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ny times: jingle mail's ok-"Thoughts on Walking Away From Your Home Loan"

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  • ny times: jingle mail's ok-"Thoughts on Walking Away From Your Home Loan"

    Your Money
    Thoughts on Walking Away From Your Home Loan

    Published: March 13, 2009

    If you’re among the millions of people who will not qualify for the Obama administration’s program to help troubled homeowners, you’re probably wondering what you’re supposed to do now.

    Perhaps you no longer have enough income to pay your loans. Or you can afford the payments but don’t qualify for refinancing under the new plan because the value of your home is too far below the balance of the loan. If you’re far enough underwater, you’re probably questioning the wisdom of writing a monthly check on a place that may take 10 or 15 years to get back to the value it had two or three years ago. It isn’t easy to come up with the answer, and if you have moral misgivings about not making good on your mortgage, a religious officiant may offer as much useful guidance as a financial planner.

    In an economic environment like this one, however, the consequences of giving up on your mortgage may not be as painful as they were a few years ago. Yes, it’s almost always preferable to negotiate a better deal on your existing mortgage than to walk away. But if you can’t work things out with your lender, you probably won’t be sued. You shouldn’t receive a major tax bill either. And the damage to your credit will not be permanent or insurmountable.

    Let’s look at these last three in order......

  • #2
    Re: ny times: jingle mail's ok-"Thoughts on Walking Away From Your Home Loan"

    The Times seems to have a lot of personal experience with mortgage trouble.

    I paid my mortgage off and bought my beach house with cash. Can I have some of my money back too?


    • #3
      Re: ny times: jingle mail's ok-"Thoughts on Walking Away From Your Home Loan"

      Originally posted by jk View Post
      In an economic environment like this one, however, the consequences of giving up on your mortgage may not be as painful as they were a few years ago. Yes, it’s almost always preferable to negotiate a better deal on your existing mortgage than to walk away. But if you can’t work things out with your lender, you probably won’t be sued. You shouldn’t receive a major tax bill either. And the damage to your credit will not be permanent or insurmountable.
      This NYT article appears to understand our little experiment in ultra high, cliff hanging leverage as an economic hiccup. A mere bump in the road on the way to our great American dream. Dear homeowner they say, you're leveraged 10 or 20:1 or tiny_infinity.jpg:1, and now you're underwater by as much as 10-tiny_infinity.jpg your original investment. Don't worry, your broker isn't going to call you out of your position, you've probably no legal or tax responsibility as long as you're willing to continue the game.

      What if Americans find that they don't want to go into this level of debt again? What if they do indeed just walk away from the game? How would that be for permanent and insurmountable?

