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In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Federal

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  • In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Federal

    In Defense Of Bernanke's Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Federal

    Nervous pundits are predicting the end of American life as we know it, after Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke announced on March 18 that he would be dropping yet another trillion dollars in helicopter money – up to $300 billion to buy long-term government bonds and an additional $750 billion to buy private debt, with the Term Asset-backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) to be opened up for the sake of consumers and small businesses. The dollar immediately experienced its worst drop in 25 years, amid worries that the Fed’s intervention would spur hyperinflation. Typical of the concerned commentators expressing these sentiments was Mark Larson, who wrote in "Money and Markets" on March 20:

    "This is Banana Republic-type stuff! And I’m not talking about the clothing store. Printing money out of thin air at the central bank, only to turn around and buy debt securities issued by your Treasury, is the kind of practice you typically see in emerging market regimes. We’re essentially monetizing our country’s debt and deliberately devaluing our country’s currency."

    Those fears may be well founded, but it is also possible that this is a watershed moment of another sort. We may look back upon it as the moment when the Federal Reserve finally adjusted its focus and started to act more like a government central bank, one that advanced "the full faith and credit of the United States" for the benefit of the United States and its citizenry, rather than just for the bankers who have held the government and its central bank hostage for so long. President Obama suggested a move in that direction when he said on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on March 19:

    "[W]e’re taking a lot of steps to . . . open up separate credit lines outside of banks for small businesses so that they can get credit -- because there are a lot of small businesses out here who are just barely hanging on. Their credit lines are starting to be cut. We’re trying to set up a securitized market for student loans and auto loans outside of the banking system. So there are other ways of getting credit flowing again." [Emphasis added.]

    The Fed now appears to be taking on the role of lender of last resort not just for its member banks but for consumers and businesses generally. Provisos and cautions aside, its new "quantitative easing" policy at least has the potential to be harnessed to serve the government and the people it represents; and that is a promising development.

    Harnessing the Federal Reserve for Federal Purposes

    The key to this potential is something that is little known or appreciated: the Fed now rebates all of its profits to the government after deducting its costs.1That means that it is actually the government that gets the benefit of the interest on the Fed’s loans; and that is how it should be, since the U.S. dollar today is backed by nothing but "the full faith and credit of the United States." The dollar is the government’s credit – its promise to repay value for value, nothing more. If the government is taking the risk that credit will not be repaid, the government should get the interest on the loans.
    The potential for the Fed to acts as a truly "federal" central bank that issues loans to the public and returns the profits to the government has been there since the 1960s; but until now, the Fed and the Administration have not made much use of it. The Fed has used its dollar-issuing power only to the extent necessary to provide the reserves to backstop bank runs

    Bernanke’s Greenback Solution


    Lowering interest rates was not the only way to get new money into the economy. He said, "the U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost." Note that he said the government (not the central bank) has a printing press, and that the government could print money at essentially no cost. The implication was that the government could create money without paying interest and without having to pay it back to the Fed or the banks.

    That fairly well characterizes the money created by "quantitative easing" today. The Fed rebates the interest only after deducting its costs, which are no doubt quite generous; but in 2008, it reported that it rebated 85% of the interest it received to the Treasury.3 Since interest on long-term bonds is now under 3%, that means the interest paid by the government is less than ½ % – clearly the best deal in town, particularly since the Chinese and other foreigners are now balking at buying more U.S. debt. This is comparable to what Australia did in the 1930s, when it avoided the serious depression conditions suffered in other countries by funding public projects with credit advanced by its government-owned central bank at a fraction of one percent interest.4

    Not only are the Fed’s loans nearly interest-free, but they are never paid back. The federal debt has not been paid off since 1838, when Andrew Jackson shut down the Second U.S. Bank. "Balancing the budget" just involves "servicing" the debt with interest. Money that comes from an interest-free loan that is rolled over indefinitely is essentially debt-free legal tender.
    The full article is well worth the read.
    Last edited by Rajiv; March 31, 2009, 02:21 AM.

