Who Killed the Electric Car
The curious story of the short life of one of the fastest, most efficient production cars ever built.
It ran on electricity, produced no emissions and catapulted American technology to the forefront of the automotive industry. The lucky few who drove it never wanted to give it up. So why did General Motors crush its fleet of EV1 electric vehicles into landfill sites in the obscurity of the Arizona desert?
Chris Paine's documentary investigates the events that led to the quiet destruction of an apparently promising product.
Through interviews, ranging from enthusiastic owner Mel Gibson to ex-CIA boss R James Woolsey, the film paints a picture of an industrial culture whose aversion to change and reliance on oil may run deeper then its ability to embrace new, radical solutions.
This is a two hour film that absolutely must be seen by everyone interested in why the United States has fallen behind, both financially as well as industrially. This is by far the best example of what I call a feudal mercantile economy in operation where vested interests take complete control of the companies that have created a new product and remove it from any possibility of sale. You could not find a better example of anti-competitive behaviour anywhere on the planet. Better than any B movie about life behind the Iron Curtain. Better by far than anything you might remember about the prohibition era gangsters running the economy.
If you honestly believe that this is how to run a nation that is supposed to believe it can lift itself out of the recession through the power of investment in new innovative technology, this will shame you. Will show you the truth..... Forget it. With VC's that take complete control and sell on the company to the highest bidder, all you get is this sort of utter stupidity.
Unless the United States changes direction with its equity investment policies, nothing will change.
To the VC's that sold out for the quick profit. I ask; when will you stand up and recognise that you have wider responsibilities to your nation?
To the need to ensure that new technologies are not suppressed.
That the innovators of your nation are not sold out short to vested interests.
I lay the complete blame for this farrago right at the feet of the hundred or so companies that call themselves Venture capitalists.
Shame on you, all of you.
If you really want to ensure the success of your nation, you are all of you going to have to change the way you invest and you must from now onwards invest in such a manner that the originator of the new technology is left free to carry on competing. Without the fresh competition from new technologies, you are running into deep sand and stagnation will overtake any chance of a revival of your nations fortunes.

It ran on electricity, produced no emissions and catapulted American technology to the forefront of the automotive industry. The lucky few who drove it never wanted to give it up. So why did General Motors crush its fleet of EV1 electric vehicles into landfill sites in the obscurity of the Arizona desert?
Chris Paine's documentary investigates the events that led to the quiet destruction of an apparently promising product.
Through interviews, ranging from enthusiastic owner Mel Gibson to ex-CIA boss R James Woolsey, the film paints a picture of an industrial culture whose aversion to change and reliance on oil may run deeper then its ability to embrace new, radical solutions.
This is a two hour film that absolutely must be seen by everyone interested in why the United States has fallen behind, both financially as well as industrially. This is by far the best example of what I call a feudal mercantile economy in operation where vested interests take complete control of the companies that have created a new product and remove it from any possibility of sale. You could not find a better example of anti-competitive behaviour anywhere on the planet. Better than any B movie about life behind the Iron Curtain. Better by far than anything you might remember about the prohibition era gangsters running the economy.
If you honestly believe that this is how to run a nation that is supposed to believe it can lift itself out of the recession through the power of investment in new innovative technology, this will shame you. Will show you the truth..... Forget it. With VC's that take complete control and sell on the company to the highest bidder, all you get is this sort of utter stupidity.
Unless the United States changes direction with its equity investment policies, nothing will change.
To the VC's that sold out for the quick profit. I ask; when will you stand up and recognise that you have wider responsibilities to your nation?
To the need to ensure that new technologies are not suppressed.
That the innovators of your nation are not sold out short to vested interests.
I lay the complete blame for this farrago right at the feet of the hundred or so companies that call themselves Venture capitalists.
Shame on you, all of you.
If you really want to ensure the success of your nation, you are all of you going to have to change the way you invest and you must from now onwards invest in such a manner that the originator of the new technology is left free to carry on competing. Without the fresh competition from new technologies, you are running into deep sand and stagnation will overtake any chance of a revival of your nations fortunes.