, where debt give more bang for the buck in terms of growth. It would not surprise me if that trend would go on further.


                            Also see USD DKK, it's more accurate lately, as the norwegian central bank have been printing much more money than the danish central bank lately.


                            it's sure reminds me of 1975, however, it could also be like the 1980-1981 era or in the 90-91 period.
                            Last edited by nero3; April 12, 2009, 07:39 AM.


                            • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

                              Originally posted by nero3 View Post
                              I think the discussion are kind of absurd.

                              Look at PBR, and compare with 2002-2003. Soros is the man is he not?


                              We are in a bear? Now, that's insane is it not?

                              Of course it's a bull, at least that's what's the market is telling me.
                              yes, you are right. If you are in a short term time frame, it is a bull.

                              If you are in a long term time frame, it is a bear.


                              • Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In

                                Originally posted by grapejelly View Post
                                yes, you are right. If you are in a short term time frame, it is a bull.

                                If you are in a long term time frame, it is a bear.
                                if you think it's a bear if it's like 75-76, and then stagnation for some years, why not buy stocks that are dirt cheap, and just get the dividends until inflation peaks? Or why not buy emerging market stocks, that surely will be in a bull if US stocks are in a inflationary structural bear, or why not buy sector specific inflation hedging stocks? I think it seems to retarded when people just choose to hold gold, or index stocks in general, according to the long term dow / gold chart.

