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Democrats turning against each other :)

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  • Democrats turning against each other :)

    We now have two democratic senators ratting out the Obama administration with regard to the bailout bonus mess, Sen. Chris Dodd and another democratic senator (name slips my mind ATM) stating that the Obama economic team inserted the bonus language in the bailout bill and would not accept the removal of that language citing "talent will leave" (where exactly are they gonna go?)..... Now Obama is feigning outrage on this matter...

    Very interesting; FIRE interests seem to be well entrenched and wont go without a fight... Different puppets, same masters....

    This is gonna be sad, but interesting to watch; almost like the visceral rubber neck reaction to watching a car crash... You know its bad, but you cant help but look...

  • #2
    Re: Democrats turning against each other

    This is a very tough investment climate we are currently in. Should I buy more PM's, or oil, or treasuries... . But if there were an ultra short ETF on this playing out like you imply above, I'd be all over it.

    The house and senate are covering their butts with new legislation. This is a dying story that will slowly wither away. It's a problem for Dodd, but there are so many crises around the corner, J6P will be back to worrying about his job and watching the next round of American Idol, and this will be nothing more than a bad feeling in the backs of the minds of the public in a few short months.


    • #3
      Re: Democrats turning against each other

      Dodd is toast. Snoopy could get elected over him.


      • #4
        Re: Democrats turning against each other

        Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
        It's a problem for Dodd, but there are so many crises around the corner, J6P will be back to worrying about his job and watching the next round of American Idol, and this will be nothing more than a bad feeling in the backs of the minds of the public in a few short months.
        I think it's no coincidence the AIG mess is coming out during the NCAA tourney. J6P is busy checking his bracket all day and comparing his results to POTUS. Glad to see he's adding to the historic nature of the White House Map Room. Is there an American Idol bracket he can fill out next?

        "So on a Tuesday afternoon in the White House Map Room, we wait for the president to fill out his official bracket. The oversized whiteboard, with a presidential seal, sits on an easel a few feet below a framed, formerly top-secret situation map from April 3, 1945. It details the strength of certain German divisions and includes projections for the German army for May 1, 1945. President Franklin D. Roosevelt died nine days after this map was made. Germany surrendered in Europe a month later on May 7."


        • #5
          Re: Democrats turning against each other

          Originally posted by CanuckinTX View Post
          I think it's no coincidence the AIG mess is coming out during the NCAA tourney. J6P is busy checking his bracket all day and comparing his results to POTUS. Glad to see he's adding to the historic nature of the White House Map Room. Is there an American Idol bracket he can fill out next?

          "So on a Tuesday afternoon in the White House Map Room, we wait for the president to fill out his official bracket. The oversized whiteboard, with a presidential seal, sits on an easel a few feet below a framed, formerly top-secret situation map from April 3, 1945. It details the strength of certain German divisions and includes projections for the German army for May 1, 1945. President Franklin D. Roosevelt died nine days after this map was made. Germany surrendered in Europe a month later on May 7."

          Please, that's a bit too much. There is always a sporting event going on in America.

          Riddle: What are the ONLY two days in the U.S. where one of the four major sports are not played? Baseball, basketball, football, hockey.


          • #6
            Re: Democrats turning against each other

            I think most of us up here detest the gargantuan greed of Wall Street. However this congressional demagoguing on salaries and bonuses is going to end badly. The politicians are obliged to come down hard, though we all know it's the tip of an iceberg, largely symbol.

            But I feel Wall Street views their bonus structure as the jugular. And they're going to punish the Dems by pulling the market down, in a mix of temper tantrum and show of force. Remember J6P's 401(k) is a by-product of Wall Street, the excuse they use to award themselves bonuses. Wall Street exists for Wall Street and Main Street gets dragged along because, well, they still haven't found a way to do it without us (although the whole CDS complex was a darned good try).

            The question is how can Congress now back down off this populist tinder box? There doesn't appear to be a face-saving way to do it.


            • #7
              Re: Democrats turning against each other

              Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
              Please, that's a bit too much. There is always a sporting event going on in America.

              Riddle: What are the ONLY two days in the U.S. where one of the four major sports are not played? Baseball, basketball, football, hockey.
              Ha ha, I'm actually glad you still consider hockey one of the four major sports since it's my favorite, but unfortunately I think NASCAR has easily supplanted it as a major. I don't know the answer to your riddle but does adding NASCAR make it invalid?

              Doesn't the visual of Obama filling in a basketball bracket underneath a map of German forces in WWII strike anyone else as a perfect depiction of where this country has gotten to?

              What about the talk show circuit he's doing at the same time? First sitting prez to sit down with The Tonight Show? What's that about?

              What annoys me is the time he's spending plenty of time trying to be 'cool prez guy' instead of actually addressing any issues. I don't want a 'cool' president, I want someone that is taking on the issues in our country and blowing up the status quo. This guy so far has been heavy on style and little on substance. You think 60 Minutes is going to drill him on why his administration made Dodd write in the bonus clause?


