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Gordon Failed!

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  • Gordon Failed!


  • #2
    Re: Gordon Failed!

    I can just imagine now what the final statement from the morons at the G-20 would be, something like:

    "All ministers agreed that avoiding further economic downturn was important. All agreed that co-ordinated economic stimulus plans were important. All agreed that world trade and growth was important. All agreed that climate change and global warming were important global issues. All agreed that raising living standards in the developing nations was important. All agreed that the dollar would remain, for the time being, an important global currency. All agreed that major reforms in the world economic structure were necessary. All agreed that the dependence of the global economy on fossil fuels should end and that solar power and alternative energy might provide a solution to the world's dependence upon oil. All agreed to invest in infrastructure to make economic recovery possible. All agreed to meet again next year to further work-out the details of what was agreed upon now.... A spokesperson for the G-20 called the meeting, 'a great success'."

    Let's see if I am wrong, but with idiots like Gordon Brown and Timothy Geithner (Turbo-Timmy) making up the G-20, how could I be wrong?
    Last edited by Starving Steve; March 29, 2009, 08:03 PM.

