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Ian Gordon and his Dow 1000 forecast

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  • #91
    Re: Ian Gordon and his Dow 1000 forecast

    It is fitting and proper for groups to have some boundaries, some defining attributes that will exclude some otherwise interested parties. For example, nations should have immigration limitations that look for those applicants who will best benefit the receiving country, in limited quantities that can be assimilated.

    Internet forums and groups have a long, undefended border, so need ways to achieve a healthy focus of common interests and viewpoint.

    On the other hand, no group should become a hothouse plant that wilts the first cloudy day. Some diversity of opinion and introduction of new perspectives and experiences is essential to keeping a group robust and vital.

    Metalman and Lukester - there seems to me a modest risk that each of you could be taking a slightly too "religious" position, as if this were a matter of principle, black and white.

    In my view, nero was a little too stuck in his own view and a little too rude in his dismissal of disagreement to make a really good contribution to iTulip, at least at this time. Those who arrive here with viewpoints further removed from iTulip's developed positions will have the burden of being better at discussing and presenting their position and of demonstrating that they really do understand ours. That's ok -- nero may well enjoy the last laugh if his investments do well.

    I would not necessarily encourage anyone with nero's viewpoint to move on elsewhere, but I would ask them to display above average communication skills.

    Nor would I necessarilly want anyone with a centrist iTulip position to spend much time here, if their personal communication skills were sufficiently annoying.

    Tradeoffs, balances, ...
    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


    • #92
      Re: Ian Gordon and his Dow 1000 forecast

      Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
      I would not necessarily encourage anyone with nero's viewpoint to move on elsewhere, but I would ask them to display above average communication skills.

      C'mon. Maybe Nero's first language is not English and as result he finds delineating his thoughts and expressing his mode of thinking to be significantly harder and more time consuming than what would be otherwise trivial for a proficient English speaker and writer.

      English is not the official language of the world and it certainly isn't the official language of the internet. People willing to discuss thing who aren't native speakers are by default going to be not as proficient. No reason to ostracize them.


      • #93
        Re: Ian Gordon and his Dow 1000 forecast

        Maybe Nero's first language is not English
        Ah - I was trying to be too careful in my wording, so failed to say what I meant. Sorry.

        When I spoke of "communication skills", what I had in mind was not the surface details of english grammar, vocabulary or phrasing. Rather I was (unsuccessfully, it seems) trying to encourage a gentle respect for the opinions of others. This does not require the Kings English to convey.

        A bit further perhaps ... I recommend when entering an established group as a relative new comer, it helps to make an effort to understand, and demonstrate undering of, that groups perspective, even if one's own view is and remains quite different.

        It's rather like being a guest in someone else's house. One is better received if one shows awareness of and respect for the habits and preferences of ones host, even if ones own way of life is quite different.

        Now I have only read some of nero's posts, so perhaps I missed too much and he has done just what I had in mind.

        Yes, indeed. My phrase "communication skills" demonstrated a serious lack of communication skills .
        Most folks are good; a few aren't.

