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China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

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  • #16
    Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

    Originally posted by metalman View Post
    most chilling about this footage... how hard you have to look to find it... the kazoo...

    the bullhorn... what is it selling??? :mad::eek:
    i protest! itulip is about economic and personal liberty. where a gov't violently represses its people itulip must take a stand. what is itulip's position on china???


    • #17
      Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

      I've solved this problem long ago, yet nobody will listen -

      All the US has to do is nationalize $MS, and then trade Windows & Office licenses for US treasuries. There are surely enough pirated copie of $MS software in China to extinguish all the US debt held there?

      What's not to like - this makes China conformant which they claim to want to be, the US gets a clean debt slate, & Bill Gates doesn't know what to do with all that stock anyway.
      Justice is the cornerstone of the world


      • #18
        Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

        Originally posted by metalman View Post
        i protest! itulip is about economic and personal liberty. where a gov't violently represses its people itulip must take a stand. what is itulip's position on china???

        I've never seen the Man of Metal call out iTulip. The complete annihilation of Tibeten culture and history gets the kazoo treatment for sure. The Communist Chinese are the great repressors of our time.

        Another 5-year-old boy was chosen by the Dalai Lama as successor to the 10th Panchen Lama in 1995, but he has disappeared from public view since his selection became known.

        China's critics call him the world's youngest political prisoner. Beijing says he does not want publicity and has a normal life with his family.


        • #19
          Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

          Originally posted by cobben View Post
          I've solved this problem long ago, yet nobody will listen -

          All the US has to do is nationalize $MS, and then trade Windows & Office licenses for US treasuries. There are surely enough pirated copie of $MS software in China to extinguish all the US debt held there?

          What's not to like - this makes China conformant which they claim to want to be, the US gets a clean debt slate, & Bill Gates doesn't know what to do with all that stock anyway.

          Not enough.

          Assuming 200 million personal computers in China are pirated.

          Each Windows license and office costs $500. Never mind if you really charge for office, 95% of the Chinese will use free or cheaper version of the software and the Chinese market is really one of those large enough to really support a Microsoft alternative.

          That works out to $100 billion, enough to cover 3 months of deficit?


          • #20
            Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

            Originally posted by touchring
            That works out to $100 billion, enough to cover 3 months of deficit?
            Trade deficit, yes.

            Trade+fiscal deficit - maybe 2 1/2 weeks.


            • #21
              Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

              Originally posted by c1ue View Post
              Trade deficit, yes.

              Trade+fiscal deficit - maybe 2 1/2 weeks.

              Amazing, the US has such great production capability and yet where all the money went? To the bonuses of AIG, Citibank, Merill Lynch, Goldman Sach bosses?


              • #22
                Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

                Originally posted by FRED View Post
                Especially since we have a habit of rubbing it in. Niall Ferguson wrote a good article on this as it relates to China in 2005.
                Our Currency, Your Problem

                Every member of Congress knows that the United States currently runs large “twin deficits” on its budget and current accounts. Deficit 1, as we well know, is just the difference between federal tax revenues and expenditures. Deficit 2 is generally less well understood: it’s the difference between all that Americans earn from foreigners (mainly from exports, services, and investments abroad) and all that they pay out to foreigners (for imports, services, and loans). When a government runs a deficit, it can tap public savings by selling bonds. But when the economy as a whole is running a deficit—when American households are saving next to nothing of their disposable income—there is no option but to borrow abroad.
                from the article:
                Although neither side wants to admit it, today’s Sino-American economic relationship has an imperial character. Empires, remember, traditionally collect “tributes” from subject peoples. That is how their costs—in terms of blood and treasure—can best be justified to the populace back in the imperial capital. Today’s “tribute” is effectively paid to the American empire by China and other East Asian economies in the form of underpriced exports and low-interest, high-risk loans.
                Side note. In just five short months, this has gone from being a "theory" that many Americans easily swept aside and dismissed as silly, if they had even heard about it (very rare), to almost being common knowledge. Now one can't read an article or listen to a report on the news without hearing about the special relationship.
                Last edited by Slimprofits; March 31, 2009, 10:26 PM.


                • #23
                  Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

                  Originally posted by jk View Post
                  When you owe the bank $100k, you have a problem. when you owe the bank $1trillion, THEY have a problem. the Chinese are becoming increasingly and uncomfortably aware of this old adage.
                  It goes by magnitude
                  • When you owe the bank 100k you have a problem...
                  • When you owe the bank 1,000,000 you and the bank have a problem...
                  • When you owe the bank 1,000,000,000 the bank has a real problem...
                  • When you owe the bank 1,000,000,000,000 the bank is the problem...

