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More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

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  • More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

    Coordinated leaks...Where all of these reporters, administration officials and industry insiders hanging out at a party together last night?

    Some industry officials familiar with the details said Saturday they expected the approach would try to remove as much as $1 trillion from banks' books.

    According to administration and industry officials, the plan would rely on the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to supplement the government's $700 billion bailout fund.

    The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the details have not been announced, said Geithner's plan will have three major parts:

    --a public-private partnership to back private investors' purchases of bad assets. The $700 billion bailout fund would provide the backing. The government would match private investors dollar for dollar and share any profits equally.

    --expanding a recent Fed program that provides loan for investors to buy securities backed by consumer debt. It's an effort to make it easier for people to get auto, student and credit card loans. The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) program is getting up to $100 billion from the bailout fund; that money then is being leveraged to support up to $1 trillion in Fed loans. Under Geithner's plan for the toxic assets, part of that $1 trillion would now go to support purchases of banks' troubled assets.

    --using the FDIC, which guarantees bank deposits, to purchase toxic assets. Officials said the agency would create special investment partnerships and then lend them money to buy up troubled assets.

    Industry officials said the administration had not disclosed to them the exact amounts of money to be devoted to the effort.

    The administration plans to contribute between $75 billion and $100 billion in new capital to the effort, although that amount could expand down the road.

    The plan, which has been eagerly awaited by jittery investors, includes creating an entity, backed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., to purchase and hold loans. In addition, the Treasury Department intends to expand a Federal Reserve facility to include older, so-called "legacy" assets. Currently, the program, known as the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or TALF, was set up to buy newly issued securities backing all manner of consumer and small-business loans. But some of the most toxic assets are securities created in 2005 and 2006, which the TALF will now be able to absorb.

    Finally, the government is moving ahead with plans, sketched out by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner last month, to establish public-private investment funds to purchase mortgage-backed and other securities. These funds would be run by private investment managers but be financed with a combination of private money and capital from the government, which would share in any profit or loss.

    To target troubled securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, the government will create several investment funds. Treasury will act as a co-investor, in most cases contributing $1 for every $1 contributed by the private sector and sharing in the first-loss position.

    To target troubled loans, the government will create a Disposition Finance Program with the FDIC. In that case, the government will be a co-investor, but could also agree in some cases to contribute 80% of the financing, with the government putting up $4 for every $1 in private financing. As part of that program, the FDIC would provide guarantees against losses on a pool of loans that a bank wants to sell. The program could guarantee as much as $500 billion in loan investments.

    To beef up the amount of government funding, the Treasury is relying on the Fed and the FDIC to provide backing for these programs. For example, under the newly launched TALF, the Fed provides inexpensive and low-risk financing for investors to buy loans backed by consumer credit.

  • #2
    Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

    Rumor has it, Paulson is going to sue Geithner for plagiarism.


    • #3
      Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

      Originally posted by babbittd View Post
      Coordinated leaks...Where all of these reporters, administration officials and industry insiders hanging out at a party together last night?

      I'm sure they were. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't tomorrow Sunday? It seems Sunday, is the preferred financial news day. Remember when nothing important ever happened on Sunday.


      • #4
        Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

        Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
        Rumor has it, Paulson is going to sue Geithner for plagiarism.
        Correct! it's the Super SIV 2.0. Deja vu all over again. The government puts most of the money and offers FDIC style guarantees and select private investors will come with 2-5% and they pick the few precious nuggets in the pile of financial dung and pocket the profits and the rest of bad stuff is left on the taxpayer's tab.

        It's a like like an abomination (or better said obamination) obtaining by mating Maiden Lane with AIG .I don't know how exactly they will work the guarantees though.

        If they are true banksters and scammers and it is a government enforced fraud they will get insurance from FDIC for the new "rescue" :mad:. Don't laugh. Seeing what is happening anything is possible is possible.


        • #5
          Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

          Wait a minute. Didn't I read this story a month ago. I'm telling you, they are going to numb us all with these stories, and we're going to think we aren't hearing anything new. It's just being repeated.


          • #6
            Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

            The 'leak' as the preferred way to break news is a page from the Clinton book.

            This way if the reception is hostile, the 'leak' can be said to be wrong, and no names are associated with the bad idea.

            A step up from calling housewives to see if the US should bomb Kosovo...


            • #7
              Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

              1T? should bump up gold if they announce it.

              they keep the pace going and gold may be $2500 by the summer.

              I generally like to see my investments going up for a positive reason, company making money, something like that, but this stuff just makes me want to vomit


              • #8
                Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

                So by public-private "partnership," what they mean is private Wall Street firms get to make government-insured gambles on toxic assets using government loans? Sounds good to me, unless I happen to be a citizen of said government.


