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Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out

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  • Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out

    The bubble is back.

    These are the most relevant buys I see, I have picked one buy from each sectors.

    Anyone know of any sector I have forgotten that should be with?

  • #2
    Re: Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out


    • #3
      Re: Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out

      Originally posted by nero3 View Post
      The bubble is back.

      These are the most relevant buys I see, I have picked one buy from each sectors.

      Anyone know of any sector I have forgotten that should be with?
      I bought FSLR and PVCS.L a few days ago. I don't expect miracles from them though. About 1.2% of my total cash (rest still in bullion).
      Would like to reallocate some into platinum but seems no efficient way to do so.
      It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


      • #4
        Re: Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out

        *T* - you have all of your cash in bullion?

        Originally posted by *T* View Post
        I bought FSLR and PVCS.L a few days ago. I don't expect miracles from them though. About 1.2% of my total cash (rest still in bullion).
        Would like to reallocate some into platinum but seems no efficient way to do so.


        • #5
          Re: Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out

          Originally posted by Lukester View Post
          *T* - you have all of your cash in bullion?
          I have been in nearly 100% bullion for probably at least a year and a half. I know you view on this. I haven't been convinced.
          I stand ready to sell but there is nothing I'd rather own... except perhaps (see this thread).
          Last edited by *T*; March 27, 2009, 02:36 PM.
          It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


          • #6
            Re: Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out

            *T* - I'm not pedantic. Lots of different ways to skin that cat, and that sort of thing. I've actually been very highly allocated to PM"s for the past four years - all I did recently was scale down, but I'm still more allocated to them than the standard iTulip 30%.

            Anyway regardless of what happens in the next year or two, the PM's have an appointment with very high prices somewhere out in the next 5-7 years I would imagine. I doubt we have many iTulipers remaining who don't agree with that idea. Well, maybe Blazespinnaker! ;) BTW, C1ue used to be a huge skeptic of the precious metals. But I think we've softened him up on that topic over the past year.

            I do keep getting stuck in a parochial mindset about what's happening in other currencies. They are all plunging vs. the USD at the moment and looking so tottery it's hard to imagine the tables reversing and the USD plunging against this motley assortment of other fiat currencies.

            My sense is the USD will hugely outperform the EURO in the next year, and there are few alternatives to the USD outside the Euro. But it's understood, if you are in the UK, gold has been and likely will be an excellent hedge. In USD, the picture is a little murkier for the time being.

            Originally posted by *T* View Post
            I have been in nearly 100% bullion for probably at least a year and a half. I know you view on this. I haven't been convinced.
            I stand ready to sell but there is nothing I'd rather own... except perhaps (see this thread).
            Last edited by Contemptuous; March 27, 2009, 02:49 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out

              Originally posted by Lukester View Post
              *T* - I'm not pedantic. Lots of different ways to skin that cat, and that sort of thing. I've actually been very highly allocated to PM"s for the past four years - all I did recently was scale down, but I'm still more allocated to them than the standard iTulip 30%.

              Anyway regardless of what happens in the next year or two, the PM's have an appointment with very high prices somewhere out in the next 5-7 years I would imagine. I doubt we have many iTulipers remaining who don't agree with that idea. Well, maybe Blazespinnaker! ;)
              Actually, I will have to sell a bit to pay for my wedding. Maybe now is not a bad time to do so...
              It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


              • #8
                Re: Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out

                *T* - May I suggest, you talk to all those wonks and geeks on the nuclear fusion thread in iTulip select? Drop your tuppence into that conversation maybe? I'm wondering why iTulip's "token practicing nuclear engineer" has kept 100% mum on this topic?
                Last edited by Contemptuous; March 27, 2009, 04:33 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out

                  Originally posted by Lukester View Post
                  *T* - May I suggest, you talk to all those wonks and geeks on the nuclear fusion thread in iTulip select? Drop your tuppence into that conversation maybe? I'm wondering why iTulip's "token practicing nuclear engineer" has kept 100% mum on this topic?
                  Totally unaware of the thread - I struggle to keep up - please deign to provide a link! (pm me to make sure I get it)
                  It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


                  • #10
                    Re: Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out

                    I see a lot of reasons why it won't turn out that way.

                    In 1929, shipping and commodities sucked big time. In 2008, it was hot as in 1973-1974 and 1917-1919. Inflation was high, and is still coming down. In 1929, inflation had been low for quite some time. I terms of inflation, 1929, was more like 2000. The US is a net debtor nation, is bankrupt and will probably default through the printing press, that means inflation, as printing money, means as a weaker currency, will create the perception that China is letting the RMB appreciate, when in reality, China will just be printing less money to buy useless treasury bonds (useless because of US weak dollar policies), similar to the Japanese in the seventies, that in 77 even demanded carter bonds to be paid in YEN.

                    When the dollar is weak, money flows all over the world, that means, those countries who have low debt levels, and it's a lot of them, can leverage up. The world is not dependent on the US in the same way as before.


                    • #11
                      Re: Dry bulk shippers and Solar panel makers breaking out

                      Here you go *T*.