                  Some mindless American Imperialist airhead tramp of a popstar need to redo the 1950s ditty so it goes like "How many trillions is it for the doggie in the window?"....


                  • #24
                    Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

                    When both parties are parroting the same position, you are probably being lied to. UCLA recently did a very balanced study of the whole idea of "Tibetan cultural genocide", and found it largely to be western propaganda:


                    Some key points:
                    * Ethnic Tibetan population has increased dramatically under Chinese rule, to levels far greater than before any Han Chinese took interest in Tibet. This is because Chinese have a policy of affirmative action that makes U.S. style affirmative action look like oppression.
                    * Tibetans are permitted to have 5 children, Han Chinese are permitted only 1
                    * China has poured massive amounts of money into the region, and the general population are vastly more prosperous.
                    * Tibetans also have greater political autonomy and self-determination than the average Han Chinese. This may not be saying much, but puts the lie to people who say that Tibetans are discriminated against worse than normal Chinese. If only minorities in the west were treated this way.
                    * Tibetans (and normal Chinese) have been far more influenced by western culture than Tibetans have been influenced by Chinese culture. The idea that Tibetans are experiencing cultural genocide by the Chinese is laughable and hypocritical, especially considering that "Tibetan" to most westerners means someone like the Dalai Lama who is a fist-puppet for the west and has lived his whole life steeped in western influence.

                    Read the whole survey; it's important to know the facts before arguing about Tibet.

                    Frankly, the current situation in Tibet is nothing short of miraculous, considering that it is a region that produces no goods or services of any value other than a sophist cult to be peddled to Canadian trust fund babies. And it amuses me to no end to see both parties in the west clamoring to reinstate the "God king" religious dictator of Tibet, a theocracy built on extreme oppression and slavery. I've personally taken lessons from the two most senior lamas in North America, so I know a thing or two about the religion -- I have no serious beef with the religion, but for God's sake we should NEVER put these people in charge of a country.


                    • #25
                      Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

                      Gordon Brown closing remarks at the G-20 Summit: " A New World Order is emerging"

                      We can see that ...:rolleyes:


                      • #26
                        Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

                        Originally posted by allenjs View Post
                        When both parties are parroting the same position, you are probably being lied to. UCLA recently did a very balanced study of the whole idea of "Tibetan cultural genocide", and found it largely to be western propaganda:


                        Some key points:
                        * Ethnic Tibetan population has increased dramatically under Chinese rule, to levels far greater than before any Han Chinese took interest in Tibet. This is because Chinese have a policy of affirmative action that makes U.S. style affirmative action look like oppression.
                        * Tibetans are permitted to have 5 children, Han Chinese are permitted only 1
                        * China has poured massive amounts of money into the region, and the general population are vastly more prosperous.
                        * Tibetans also have greater political autonomy and self-determination than the average Han Chinese. This may not be saying much, but puts the lie to people who say that Tibetans are discriminated against worse than normal Chinese. If only minorities in the west were treated this way.
                        * Tibetans (and normal Chinese) have been far more influenced by western culture than Tibetans have been influenced by Chinese culture. The idea that Tibetans are experiencing cultural genocide by the Chinese is laughable and hypocritical, especially considering that "Tibetan" to most westerners means someone like the Dalai Lama who is a fist-puppet for the west and has lived his whole life steeped in western influence.

                        Read the whole survey; it's important to know the facts before arguing about Tibet.

                        Frankly, the current situation in Tibet is nothing short of miraculous, considering that it is a region that produces no goods or services of any value other than a sophist cult to be peddled to Canadian trust fund babies. And it amuses me to no end to see both parties in the west clamoring to reinstate the "God king" religious dictator of Tibet, a theocracy built on extreme oppression and slavery. I've personally taken lessons from the two most senior lamas in North America, so I know a thing or two about the religion -- I have no serious beef with the religion, but for God's sake we should NEVER put these people in charge of a country.
                        I have to vehemently disagree with these statements as they appear to have come from the Official Chinese Census. The stats that China uses to show progress in Tibet would have John Williams of Shadow Stats working around the clock to debunk! I mean i would take your words seriously if you didnt reduce Tibet and the Buddhist religion to this-

                        "Frankly, the current situation in Tibet is nothing short of miraculous, considering that it is a region that produces no goods or services of any value other than a sophist cult to be peddled to Canadian trust fund babies. And it amuses me to no end to see both parties in the west clamoring to reinstate the "God king" religious dictator of Tibet, a theocracy built on extreme oppression and slavery."

                        You basically sound like a voice box for the PRC. Taking a side in this situation doesn't do much, but at least acknowledge what is going on! Maybe it isn't quite as bad as some report, but it surely isn't as peachy as you try and make the current occupation sound! If you presented the argument from an even seemingly unbiased stance i could take u seriously. From what u wrote you sound like nothing more than some one who likes to think in absolutes and loves the "official story." I wonder how much money China has spent promoting their side of the Tibetan debate compared to the amount that the Free Tibet crowd has spent!


