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The Swiss roll over!

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  • The Swiss roll over!

  • #2
    Re: The Swiss roll over!

    Not just the Swiss: Luxembourg, Andorra, the Channel Islands


    • #3
      Re: The Swiss roll over!

      One World Goverment, we MUST rise & FIGHT!


      • #4
        Re: The Swiss roll over!

        I never understood the one world order crowd. It is counter-intuitive or illogical since how would such an organization function with many divergent and competing interests. So the Chinese, Russian, Middle Eastern, American, and European elites from around the world have gathered together in Davos or where ever to drop all their hostilities and differences in order to subjugate themselves under the authority of a One World Government controlled by who? The IMF or BIS? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You ever imagine Putin groveling to the feet of anyone? Neither the Chinese.


        • #5
          Re: The Swiss roll over!

          Originally posted by kartius919 View Post
          I never understood the one world order crowd. It is counter-intuitive or illogical since how would such an organization function with many divergent and competing interests. So the Chinese, Russian, Middle Eastern, American, and European elites from around the world have gathered together in Davos or where ever to drop all their hostilities and differences in order to subjugate themselves under the authority of a One World Government controlled by who? The IMF or BIS? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You ever imagine Putin groveling to the feet of anyone? Neither the Chinese.

          Hi kartius919,

          Its not done through politics, its done through finance. Here is a list of references offered by Britannica.
          Jules Ayer, A Century of Finance: 1804 to 1904 (1905), a brief, official work; Christian W. Berghoeffer, Meyer Amschel Rothschild der Gründer des Rothschildschen Bankhauses (1922), a very good study on the founder of the house; Jean Bouvier, Les Rothschild, new ed. (1967), portrays the Rothschilds’ history up to the present time; Egon C. Corti, La Maison Rothschild, 2 vol. (1931), an excellent study of the Rothschilds in the middle of the 19th century; Bertrand Gille, Histoire de la maison Rothschild, 2 vol. (1965–67), an exhaustive work on the French house that makes use of the firm’s records; Frederick Morton, The Rothschilds (1962), a brief, lively history.
          See the last one Fredric Morton? He said Rothschild wealth was estimated at over $6 billion US in 1850. Thats unlimited wealth.

          Then all you do is a little gardening. You don't tell people what to do. You breed it. No one needs to tell a tomato plant to grow bigger or more plump. You just select it. If you want a Stalin just fund him. He will do what a Stalin will do. If I put a dog in the back room of a butcher, I gamble a dog will be a dog. Putin, Bush and all the rest don't need to be told anything. They just pick people they like for this and that and fund them. Thats how a small oligarchy can do what they do.

          I know thats how I would do it if I were a twisted inbred elitist with the best advice money can buy.

          Read the buried Dodd Report

          This was a Griffin interview. Its also on Youtube.

          Last edited by gwynedd1; March 13, 2009, 12:07 PM.


          • #6
            Re: The Swiss roll over!

            The Rothschild are very influential, yes. But to suggest they control the entire world, I will have to disagree. How do you suggest bridging the gap between very influential to global domination through finance? So the Chinese and Russians are under the thumb of the Rothschild because of their financial leverage? Putin was placed in power by the Rothschild? His actions are dictated by these omnipotent beings? Economics and politics are two sides of the same coin. What about the Rothschild simply being a very wealthy and influential family that has moved to the center of power rather than moving the center of power? Can you elaborate on how "finance" will force all the national oligarchs to bend their will to once single authority? That brings into question the concept of "finance" itself, so your definition of "finance" would be much appreciated.

            But then again, it doesn't matter. Answers only bring into focus more questions.


            • #7
              Re: The Swiss roll over!

              Originally posted by kartius919 View Post
              The Rothschild are very influential, yes. But to suggest they control the entire world, I will have to disagree. How do you suggest bridging the gap between very influential to global domination through finance? So the Chinese and Russians are under the thumb of the Rothschild because of their financial leverage? Putin was placed in power by the Rothschild? His actions are dictated by these omnipotent beings? Economics and politics are two sides of the same coin. What about the Rothschild simply being a very wealthy and influential family that has moved to the center of power rather than moving the center of power? Can you elaborate on how "finance" will force all the national oligarchs to bend their will to once single authority? That brings into question the concept of "finance" itself, so your definition of "finance" would be much appreciated.

              But then again, it doesn't matter. Answers only bring into focus more questions.
              Hi kartius919,

              I just explained it to be as simple as funding the movement they want and then you say "omnipotent beings". You didn't read what I said and made this straw man. Did I not just explain it does not work like that?

              Its not just Rothschilds, its most of the old banking families that made themselves royalty. Rothschild is just at the top of the heap. They were funding JP Morgan, Cecil Rhodes etc. If you don't think 6 billion is an issue OK but I see that as an existential threat. Rothschilds and the Western Oligarchs were all over Russia funding the Russian Oligarchs. This particular agent was revealed. So if you don't see it, you are not paying attention and you better since they took Reuters when it was still a telegraph service. If Russia and China are not directly influenced, they don't have very long.