                • #9
                  Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

                  Gawd... why don't they just make an announcement stating that they are going to give away as much money as necessary to save all of these banksters and the hell with the consequences.

                  Don't answer that, I know why already.

                  This is it though. I held off on blasting Obama until he got his feet wet. I know he inherited a mess. But 'this' is his fix. He owns it. And it is he that will get the credit for going ahead with a plan that even Paulson, thief that he was, could not go through with.

                  This is indescribably bad. Heinous. And it is his only shot. He will do down as just another high ranking government official who was bought and paid for by special interests. No more, no less. We could have gotten this with Bush and not wasted an additional Trillion USD on a soon to be failed stimulus.




                  • #10
                    Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

                    Originally posted by btattoo View Post
                    So by public-private "partnership," what they mean is private Wall Street firms get to make government-insured gambles on toxic assets using government loans? Sounds good to me, unless I happen to be a citizen of said government.
                    You got it.


                    • #11
                      Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

                      Originally posted by btattoo View Post
                      So by public-private "partnership," what they mean is private Wall Street firms get to make government-insured gambles on toxic assets using government loans? Sounds good to me, unless I happen to be a citizen of said government.
                      From Yve Smith's blog:
                      Investor on Private Public Partnership: "One would have to be a criminal to participate in this"


                      • #12
                        March Madness

                        Administration wants to buy up banks' toxic assets :



                        • #13
                          Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

                          Originally posted by btattoo View Post
                          So by public-private "partnership," what they mean is private Wall Street firms get to make government-insured gambles on toxic assets using government loans? Sounds good to me, unless I happen to be a citizen of said government.
                          Well, ... actually it gets better than this. The whole scheme is perfect for ripping off the taxpayer. One of the simplest "innovative financial technologies" is presented by Zero Hedge:

                          Sunday, March 22, 2009

                          The Amazing TALF Bait And Switch

                          Posted by Tyler Durden at 2:14 AM
                          The greatest bait and switch of this generation in all its visual splendor. As a result of the TALF's non-recourse nature, a hedge fund X can buy Bank X's MBS Portfolio which is marked on the bank's books at 80 cents on the dollar (but has a market price of 20 cents) for the marked price with a 3% equity check and TALF filling the balance. A day later, Bank X repurchases the portfolio from hedge fund X at the 20 cent market price, pays a $5 million fee for the "trouble" and waits for the portfolio to appreciate to 50 cents on the dollar by 2014. Hedge fund X takes a 75% loss on its nominal equity stake but more than makes up in transaction fees. The TALF portion takes a 75% loss with no recourse and no margin to fall back on.

                          As a result Bank X takes no writedown now, and in 5 years may book an equity profit of as much as $25 million (net of transaction fees paid to the Hedge Fund X), while Hedge Fund X books a profit of $3.2 million for one day's work...

                          Lastly the U.S. taxpayer loses $54.3 million on a $77.6 million TALF Investment, or 70% (net of 5 years of interest income).

                          Note: the maximum TALF size is $1 trillion. Will U.S. taxpayers suffer $700 billion in losses from the TALF? Ask your congressman.

                          Click here for larger image
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Supercilious; March 22, 2009, 07:14 PM.


                          • #14
                            Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

                            A trillion here. A trillion there. Preety soon we're talking about real money. I think it's gone beyond the word looting now. I propose the use of the word mugging.


                            • #15
                              Re: More leaks - Toxic Asset plan could be announced by Geithner on Monday

                              Today we have the confirmation it's a fraud perpetrated by the government on the behalf of the banksters. We got fresh details from from TurboTax Timmy's slush fund (aka Treasury). Lost in the bundle of lies there is a small example:

                              Sample Investment Under the Legacy Loans Program
                              Step 1: If a bank has a pool of residential mortgages with $100 face value that it is seeking to divest, the bank would approach the FDIC.
                              Step 2: The FDIC would determine, according to the above process, that they would be willing to leverage the pool at a 6-to-1 debt-to-equity ratio.
                              Step 3: The pool would then be auctioned by the FDIC, with several private sector bidders submitting bids. The highest bid from the private sector – in this example, $84 – would be the winner and would form a Public-Private Investment Fund to purchase the pool of mortgages.
                              Step 4: Of this $84 purchase price, the FDIC would provide guarantees for $72 of financing, leaving $12 of equity.
                              Step 5: The Treasury would then provide 50% of the equity funding required on a side-by-side basis with the investor. In this example, Treasury would invest approximately $6, with the private investor contributing $6.
                              Step 6: The private investor would then manage the servicing of the asset pool and the timing of its disposition on an ongoing basis – using asset managers approved and subject to oversight by the FDIC.
                              Gee! Why didn't they allow FDIC to write directly 0% premium CDS' on all this bad debt. This new technology would result just in very complicated balance sheets (Why was Ken Lay arrested? Because he was ahead of his time ...)

