Re: Is now a good time to buy? Seems so... Boston area
So now, not only do you take the "risk" of loaning me money, with which the reward for taking that risk is receiving the interest from that loan (after all, who would loan out money at 0% interest right? right?!). So you are then entitled to use that interest for *even more* work done by the same individual? This is kind of like double taxation. Or are you admitting that money is really a claim to individual labor, ie slavery as I stated earlier? If not, then you indeed get to reap the benefits of taking your risk with your money TWICE.
Now, what do you think would happen if enough people figured out that, just by having the monopoly power to issue money (and being able to issue it at their own will) they could take advantage of this system to their advantage? They get to issue as much as they want and as much as they need to get whatever agenda across they desire (so long as they dont issue too much of a single currency and people stop believing the purchasing power, aka the claim on labor, of such a currency). This system is EXTREMELY vulnerable to corruption and is why there should never be a monopoly on control and issuance of the money supply in the first place and that power should only rest with "the people" to determine what is considered money/currency.
People obviously admit that drug cartels and the Mafia exists. It's a well documented fact. Why are people so quick to deny that others (at a higher level) are willingly and actively trying to exploit and control a financial system to their advantage, and to the extreme disadvantage of others as in the scenario in the previous paragraph? The Mafia is organized crime for control of a small territory (such as a city or a neighborhood) and for goods and money (usually drugs) that flow through that territory. Why would anyone not think there was someone trying to control an even *bigger* territory (a country) and control *all* the goods and money in the country?? To deny people like that exists and are active/willing/able to accomplish such a feat is to deny the existence of imperialist empires (subsequently led by people such as Napoleon, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, et al.)
How come people are so turned off from debate? My family is the same way. They seem to be in denial about being enslaved by the money they need to survive. Why is that? How come no one wants to sit down and have a serious discussion and dealing with people who disagree is always "futile"? Isnt that what debate is all about? Is that not why we are all here? Why do you keep reading this site, if you only want to read 100% of the posts that you agree with?
Originally posted by Sharky
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So now, not only do you take the "risk" of loaning me money, with which the reward for taking that risk is receiving the interest from that loan (after all, who would loan out money at 0% interest right? right?!). So you are then entitled to use that interest for *even more* work done by the same individual? This is kind of like double taxation. Or are you admitting that money is really a claim to individual labor, ie slavery as I stated earlier? If not, then you indeed get to reap the benefits of taking your risk with your money TWICE.
Now, what do you think would happen if enough people figured out that, just by having the monopoly power to issue money (and being able to issue it at their own will) they could take advantage of this system to their advantage? They get to issue as much as they want and as much as they need to get whatever agenda across they desire (so long as they dont issue too much of a single currency and people stop believing the purchasing power, aka the claim on labor, of such a currency). This system is EXTREMELY vulnerable to corruption and is why there should never be a monopoly on control and issuance of the money supply in the first place and that power should only rest with "the people" to determine what is considered money/currency.
People obviously admit that drug cartels and the Mafia exists. It's a well documented fact. Why are people so quick to deny that others (at a higher level) are willingly and actively trying to exploit and control a financial system to their advantage, and to the extreme disadvantage of others as in the scenario in the previous paragraph? The Mafia is organized crime for control of a small territory (such as a city or a neighborhood) and for goods and money (usually drugs) that flow through that territory. Why would anyone not think there was someone trying to control an even *bigger* territory (a country) and control *all* the goods and money in the country?? To deny people like that exists and are active/willing/able to accomplish such a feat is to deny the existence of imperialist empires (subsequently led by people such as Napoleon, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, et al.)
How come people are so turned off from debate? My family is the same way. They seem to be in denial about being enslaved by the money they need to survive. Why is that? How come no one wants to sit down and have a serious discussion and dealing with people who disagree is always "futile"? Isnt that what debate is all about? Is that not why we are all here? Why do you keep reading this site, if you only want to read 100% of the posts that you agree with?