  • #2
    Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

    how do we know it's true? we can't audit the fed and they won't disclose anything congress has asked them to about TARP.
    RanMan :cool:


    • #3
      Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

      Originally posted by GeraldRiggs View Post
      how do we know it's true? we can't audit the fed and they won't disclose anything congress has asked them to about TARP.
      You make a good point. If we could open up the books and have as much transparency, with just a whiff of regulation (to make sure everything is run as efficiently and with as little corruption as possible from within) then we could truly see the Federal Reserve actually acting Federal. I have actually been thinking about whether the above may be occurring and I was wondering: if the system is really as entrenched as we believe, and it was undergoing true fundamental change, then how would that change come about? I imagine that any leader would have to slowly transition their way into the new model and that the banksters wouldn't like it one bit. However, maybe the President is appeasing them and blinding them with their own greed by giving them a part of what they want by way of the bailouts while also in the background planning the moves to effectively yank the rug from under the bankster's collective feet. I hold out a faint hope that this is what is happening...

      However, I have had deep suspicions about their intentions ever since I began to understand exactly what the Federal Reserve is and I can only guess that what is currently going on is a "CYA", ie "Cover Your Ass" set of coordinated moves. They are not trying to undermine their authority because if they lose the support from the American Public and we finally do something about it by repealing the Federal Reserve Act, then they will be out of a job permanently. I rather suspect that they are trying to do what theyre supposed to do, even if only temporary, in order to make certain the survival of the central banking model. They don't want to blow their cover and reveal what the true purpose of their system is exploited for: the benefit of a few wealthy and powerful insiders, at the expense of the many uninformed outsiders (ie the public).
      Every interest bearing loan is mathematically impossible to pay back.


      • #4
        Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

        Absolutely nothing federal or good about it..... Essentially completely fiat money in govt hands will never last....

        Govt's have proven time and again that they will always spend themselves to ruin rather than face the hard decisions of either cutting spending and entitlements or raising taxes . For the govt to issue its own money and have it work in the long run there would have to be something inherent about the money/currency that limits the inherent ability of govt to expand the money supply... Otherwise you can look to John Law's experiment in France or George Washington's continentals, etc....


        • #5
          Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

          Originally posted by karim0028 View Post
          Absolutely nothing federal or good about it..... Essentially completely fiat money in govt hands will never last....
          Well if you read up on Ben Franklin, he wasnt necessarily against fiat currency itself, but how men in power implemented such fiat currency. Ive wondered about a fiat currency that is issued based on population and the money supply would expand and contract based off of the population (kind of like saying each individual has a net worth that they are able to 'work' to earn). This sounds good on paper, but I wonder what all kind of ramifications this will create.
          Every interest bearing loan is mathematically impossible to pay back.


          • #6
            Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

            Originally posted by ricket View Post
            Well if you read up on Ben Franklin, he wasnt necessarily against fiat currency itself, but how men in power implemented such fiat currency. Ive wondered about a fiat currency that is issued based on population and the money supply would expand and contract based off of the population (kind of like saying each individual has a net worth that they are able to 'work' to earn). This sounds good on paper, but I wonder what all kind of ramifications this will create.
            I am not against fiat currency either.... I am against its capability to grow unfettered via political whims.... Fiat vs non fiat is really an implementation detail, i think it has no real bearing, as in it doesn't matter..... You could pass around toilet paper as "money" (making a point but also concede that its not really much in terms of store of value, but has value non the less) and as long as it was scarce and no one had any means to fabricate or introduce more toilet paper into the "system" then it has value; same situation as cigarettes in prison... What matters is The function of money at its core is like many other market functions, its supply and demand...

            Politicians will do what ever it takes to stay in power there are too many sides to try to please and in the end when you try to please all sides you end up screwing all sides....

            Money needs to be setup so that it cannot be corrupted by those in power for their own political agenda; IMHO it should be unpartisan.


