We now have two democratic senators ratting out the Obama administration with regard to the bailout bonus mess, Sen. Chris Dodd and another democratic senator (name slips my mind ATM) stating that the Obama economic team inserted the bonus language in the bailout bill and would not accept the removal of that language citing "talent will leave" (where exactly are they gonna go?)..... Now Obama is feigning outrage on this matter...
Very interesting; FIRE interests seem to be well entrenched and wont go without a fight... Different puppets, same masters....
This is gonna be sad, but interesting to watch; almost like the visceral rubber neck reaction to watching a car crash... You know its bad, but you cant help but look...
Very interesting; FIRE interests seem to be well entrenched and wont go without a fight... Different puppets, same masters....
This is gonna be sad, but interesting to watch; almost like the visceral rubber neck reaction to watching a car crash... You know its bad, but you cant help but look...