              • #8
                Re: Democrats turning against each other


                Ha ha, I'm actually glad you still consider hockey one of the four major sports since it's my favorite, but unfortunately I think NASCAR has easily supplanted it as a major. I don't know the answer to your riddle but does adding NASCAR make it invalid?


                I can't give clues, sorry.


                • #9
                  Re: Democrats turning against each other

                  Alas, google has failed me but I'd probably guess New Year's and Easter because I have nothing better to go on. Baseball starts before hockey ends and all 3 pick up by the time baseball ends so there is no off season otherwise.


                  • #10
                    Re: Democrats turning against each other

                    Originally posted by CanuckinTX View Post

                    Ha ha, I'm actually glad you still consider hockey one of the four major sports since it's my favorite, but unfortunately I think NASCAR has easily supplanted it as a major. I don't know the answer to your riddle but does adding NASCAR make it invalid?


                    I can't give clues, sorry.
                    Alas, google has failed me but I'd probably guess New Year's and Easter because I have nothing better to go on. Baseball starts before hockey ends and all 3 pick up by the time baseball ends so there is no off season otherwise.


                    • #11
                      Re: Democrats turning against each other

                      Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                      Please, that's a bit too much. There is always a sporting event going on in America.

                      Riddle: What are the ONLY two days in the U.S. where one of the four major sports are not played? Baseball, basketball, football, hockey.
                      That's an easy one. The day before and the day after the MLB All-star game.


                      • #12
                        Re: Democrats turning against each other

                        Originally posted by due_indigence View Post
                        I think most of us up here detest the gargantuan greed of Wall Street. However this congressional demagoguing on salaries and bonuses is going to end badly. The politicians are obliged to come down hard, though we all know it's the tip of an iceberg, largely symbol.

                        But I feel Wall Street views their bonus structure as the jugular. And they're going to punish the Dems by pulling the market down, in a mix of temper tantrum and show of force. Remember J6P's 401(k) is a by-product of Wall Street, the excuse they use to award themselves bonuses. Wall Street exists for Wall Street and Main Street gets dragged along because, well, they still haven't found a way to do it without us (although the whole CDS complex was a darned good try).

                        The question is how can Congress now back down off this populist tinder box? There doesn't appear to be a face-saving way to do it.
                        We all know the furor over the bonuses, and who will get thrown to the wolves as a result, is an entertaining side show.

                        Just as the Christians and the lions were a side show, while the Visigoths sacked the Empire. The only question is how close are we to 410?


                        • #13
                          Re: Democrats turning against each other

                          Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                          That's an easy one. The day before and the day after the MLB All-star game.



                          • #14
                            Re: Democrats turning against each other

                            Originally posted by karim0028 View Post
                            We now have two democratic senators ratting out the Obama administration with regard to the bailout bonus mess, Sen. Chris Dodd and another democratic senator (name slips my mind ATM) stating that the Obama economic team inserted the bonus language in the bailout bill and would not accept the removal of that language citing "talent will leave" (where exactly are they gonna go?)..... Now Obama is feigning outrage on this matter...

                            Very interesting; FIRE interests seem to be well entrenched and wont go without a fight... Different puppets, same masters....

                            This is gonna be sad, but interesting to watch; almost like the visceral rubber neck reaction to watching a car crash... You know its bad, but you cant help but look...
                            Since when has subscription to the junk science of global warming, the fool's religion of solar power, the endless bail-outs for bankers, signing onto bills providing covert bonuses for AIG executives, "buy American" and trade protectionism, government punishing savers, the covert devaluing of the dollar, and helping dead-beats squat in homes that they fraudulently bought ever been part of what being a Democrat, or a liberal, was all about? Clearly, the Obama Administration has changed the rules on everything.


                            • #15
                              Re: Democrats turning against each other

                              Is this counter-demagoguery from the FT? I don't think so. Although their bias is obvious.


                              The bankers will seek their revenge on the politicians by punishing Main Street. At some point, Obama will be chased out of town. Credit, indeed the lack thereof, is their weapon. They'll just stop making loans. No wonder there are fractures in the Democratic ranks.

                              Money quote:

                              "Some policymakers expressed concern that banks may try to break out of the government’s embrace by paying back public capital even if the price is a more severe credit squeeze."

                              This is shaping up as full-blown class warfare: Main Street vs Wall Street. For all their monstrous greed, the bankers rule the world. The politicians are the dishrags in the middle. Obama is managing to win NO ONE to his cause. Main Street will be pissed of about the Geithner Plan and Wall Street is livid over the toying with their bonuses. This looks like a full-fledged disaster to me.
                              Last edited by due_indigence; March 22, 2009, 02:57 PM.

