Cancel Student Loan Debt to Stimulate the Economy
This facebook page is making the rounds of the MSM. 161k members and growing. These are collecting signatures to petition President Obama for student loan forgiveness as a means for stimulating the economy.
Seems our newly minted debt serfs don't want to foot the bill for their education. You would think with all of that high fa-looting education these students have earned they would have learned that you will always have to pay the piper.
This facebook page is making the rounds of the MSM. 161k members and growing. These are collecting signatures to petition President Obama for student loan forgiveness as a means for stimulating the economy.
Seems our newly minted debt serfs don't want to foot the bill for their education. You would think with all of that high fa-looting education these students have earned they would have learned that you will always have to pay the piper.