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The Crisis of College Affordability

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  • #91
    Re: The Crisis of College Affordability

    Originally posted by audrey_girl View Post
    colleges better get ready for the future:

    for example:MITopencourseware

    take a lookey:

    it is going to hit them like a freight train

    sites like this are awesome!

    Low IQ people on the bottom of the intelligence spectrum can spend hours and days on 'open' education sites and they will still be dumb. I highly doubt kids from detroit and newark or even middle class suburban areas are going to become an army of scientists and doctors by learning on the 'open source' education sites.


    • #92
      Re: The Crisis of College Affordability

      Its the same agency phenomena all over again. When the institution becomes the focus and not the mission or process for which the institution is created -whether it be healthcare, legislation or in this case education.

      We are trapped in the prism of a perspective and beholden to others to embrace it -or our fragile world will unravel. Imagine if tomorrow in sheer panic -no one accepted paper money? The chaos and absolute loss to the 'elite', educated, disciplined, well trained would be incalculable compared to the oppressed and indigent of the world.


      • #93
        Re: The Crisis of College Affordability

        Originally posted by chr5648 View Post
        Low IQ people on the bottom of the intelligence spectrum can spend hours and days on 'open' education sites and they will still be dumb. I highly doubt kids from detroit and newark or even middle class suburban areas are going to become an army of scientists and doctors by learning on the 'open source' education sites.
        Another problem with internet based learning is that often times it is no cheaper than brick and mortar educations. I remember an interview with the dean of the USC business program and she admitted that on line MBA's were significantly cheaper to provide than traditional. Her exact quote was "however, if you want an USC diploma you have to pay a USC price" Many brand name schools have no incentive to be creative in their cost/price structure because many of them can still charge what the market will bear.


        • #94
          Re: The Crisis of College Affordability

          The really great computer scientist I know became that way because of thirst for knowledge that led to their homes being full of ancient computer gear.
          Marconi invented Wireless - Not through the help of college professors - but, through tireless experimentation at his home laboratory - luckily he was born to a wealthy family and had lots of dough to blow on experiments and the free time.
          Thomas Edison- rotten student and higher education was not his path - lots and lots of experimentation and then came the development of Edison the business man /acquire of patents.

          Open Education sites don't teach -as well as experimentation and real world experiences.


          • #95
            Re: The Crisis of College Affordability

            Isn't Colleges ability to charge just an out growth of the Credit bubble - and I'd argue the Credit Bubble for education has fully collapsed - Will advance education be repriced in the future to reflect less free Money available for education??

            Originally posted by BiscayneSunrise View Post
            Another problem with internet based learning is that often times it is no cheaper than brick and mortar educations. I remember an interview with the dean of the USC business program and she admitted that on line MBA's were significantly cheaper to provide than traditional. Her exact quote was "however, if you want an USC diploma you have to pay a USC price" Many brand name schools have no incentive to be creative in their cost/price structure because many of them can still charge what the market will bear.


            • #96
              Re: The Crisis of College Affordability

              College costs are a function of relentless marketing at the lower levels, and are a function of increasing exclusionary capability at the top level.

              As with all FIRE bulls***, the illusion is that both the highest level exclusionary schools (think top 10 hedge funds) are linearly as worthy of payment as the middle and low tiers.

              The reality is quite different: the top tier exclusionary schools are there as checkmarks for plutocratic scions. See Bush/Gore as examples.

              Attending said schools can be useful if non-scion attendees can leverage this entree into the plutocracy, but are worthless otherwise.

              Middle and low tier schools, especially in the secondaries like law and business administration, are just giant money sinks for the naive.


              • #97
                Re: The Crisis of College Affordability

                Originally posted by BK View Post
                The really great computer scientist I know became that way because of thirst for knowledge that led to their homes being full of ancient computer gear.
                Marconi invented Wireless - Not through the help of college professors - but, through tireless experimentation at his home laboratory - luckily he was born to a wealthy family and had lots of dough to blow on experiments and the free time.
                Thomas Edison- rotten student and higher education was not his path - lots and lots of experimentation and then came the development of Edison the business man /acquire of patents.

                Open Education sites don't teach -as well as experimentation and real world experiences.

                But Marconi used Tesla's patents for the radio. This is the problem -we have a rush to 'improvise' on someone else's idea and that becomes patentable. It reaches its ludicrous zenith with Apple trying to patent -a swipe gesture etc. Most patents are extensions of other patents and this leads to a whole bunch of clowns filing patents for the silliest thing.

                Apparently patents are a faux invention designed to limit the spread of knowledge -as should be well known by those who plundered other societies their treasure torves. Curare, Calculus, Algebra, Algorithms etc -tons taken from others -now denied them thru this faux logic behind patents.

