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Ladies & Gents:- Which is more bankupt...US or UK?

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  • Ladies & Gents:- Which is more bankupt...US or UK?

    Here is a clue:-

  • #2
    Re: Ladies & Gents:- Which is more bankupt...US or UK?

    How about this about face. Are they serious. You guys need some show trials.

    Cattles, which is based in Batley, West Yorkshire, has been targeting borrowers who want to renew loans and collects about £80m a month in payments. Two weeks ago Cattles admitted that it would make a big loss for 2008, just a week after predicting a pre-tax profit. The company said it would also have to restate its accounts for 2007 after finding irregularities.


    • #3
      Re: Ladies & Gents:- Which is more bankupt...US or UK?


      Sounds like you got some serious Rustlers over thar at that Cattles. I'd git those Serius Fraud Officers over thar right quick. Down in TX they'd have the Sheriff on 'em in a jiffy. Good luck over the Pond.


      • #4
        Re: Ladies & Gents:- Which is more bankupt...US or UK?

        Just keep an eye on that channel tunnel, you know it's too late to escape when the French seal off their end. ;)
        Last edited by cobben; March 22, 2009, 01:19 PM. Reason: add smiley to avoid mass UK rush to channel tunnel
        Justice is the cornerstone of the world


        • #5
          Re: Ladies & Gents:- Which is more bankupt...US or UK?

          Originally posted by cobben View Post
          Just keep an eye on that channel tunnel, you know it's too late to escape when the French seal off their end.
          Gee, thanks! That's going to help me sleep better at night!