                        • #27
                          Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

                          Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                          When I first moved to the Arabian Gulf I was trying to learn some Arabic. The young boy who brought our coffee took pity. Told me the best way to learn the language was to marry a nice Arab girl. Said he would help me find just the right one. When I protested that I couldn't legally have more than one wife at a time, he informed me that in his country that was no impediment...merely required me to make some "minor adjustments" in my religious inclinations.

                          The only way to extricate myself from this predicament was to plead poverty...I can't begin to describe the histrionics required to convince him I couldn't afford the wife I already had, and a second was completely out of the question.
                          Ya gave up too soon. Did ya ask him if he'd finance the debt for the second wife? If he said 'yes' you'd have a bigger family. Family is good...though I'd guess you'd have a whole different set of problems...and a bigger debt.


                          • #28
                            Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

                            How about freeing North America from the Anglo Saxons?

                            After all, the Anglo Saxons occupied North America and Tibet fell under Chinese rule for about the same period of time?

                            Originally posted by j4f2h0 View Post
                            I have to vehemently disagree with these statements as they appear to have come from the Official Chinese Census. The stats that China uses to show progress in Tibet would have John Williams of Shadow Stats working around the clock to debunk! I mean i would take your words seriously if you didnt reduce Tibet and the Buddhist religion to this-

                            "Frankly, the current situation in Tibet is nothing short of miraculous, considering that it is a region that produces no goods or services of any value other than a sophist cult to be peddled to Canadian trust fund babies. And it amuses me to no end to see both parties in the west clamoring to reinstate the "God king" religious dictator of Tibet, a theocracy built on extreme oppression and slavery."

                            You basically sound like a voice box for the PRC. Taking a side in this situation doesn't do much, but at least acknowledge what is going on! Maybe it isn't quite as bad as some report, but it surely isn't as peachy as you try and make the current occupation sound! If you presented the argument from an even seemingly unbiased stance i could take u seriously. From what u wrote you sound like nothing more than some one who likes to think in absolutes and loves the "official story." I wonder how much money China has spent promoting their side of the Tibetan debate compared to the amount that the Free Tibet crowd has spent!


                            • #29
                              Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

                              Originally posted by touchring View Post
                              How about freeing North America from the Anglo Saxons?

                              After all, the Anglo Saxons occupied North America and Tibet fell under Chinese rule for about the same period of time?
                              No excuses for the way the government did and still does treat Native Americans, i don't know what to say:confused:


                              • #30
                                Re: China May Press G-20 to Guard Its U.S. Assets

                                Originally posted by allenjs View Post
                                When both parties are parroting the same position, you are probably being lied to. UCLA recently did a very balanced study of the whole idea of "Tibetan cultural genocide", and found it largely to be western propaganda:


                                Some key points:
                                * Ethnic Tibetan population has increased dramatically under Chinese rule, to levels far greater than before any Han Chinese took interest in Tibet. This is because Chinese have a policy of affirmative action that makes U.S. style affirmative action look like oppression.
                                * Tibetans are permitted to have 5 children, Han Chinese are permitted only 1
                                * China has poured massive amounts of money into the region, and the general population are vastly more prosperous.
                                * Tibetans also have greater political autonomy and self-determination than the average Han Chinese. This may not be saying much, but puts the lie to people who say that Tibetans are discriminated against worse than normal Chinese. If only minorities in the west were treated this way.
                                * Tibetans (and normal Chinese) have been far more influenced by western culture than Tibetans have been influenced by Chinese culture. The idea that Tibetans are experiencing cultural genocide by the Chinese is laughable and hypocritical, especially considering that "Tibetan" to most westerners means someone like the Dalai Lama who is a fist-puppet for the west and has lived his whole life steeped in western influence.

                                Read the whole survey; it's important to know the facts before arguing about Tibet.

                                Frankly, the current situation in Tibet is nothing short of miraculous, considering that it is a region that produces no goods or services of any value other than a sophist cult to be peddled to Canadian trust fund babies. And it amuses me to no end to see both parties in the west clamoring to reinstate the "God king" religious dictator of Tibet, a theocracy built on extreme oppression and slavery. I've personally taken lessons from the two most senior lamas in North America, so I know a thing or two about the religion -- I have no serious beef with the religion, but for God's sake we should NEVER put these people in charge of a country.

                                Oh, you studied with the two most senior Lamas in North America. Well that makes a big difference. Yes. Things are working out great.
                                Btw: How are things going for The Panchen Lama? (The real one)


