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Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-up

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  • #76
    Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

    More like "Wall Street laid an Omelette", eh?

    Originally posted by vanvaley1 View Post
    Nothing wrong with the ideals and aspirations of the country. The executions have been screwed up. That happens when folks that should know better don't execute the laws the way they were intended to work. Leads to all sorts of confusion and lack of focus for us folks. And, by and large, the country is full of good folks. Time to do some nesting at home. We've laid enough eggs overseas in the past 40 parapharse a famous quote "Wall Street Lays an Egg".


    • #77
      Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

      Originally posted by rjwjr
      In this one reply you have attempted to further your argument by assuming I believe in creationism (I don't), using the term fat ass Americans, calling us out for being too lazy to "actually learn something different", using my joke about smart-bombing like it was a serious argument, calling me ignorant, then referencing as your resident expert (Hudson) a guy who was the chief economic advisor for Dennis Kucinich.

      I'm not sure you did your argument any favors, although you did expose a serious bigotry and a surprising liberal use of descriptive, shallow cliches to describe the typical American. Knowing now your true colors and preconceived notions, I prefer to choose to agree to disagree with you rather than take the argument any further.

      I don't wish you any ill will, I just don't think your assumptions are accurate.
      Apparently your poor grasp of history also is accompanied by an equally poor grasp of grammar and logic.

      What I pointed out is that simply because millions of Americans believe something is so, does not make it correct. Millions of Americans believing that the USA is the light of a dark world doesn't make that belief any more correct than millions of Americans believing in creationism.

      Nowhere were you specifically associated with creationism.

      Secondly the term fast a** Americans is not something in doubt.

      We're Number One! We're Number One!

      Thirdly your reference to attacking me with a weapon showed zero indications of humor, and I treat it as such.

      Fourthly I gave you a challenge: read about someone who has published (and reissued) a book on how the United States gained its economic position today - a book originally published more than 30 years ago - in which you might learn something. Then come back and let's go at it again.

      If you choose to not learn, then so be it. If it is too much work - there's a book review I posted. Kucinich as the Democrat equivalent of Ron Paul hardly detracts from what Dr. Michael Hudson has to say - or are you implying that Bernanke, Geithner, and Summers are the thang?

      Lastly whether you know it or not, I am almost the furthest possible thing from a liberal on iTulip.

      Your pathetic attempt to label me as one speaks for itself.


      • #78
        Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

        Originally posted by c1ue View Post
        Apparently your poor grasp of history also is accompanied by an equally poor grasp of grammar and logic.

        What I pointed out is that simply because millions of Americans believe something is so, does not make it correct. Millions of Americans believing that the USA is the light of a dark world doesn't make that belief any more correct than millions of Americans believing in creationism.

        Nowhere were you specifically associated with creationism.

        Secondly the term fast a** Americans is not something in doubt.

        We're Number One! We're Number One!

        Thirdly your reference to attacking me with a weapon showed zero indications of humor, and I treat it as such.

        Fourthly I gave you a challenge: read about someone who has published (and reissued) a book on how the United States gained its economic position today - a book originally published more than 30 years ago - in which you might learn something. Then come back and let's go at it again.

        If you choose to not learn, then so be it. If it is too much work - there's a book review I posted. Kucinich as the Democrat equivalent of Ron Paul hardly detracts from what Dr. Michael Hudson has to say - or are you implying that Bernanke, Geithner, and Summers are the thang?

        Lastly whether you know it or not, I am almost the furthest possible thing from a liberal on iTulip.

        Your pathetic attempt to label me as one speaks for itself.

        Stop it. The reference to smart bombs was an obvious joke. You aren't winning any more points by attacking. That said, PLEASE don't attact me.

        In the worlds of the great philosopher Rodney King "Can't we all just get along?"


        • #79
          Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

          To rjwjr:
          Again, I do not blame America and nobody will argue that US brought (and still does) a lot of positive things in the World. But it does not mean they are all and always positive and nothing could be better. I remember when I was reading a book about Mongolian empire I was surprised how many innovative and sometimes positive things they made, although the common perception is "barbarians". Putting some facts in historical perspective makes them look different.

          Usually the most anti-american are the ones who never been in US The opposite seems to be also true, most Americans who traveled abroad are more realistic about these things.

          btw, my questions were not for direct answers, there are some facts and then you can make your believes which stand for yourself and make you a Man rather then algorithm-processing-interpretation machine.
          Last edited by VIT; April 01, 2009, 11:09 PM.


