Re: From Voodoo Economics to Voodoo Medicine
I've read you on these pages for two years Raja and yet you are only now beginning to divulge a little bit about who you are. Very interesting comments. Thank you.
Your last conclusions are may be just little bit the radical side, although in principle (more than in principle, in fact!) seem quite correct as core precepts to this reader.
Here is one pragmatic consequence however: Don't forget that when you take the "tough love" approach with patients you unleash a time bomb of pent up consequences wherein everyone who was a candidate for a stroke, diabetes, kidney failure, diabetic retinopathy, and and every other last implicit illness from the US lifestyle, duly proceeds to acquire that ailment and then when they are really ill, between life and death any civilized society has the burden of making some effort to save their lives (even at this eleventh hour). So if America took your advice we'd unleash a tidal wave of critically ill people ten or fifty times greater than at present and the system would promptly break. Hence you put Jay in an impossible position with this advice. I therefore find the advice a little too idealistic to be practicable - unless we drive everyone back to an energetic and spartan farmer's or pre-industrial lifestyle which clearly won't happen.
There is a reason why the mature industrial nations were only too glad to leave those pre-industrial lifestyles behind - they enslaved much more of humanity's time - and free time in life to pursue higher callings is a great gift. But in principle I fully understand every last one of your concerns and they seem to abide in correct principles.
Last week I went in to my HMO hospital for a checkup, and my regular doctor has left for private practice. I was temporarily assigned an adjunct doctor who was extremely capable IMO. He was from Chad in central Africa, and had trained for ten years in China. I am unclear whether he completed his medical degree there or in the US. We got talking about vascular health and then got onto the topic of Chi Kung, (aka Qi Gong) which we both practice, and I discovered from this Kaiser Permanente doctor that the world's single most senior instructor of Chi Kung visits San Diego's Chi Kung club from southern China every year, and they all practice every sunday in Balboa Park in the center of the city (free). We literally lost track of the time (these docs sometimes range up to a three thousand patient caseload to mind) and were there for half an hour enthusiastically discussing Qi Gong and visits to West Africa. He turned out to be an absolutely fascinating hybrid of Western classical medical training and traditional Chinese medecine.
AnyWay appreciate where both you and Jay and Ax are coming from. You are a bundle of surprises after two years of keeping it all firmly under your hat, Raja. Great discussion here. BTW I still maintain that your "rolling dice" avatar is incorrect. You are essentially a conservative and risk averse guy, according to my makeshift psychological identikit assembled from the gist of your comments.
I've read you on these pages for two years Raja and yet you are only now beginning to divulge a little bit about who you are. Very interesting comments. Thank you.
Your last conclusions are may be just little bit the radical side, although in principle (more than in principle, in fact!) seem quite correct as core precepts to this reader.
Here is one pragmatic consequence however: Don't forget that when you take the "tough love" approach with patients you unleash a time bomb of pent up consequences wherein everyone who was a candidate for a stroke, diabetes, kidney failure, diabetic retinopathy, and and every other last implicit illness from the US lifestyle, duly proceeds to acquire that ailment and then when they are really ill, between life and death any civilized society has the burden of making some effort to save their lives (even at this eleventh hour). So if America took your advice we'd unleash a tidal wave of critically ill people ten or fifty times greater than at present and the system would promptly break. Hence you put Jay in an impossible position with this advice. I therefore find the advice a little too idealistic to be practicable - unless we drive everyone back to an energetic and spartan farmer's or pre-industrial lifestyle which clearly won't happen.
There is a reason why the mature industrial nations were only too glad to leave those pre-industrial lifestyles behind - they enslaved much more of humanity's time - and free time in life to pursue higher callings is a great gift. But in principle I fully understand every last one of your concerns and they seem to abide in correct principles.
Last week I went in to my HMO hospital for a checkup, and my regular doctor has left for private practice. I was temporarily assigned an adjunct doctor who was extremely capable IMO. He was from Chad in central Africa, and had trained for ten years in China. I am unclear whether he completed his medical degree there or in the US. We got talking about vascular health and then got onto the topic of Chi Kung, (aka Qi Gong) which we both practice, and I discovered from this Kaiser Permanente doctor that the world's single most senior instructor of Chi Kung visits San Diego's Chi Kung club from southern China every year, and they all practice every sunday in Balboa Park in the center of the city (free). We literally lost track of the time (these docs sometimes range up to a three thousand patient caseload to mind) and were there for half an hour enthusiastically discussing Qi Gong and visits to West Africa. He turned out to be an absolutely fascinating hybrid of Western classical medical training and traditional Chinese medecine.
AnyWay appreciate where both you and Jay and Ax are coming from. You are a bundle of surprises after two years of keeping it all firmly under your hat, Raja. Great discussion here. BTW I still maintain that your "rolling dice" avatar is incorrect. You are essentially a conservative and risk averse guy, according to my makeshift psychological identikit assembled from the gist of your comments.
