Re: Why Only Fools Think the Bottom Is In
I think that was very well said nero. In some way the whole debate about the "recovery" doesn't make too much sense.
Those who argue the recovery is not real are in some way right, because there was no change to sound fundamentals required for a real recovery. The scam show goes on. Nothing really has changed in this crisis (some may argue things are even more corrupt and fraudulent than before). I think though, the "recovery is fake" camp makes a fundamental mistake, believing Mr Market is guided by the solid fundamentals of free and open markets.
Well,... I have news for that camp. Mr Market is high as a kite on the derivatives LSD and bailout shrooms he got from the Wall Street shack and from Uncle Fed. His sense of reality has been replaced by a psychedelic dream. And as nero said it's the perception that controls everything. So, if Mr Market sees the Chosen One, riding his magic unicorn down the rainbow, and brining him Hope and Recovery,... then Recovery we will have.
On the other side the "recovery is real team" also forgets that real life cannot be build on the psychedelic illusions even if those illusions are pushed forcefully by Uncle Fed and the Smart Money Masters. Yes it is true, illusions can last for a very long time (more than the average lifespan of a human being), but in the end there is always a rude awaking to the crude and unpleasant reality.
If the Money Illusionists will be able to maintain this illusion past our lifetime, then the Obama Miraculous Recovery (TM) will be as solid as ... gold ... (at least for us). If the illusion collapses, we will all see in horror that Mr Market, Mr Bank, and Miss Treasury have no clothes.
There was that old mayan proverb: "Can a man kill a God? Yes, when he stops believing in Him."
For time being Mr Market is God... so, let's get another dose of bailout shrooms from Uncle Fed and celebrate the Recovery
Originally posted by nero3
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Those who argue the recovery is not real are in some way right, because there was no change to sound fundamentals required for a real recovery. The scam show goes on. Nothing really has changed in this crisis (some may argue things are even more corrupt and fraudulent than before). I think though, the "recovery is fake" camp makes a fundamental mistake, believing Mr Market is guided by the solid fundamentals of free and open markets.
Well,... I have news for that camp. Mr Market is high as a kite on the derivatives LSD and bailout shrooms he got from the Wall Street shack and from Uncle Fed. His sense of reality has been replaced by a psychedelic dream. And as nero said it's the perception that controls everything. So, if Mr Market sees the Chosen One, riding his magic unicorn down the rainbow, and brining him Hope and Recovery,... then Recovery we will have.
On the other side the "recovery is real team" also forgets that real life cannot be build on the psychedelic illusions even if those illusions are pushed forcefully by Uncle Fed and the Smart Money Masters. Yes it is true, illusions can last for a very long time (more than the average lifespan of a human being), but in the end there is always a rude awaking to the crude and unpleasant reality.
If the Money Illusionists will be able to maintain this illusion past our lifetime, then the Obama Miraculous Recovery (TM) will be as solid as ... gold ... (at least for us). If the illusion collapses, we will all see in horror that Mr Market, Mr Bank, and Miss Treasury have no clothes.
There was that old mayan proverb: "Can a man kill a God? Yes, when he stops believing in Him."
For time being Mr Market is God... so, let's get another dose of bailout shrooms from Uncle Fed and celebrate the Recovery