          • #80
            Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

            Originally posted by Lukester View Post
            More like "Wall Street laid an Omelette", eh?
            Made from those big bird Auzie eggs. Ya know...the ones that can't fly. Kinda like Tarp I & Tarp II...ugly but seem to have long legs to get around. Lot like lobbiest.


            • #81
              Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

              Originally posted by rjwjr View Post
              Although not perfect, I think we are the people best suited to be the arbiters of world conflicts, because as a general rule, we don't care to expand the empire, take your lands, and steal your wealth. History reflects that we are slow to go to war, more often being criticized for our lack of immediate reaction and involvement. We don't have a political or religious bias that we are trying to force on the rest of the world, but we do have a system of government and free-market economic priciples that could be maximized with like-minded allies. All-in-all, we are some of the more historically passive and fair world-police that you could hope to have.
              I hope this is brilliant sarcasm. In the last 50 years we have invaded Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq twice, Cuba, multiple countries in South America, Lebanon, plus a bunch of others.

              We have supported brutal dictators such as the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, Pinochet, and Suharto.

              The reason there is so much anti-American sentiment in the world isnt because our leaders do not do a good job marketing us. It is because Americans are oblivious to the negative things our country has done in our name.


              • #82
                Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

                Originally posted by VIT View Post
                Who took all the land from people of entire continent
                FWIW, Russia invaded Siberia in the late 16th century, i.e. in parallel with the European occupation of America. Why is it, stealing the land from Buryats and Yakuts is better, than stealing it from Navajos and Mohicans?

                I don't think, we should go *that* far back.

                OTOH, by doing so we can appreciate the common sense of the British who relatively peacefully gave back the whole empire to whoever was interested.


                • #83
                  Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

                  Originally posted by medved View Post
                  FWIW, Russia invaded Siberia in the late 16th century, i.e. in parallel with the European occupation of America. Why is it, stealing the land from Buryats and Yakuts is better, than stealing it from Navajos and Mohicans?

                  I don't think, we should go *that* far back.

                  OTOH, by doing so we can appreciate the common sense of the British who relatively peacefully gave back the whole empire to whoever was interested.
                  Anyone who knows much about history knows that history is nothing but a story of people conquering other people and taking their land. Been going on since the beginning of time. The concept that "might makes right" was considered completely normal until very recent times.


                  • #84
                    Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

                    Originally posted by medved View Post
                    FWIW, Russia invaded Siberia in the late 16th century, i.e. in parallel with the European occupation of America. Why is it, stealing the land from Buryats and Yakuts is better, than stealing it from Navajos and Mohicans?
                    I never denied this and never said like "Russia did all the best and is a example for the ROW"

                    It was not a backfire, I just wanted to show to rjwjr that his perception of reality might be different from reality itself.

                    Russia pushed some Western nations back and took over Siberia and South by different means. But there is some difference between Siberian folks and Native Americans in degree of invasion, colonization and absorbing vs extinction. Yakuts and Buryats: they still have a plenty of land, even exist in the same areal extent they colonized before ;)

                    The population density of Russia always was so low so there were little incentives to "grab the land and put other nations to extinction". So the process was more like absorption and incorporation of these folks into empire. I think even assimilation is not very applicable to describe all the process since there were no dominant culture with overwhelming majority. And by no means these areas were/are colonies or reservations.
                    Last edited by VIT; April 09, 2009, 10:17 PM.


                    • #85
                      Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

                      Originally posted by VIT View Post
                      ... But there is some difference between Siberian folks and Native Americans in degree of invasion, colonization and absorbing vs extinction. ...
                      But our expansion across North America, from sea to shining sea, was our "Manifest Destiny." Surely it would have been immoral for us to shirk that duty. .
                      Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                      • #86
                        Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

                        The amount of land the Russian Federation owns is disgustingly large. They don't need so much land. They should give some of it to the Europeans as a good will gesture. Oh, and some to China too, of course.


                        • #87
                          Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

                          Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                          But our expansion across North America, from sea to shining sea, was our "Manifest Destiny." Surely it would have been immoral for us to shirk that duty. .
                          Heard a similar argument before from an Ayn Rand devotee cept he used the word "rational' rather than 'immoral'. Folks will find an answer to any of their questions...just have to look for the 'right' answer for a particular we're witnessing now in DC town. The problem is...the answer has to be believable.


