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Sports' Golden Age?

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  • Sports' Golden Age?

    “Corporations have played a bigger role in the last 10, 20 years, so sports have become more susceptible to their ups and downs,” said David Carter, a professor of sports business at the University of Southern California. “Before this, it was all about catering to the fans and making sure the turnstiles were clicking.”

  • #2
    Re: Sports' Golden Age?

    When it comes to digging into taxpayers' pockets, Professional Sports are the original Bailout Artists. The Banksters probably went to seminars run by them. Then behind them for Handouts, Subsidies, Bribes, Nepotism comes the Olympics. Socialism knows no bounds when Sports is involved.

    Why there is a complete failure of Capitalism when it comes to Professional Sports is an even greater Economic Mystery than Derivatives.

    The only Sport I would pay to watch would be to see all the Professional Sports Owners actually work for a living.