            • #7
              Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

              Hi Rajiv,

              Boy have I been preaching this. People jump up and down whining that the Fed is printing money. We have, or had, somewhat about 55 trillion dollar debt not a 10 trillion dollar debt. The 45 trillion is from BANKS at interest. We are now deflating and replacing expensive interest bearing bank debt with interest free government debt and this supposed to be an outrage? Credit from banks is an expensive money supply to say the least. I have suspected it is the commercial banking behind this "outrage". Its the treasuries that have value. Whats a treasury bond verse a simple government created treasury note? One draws interest and backs federal reserve notes most of which is given away to banks. A full reserve treasury note can just a easily be created. I would create 55 trillion of it and go to full reserve banking if I were running this system. FRB should never ever be anywhere near real estate or consumer debt. What justifies expanding the money supply when something is being CONSUMED?

              We can debate FRB on real capital spending but why not just leave speculation to bond and stock markets? Our banking system does not collect our surplus and loan it out. Its a speculative money growth system . Someone assess value and then creates money. If we see little inflation, then we know money is being sunk into capital and then the money supply can be increased strategically. Banks will always try to create speculative money with the government guarantees backing it just like they had the government create Fannie and Freddie to buy bank debt. They can't be trusted.


              • #8
                Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

                Originally posted by karim0028 View Post
                I am not against fiat currency either.... I am against its capability to grow unfettered via political whims.... Fiat vs non fiat is really an implementation detail, i think it has no real bearing, as in it doesn't matter..... You could pass around toilet paper as "money" (making a point but also concede that its not really much in terms of store of value, but has value non the less) and as long as it was scarce and no one had any means to fabricate or introduce more toilet paper into the "system" then it has value; same situation as cigarettes in prison... What matters is The function of money at its core is like many other market functions, its supply and demand...

                Politicians will do what ever it takes to stay in power there are too many sides to try to please and in the end when you try to please all sides you end up screwing all sides....

                Money needs to be setup so that it cannot be corrupted by those in power for their own political agenda; IMHO it should be unpartisan.
                For your info: Cigarettes did function as money in Germany at the close of WWII when Hitler's currency, the reichmark, collapsed. A new currency, the Deutchemark, was introduced three years after the war, in 1948, in West Germany and West Berlin. Alcohol, candy, and chocolattes (sp?) also functioned as money during this chaotic post-war period.
                Last edited by Starving Steve; March 29, 2009, 12:51 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

                  Originally posted by gwynedd1 View Post
                  Boy have I been preaching this. People jump up and down whining that the Fed is printing money. We have, or had, somewhat about 55 trillion dollar debt not a 10 trillion dollar debt. The 45 trillion is from BANKS at interest. We are now deflating and replacing expensive interest bearing bank debt with interest free government debt and this supposed to be an outrage?
                  My impression from reading the article was not that there is interest-free money, but that the interest is payed to the government. In effect, the federal government itself becomes a bank and lends directly to the citizenry. The banks act as servicing companies for the loans, extracting fees and passing along interest to the government. What happens when interest rates go up and politicians find they can make a lot of money being lenders?

                  The politicians and bureaucracy not only have a claim on your income through taxation, eventually they could hold the note on your car, house, etc. Government as direct usurer, a formation of a "bankstate"? Would there need to be a new agency similar to the IRS but for loan collections?


                  I get leary when we open an avenue for politicians to get their hands on more money and control.
                  Last edited by Judas; March 29, 2009, 01:12 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

                    Originally posted by Judas View Post
                    My impression from reading the article was not that there is interest-free money, but that the interest is payed to the government. In effect, the federal government itself becomes a bank and lends directly to the citizenry. The banks act as servicing companies for the loans, extracting fees and passing along interest to the government. What happens when interest rates go up and politicians find they can make a lot of money being lenders?

                    The politicians and bureaucracy not only have a claim on your income through taxation, eventually they could hold the note on your car, house, etc. Government as direct usurer, a formation of a "bankstate"? Would there need to be a new agency similar to the IRS but for loan collections?


