The New York Fed today released a joint response from Chairman Bernanke and President Dudley to the Congressional Oversight Panel's inquiry into the TALF.
Response available here (PDF)
Response available here (PDF)
8. Consistent failures of the credit rating agencies were a significant factor in the sales of risky mortgage-backed securities that helped produce the current financial crisis. In light of these failures, please explain why reliance on credit ratings for the TALF is a reasonable basis on which to protect the taxpayers, regardless of the number of credit-ratings agencies whose opinions are required.
9. There is no indication in the TALF Documents that Treasury has imposed any substantive requirements on any class of loans that may be securitized and financed through the TALF. For example, there are no limits on credit card or student loan interest rates or fees, and no consumer protections against predatory practices of various kinds. What is the rationale for committing taxpayer dollars without conditioning use of those funds on fair treatment of taxpayers? Please explain your answer in detail.
9. There is no indication in the TALF Documents that Treasury has imposed any substantive requirements on any class of loans that may be securitized and financed through the TALF. For example, there are no limits on credit card or student loan interest rates or fees, and no consumer protections against predatory practices of various kinds. What is the rationale for committing taxpayer dollars without conditioning use of those funds on fair treatment of taxpayers? Please explain your answer in detail.