Re: Oracle 1990, vs Sunpower 2009, history repeating
Moving was one of the most difficult things I've ever done, but it has also been one of the most rewarding. Definitely not for everyone, though.
We actually considered San Diego. My father and his parents and grandparents lived there for a long time. My wife and I love the weather there. But there were just too many other issues. We went on a vacation to NZ, loved it, and made the leap to move here instead.
If you're going to stay in the US, I can understand choosing Texas. I like aspects of the politics there (including things like no zoning laws), although it's a bit too arid for us.
I learned a bunch of interesting things about NZ after moving here that I didn't know before. Fortunately, most of them have been on the positive side. It almost seems like they intentionally keep a low profile, not wanting others to know how good they have it. It's not perfect of course, but then no place is. They do speak English, which is nice, and the legal and social systems are close enough to the US that we're comfortable and don't make too many embarrassing mistakes.
A few examples of things I found surprising: there are no capital gains taxes. No estate taxes. Minuscule property taxes. No taxes on the ownership or transfer of gold. They have a relatively relaxed legal system: gambling and prostitution are legal, contracts are short (4 pages to buy a house). 4M people in a country that's about 70% the size of Japan or 60% of California, that produces enough food for 40M. Only 1M people on the entire (much larger) south island. They have the 10th longest coastline in the world; longer than China and about 75% of the US.
Originally posted by Lukester
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We actually considered San Diego. My father and his parents and grandparents lived there for a long time. My wife and I love the weather there. But there were just too many other issues. We went on a vacation to NZ, loved it, and made the leap to move here instead.
Originally posted by ThePythonicCow
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Originally posted by ThePythonicCow
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A few examples of things I found surprising: there are no capital gains taxes. No estate taxes. Minuscule property taxes. No taxes on the ownership or transfer of gold. They have a relatively relaxed legal system: gambling and prostitution are legal, contracts are short (4 pages to buy a house). 4M people in a country that's about 70% the size of Japan or 60% of California, that produces enough food for 40M. Only 1M people on the entire (much larger) south island. They have the 10th longest coastline in the world; longer than China and about 75% of the US.