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Democrats turning against each other :)

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  • #16
    Re: Democrats turning against each other

    I can actually see myself voting for the Repukes in the next election because I can not stomach this Congress with endless bail-outs for banks, with a hidden agenda of executive bonuses paid-for by govn't bail-outs, and with Bernanke running the Fed. This is intolerable.


    • #17
      Re: Democrats turning against each other

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      I can actually see myself voting for the Repukes in the next election because I can not stomach this Congress with endless bail-outs for banks, with a hidden agenda of executive bonuses paid-for by govn't bail-outs, and with Bernanke running the Fed. This is intolerable.
      Yup, same here, quite honestly, i am disappointed in Obama (i voted for him) and his ill fated team.... Nothing has really changed; all the same BS and now we are in overdrive on spending.. It is quickly looking to me that Obama is a great orator but when it comes to action i see nothing happen....

      Its like the entire team is standing there scratching their heads.... These bailouts are criminal and utterly retarded... Seriously, with 2 Trillion in bailouts to banks i think you could have paid off every mortgage in the US and people wouldn't be in debt.... I would have been against that as well, but it seems that would have been the lesser of two evils; at least you kill 2 birds with one stone (banks are solvent and people are not in debt)....


      • #18
        Re: Democrats turning against each other

        Originally posted by karim0028 View Post
        We now have two democratic senators ratting out the Obama administration with regard to the bailout bonus mess, Sen. Chris Dodd and another democratic senator (name slips my mind ATM) stating that the Obama economic team inserted the bonus language in the bailout bill and would not accept the removal of that language citing "talent will leave" (where exactly are they gonna go?)..... Now Obama is feigning outrage on this matter...

        Very interesting; FIRE interests seem to be well entrenched and wont go without a fight... Different puppets, same masters....

        This is gonna be sad, but interesting to watch; almost like the visceral rubber neck reaction to watching a car crash... You know its bad, but you cant help but look...
        Chris Dodd ratting out anyone in regard to the crisis is rich. Ditto for all the faux outrage from Barney Frank and Kerosene Maxine.
        Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


        • #19
          Re: Democrats turning against each other

          Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
          Chris Dodd ratting out anyone in regard to the crisis is rich. Ditto for all the faux outrage from Barney Frank and Kerosene Maxine.

          I cringe when Dodd or Frank, or Wates are on TV. I am not kidding when I say I almost get sick to my stomach. I can't believe the MSM has been hoodwinked for so long. Maybe that will change. The media can be like a vicious Saint Bernard.

          If these bozos get reelected I might do an Alex Baldwin. You know say I'll leave the country, but stay anyway.