                    I get leary when we open an avenue for politicians to get their hands on more money and control.
                    Hi Judas,

                    It is my understanding that the profits of the Federal Reserve are returned to the treasury. Thus it is an interest free money.Now of course there is room to create Federal Reserve "expenses" but I don't think it leaves much room to scam. The way out of it was so simple. Cut taxes to the bone. Spend money on real infrastructure projects and have the Fed buy debt. Let the banks in Wall Street fold while other banks take up the slack. That would solve the money problem in the short term.
                    To strengthen the dollar I would add a gas tax(while lowering others) which would reduce the trade deficit. It would also create an alt energy market at a price they could rely on.
                    The above would have stopped much of the bleeding just to start.

                    Further into the fantasy world, I certainly don't see why we need to pay interest to the government for money if the treasury took over since they already create it out of nothing and collect an inflation tax. I don't want government to loan out money speculatively either. Our government should just spend money into existence. If inflation become an issue just tax it in.

                    Economics is simple, scamming creates complexity.
                    Last edited by gwynedd1; March 29, 2009, 07:05 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

                      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                      For your info: Cigarettes did function as money in Germany at the close of WWII when Hitler's currency, the reichmark, collapsed. A new currency, the Deutchemark, was introduced three years after the war, in 1948, in West Germany and West Berlin. Alcohol, candy, and chocolattes (sp?) also functioned as money during this chaotic post-war period.
                      Yup, thats kind of what i meant... Anything with limited supply and other people value can be used as money (how great it would be as money is another story)....


                      • #12
                        Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

                        Originally posted by ricket View Post
                        Well if you read up on Ben Franklin, he wasnt necessarily against fiat currency itself, but how men in power implemented such fiat currency. Ive wondered about a fiat currency that is issued based on population and the money supply would expand and contract based off of the population (kind of like saying each individual has a net worth that they are able to 'work' to earn). This sounds good on paper, but I wonder what all kind of ramifications this will create.
                        Hi ricket,

                        I think the British counterfeited colonial script during the war as well which didn't help.


                        • #13
                          Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

                          I don't see the government making speculative investments like the FIRE economy simply because there would be no direct incentive for the government agents to do so. What I could imagine would be politically motivated lending. Other sites on the web state banks are lending, they are just lending with historically prudent standards.

                          I can't think of a better way to run an economy than the way we were supposed to run ours: Fed is lender of last resort to banks that should better know how to gauge risk. Ones that cant go out of business and get bought out by ones that can. DOJ makes sure nobody is too big to fail etc etc.

                          But I guess if anybody in congress or MSM acknowledged that it wouldn't put the guilt on the regulators that have been asleep for who knows how long.

                          One other critique of 'federal' federal reserve: If the fed directly prints money for the treasury instead of printing it, then buying T-bills, there is no intermediary market that provides signals about how much is being printed, no? If the proposed system was implemented in a fair and transparent way it could work I think. But I have no faith the government could get that right when it has gotten so many other things wrong.
                          Last edited by snakela; March 29, 2009, 10:23 PM. Reason: more thinkin'


                          • #14
                            Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

                            Originally posted by gwynedd1 View Post
                            Hi Judas,

                            It is my understanding that the profits of the Federal Reserve are returned to the treasury. Thus it is an interest free money...

                            ... Our government should just spend money into existence. If inflation become an issue just tax it in.

                            Economics is simple, scamming creates complexity.
                            I agree, and that's what I'm asking. Why not just create non-interest money instead of making it debt money and then collecting the interest? The only reason I can see doing this is politicians want to be rentiers as well as taxers, no?

                            I'm sorry, but this is confusing me. Something is crossing wires as I see the structure being discussed. I've been clear on the Fed and fractional reserve banking for a long time, but these weird circular structures are messing with my head!


                            • #15
                              Re: In Defense Of Bernanke'S Helicopters: The Banker-Owned Federal Reserve May Finally Be Acting Fed

                              Originally posted by Judas View Post
                              ... but these weird circular structures are messing with my head!
                              Mission accomplished.
                              Most folks are good; a few aren't.