                          • #88
                            Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

                            Originally posted by VIT View Post
                            I never denied this and never said like "Russia did all the best and is a example for the ROW"

                            It was not a backfire, I just wanted to show to rjwjr that his perception of reality might be different from reality itself.

                            Russia pushed some Western nations back and took over Siberia and South by different means. But there is some difference between Siberian folks and Native Americans in degree of invasion, colonization and absorbing vs extinction. Yakuts and Buryats: they still have a plenty of land, even exist in the same areal extent they colonized before ;) .
                            I agree. In this comparison Russia definitely looks better.

                            The population density of Russia always was so low so there were little incentives to "grab the land and put other nations to extinction". So the process was more like absorption and incorporation of these folks into empire. I think even assimilation is not very applicable to describe all the process since there were no dominant culture with overwhelming majority.
                            They will need assimilation now because of the demographic problems. I think, this is actually happening considering many peripheral ethnic groups feel quite comfortable undergoing light russification.

                            I knew quite a few Ukrainians that could hardly figure out whether they are Ukrainian or Russian. Another example is one of my old friends in Russia. He is a dedicated Russian nationalist. He is very anti-American (without knowing much about US, not even the language). He is not even Russian, but Assyrian, and was born in Western Ukraine. Another one is less of a nationalist, but a “born again” Russian Orthodox Christian deeply involved in studying religious philosophy (in addition to having Ph.D. in Physics). He is half Ukrainian half Tartar. I never heard from them, they have any problems feeling themselves Russian.

                            And by no means these areas were/are colonies or reservations.
                            I think they were more like colonies. Governing the population of Eastern Siberia or Turkestan from Moscow is somewhat like governing Afghanistan from London.


                            • #89
                              Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

                              Originally posted by medved View Post
                              OTOH, by doing so we can appreciate the common sense of the British who relatively peacefully gave back the whole empire to whoever was interested.
                              Apart from sepoy rebellion & partition in the case of india for example
                              It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


                              • #90
                                Re: Hudson - Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-u

                                Originally posted by nathanhulick View Post
                                I hope this is brilliant sarcasm. In the last 50 years we have invaded Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq twice, Cuba, multiple countries in South America, Lebanon, plus a bunch of others. .
                                Consider alternatives to all these invasions. Do you think without them there would be less problems and bloodshed? How about getting US soldiers killed trying to deliver food to Somalia? The next thing the ROW will ask US to do is “to solve” Darfur problems. How many US soldiers have to die to stop genocide there while being demonized by US-haters?

                                US is not the the world policeman. It is a moderately altruistic and reasonably opportunistic soldier of fortune. It does look for its interests and engages in some con games from time to time. But it is not a murderer set out to conquer the world.

                                We have supported brutal dictators such as the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, Pinochet, and Suharto.
                                Again, consider the alternatives. Supporting Aytollahs against the Shah and Saddam Hussein? Just let them kill each other?

                                Chile is a relatively free and democratic country, Pinochet was a brutal dictator, but gave up his power voluntarily and allowed Chile to return to democracy. Can you see it happening with Castro and Chavez?

                                Talking about supporting dictators, we also supported Stalin. Can you consider alternatives?

                                The reason there is so much anti-American sentiment in the world isn't because our leaders do not do a good job marketing us. It is because Americans are oblivious to the negative things our country has done in our name.
                                The anti-American sentiment in the world is seriously overblown. It does exist, but not to the degree US haters would like to believe. US is not perfect and did do quite some damage around the world, but the reasons for hating America, IMHO, are different from what you state.

                                Just as a hint, over the years I talked to several people expressing this sentiment (in Russia and some other countries). Most of them would sell their mama for a Greencard, and at least one did get an H-1 visa (without selling his mama though).

                                You can see The Hate America sentiment in the name of the original Hudson article : “The ‘Dollar Glut’ is What Finances America's Global Military Build-up”. Without hate it should have been much simpler: : “The ‘Dollar Glut’ is What Finances America”. Period. It applies to our military build-up, our outrageously wasteful welfare state, our overdebted population and over-rich financial oligarchy.
                                Last edited by medved; April 10, 2009, 05:18 AM.