              Khodorkovsky, reputed to be Russia’s richest man, was last week arrested by Russian prosecutors on charges of fraud and tax evasion. His imprisonment has triggered a trustee agreement he put in place with Rothschild a few months ago.

              What they do is make trustee arrangements with their agents. They make them rich but the assets go to the Rothschilds when they die. That was JP Morgan all along.


              • #8
                Re: The Swiss roll over!

                So these same people have financed all governments, leaders, dictatorys, labor unions, etc throughout the last 200 years? They have used their clairvoyance and intellect to achieve what no group of individuals have in human history. They are wealthier than the Egyptian Pharoahs, Chinese Emperors, and Islamic Sultans. Yeah they can bankroll the movement, but once the dictator gets the guns why should they still listen to the bankers?

                Rothschild are influential, but even those Russian oligarchs under Rothschild influence have to cower to Putin's authority. You wish to simplify the problems by reducing it down to a single evil face so that it becomes manageable. However, the world is too complicated with too many players. If you put 10 alpha dogs together in a room and you don't get one world government. You get 10 dead dogs. But again it doesn't matter because you can believe in the tooth fairy for all I care.


                • #9
                  Re: The Swiss roll over!

                  Originally posted by kartius919 View Post
                  So these same people have financed all governments, leaders, dictatorys, labor unions, etc throughout the last 200 years? They have used their clairvoyance and intellect to achieve what no group of individuals have in human history. They are wealthier than the Egyptian Pharoahs, Chinese Emperors, and Islamic Sultans. Yeah they can bankroll the movement, but once the dictator gets the guns why should they still listen to the bankers?

                  Hi kartius919,

                  Good question. Thats what one might call a Bonaparte. I think he tried to take on the bankers as he did in France. Also ask yourself why British financiers funded the Louisiana purchase that would send gold to Napoleon, Britain's enemy. Thats like New York bankers funding our enemies. Well they sort of did. Jacob Schiff financed imperial Japan. If you want to see influence see Girard who financed the war of 1812 for the US single handedly. Putin may be a Bonaparte,. which is why the Western governments are surrounding Russia. Putin foiled a few Oligarchs then they tried Georgia which is a puppet of the agent Soros. Soros happens to be the Angel investor of Obama.

                  However why listen to the bankers? Have you ever wondered why you can't get security clearance if you can be blackmailed? I would never fund a campaign of a person I did could not already be able to black mail if I thought like they did. Pick someone who likes 15 year old boys and give him one and take a photo or two. Then offer him the world and let them know what happens if they don't follow the suggestions. Thats an old mob trick. You think a street mob can do it better then a billionaire?


                  Rothschild are influential, but even those Russian oligarchs under Rothschild influence have to cower to Putin's authority. You wish to simplify the problems by reducing it down to a single evil face so that it becomes manageable. However, the world is too complicated with too many players. If you put 10 alpha dogs together in a room and you don't get one world government. You get 10 dead dogs. But again it doesn't matter because you can believe in the tooth fairy for all I care.
                  I think you believe in the tooth fairy. Do you think I like to believe this? It horrifying but I never just glance at the truth. Monopoly capital was already consolidated at the turn of the 20th century. People in the 19th century were screaming about it and then silence. Thats what the Dodd report is all about. I just read history on nearly a daily basis and this is what I read and saw coming. It right there in the classical economic literature of the so called free market man Adam. Smith wanted free markets, but he did not observe them.
                  Last edited by gwynedd1; March 13, 2009, 03:18 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Swiss roll over!

                    Your post made me hungry, Mike.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Swiss roll over!

                      Originally posted by kartius919 View Post
                      Can you elaborate on how "finance" will force all the national oligarchs to bend their will to once single authority? That brings into question the concept of "finance" itself, so your definition of "finance" would be much appreciated.

                      But then again, it doesn't matter. Answers only bring into focus more questions.
                      He who has the gold (wealth) makes the rules.... If everyone owes you money you control them..... It was Baron M.A. Rothschild wrote, "Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws."

                      AS well as

                      "The few who could understand the system (cheque, money, credits) will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests."

                      Why? Same reason why "homeowners" are getting foreclosed.... Money is at the root of everything (not going biblical or anything), both good and evil, governments, war, business, trade, it funds anything and everything... Same reason people stay in a job they dont like or enjoy, bc they need the money, they need the funding it provides for day to day life....

                      Why do governments bend to IMF demands, bc if they dont no one will invest; no money no improvements... I would recommend reading "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"

                      I think it would be naive to assume that governments/business people don't use economics for political leverage and since all our money is from the Fed, its private money and he who controls this money makes the rules...
                      Last edited by karim0028; March 13, 2009, 03:30 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: The Swiss roll over!

                        Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                        Not just the Swiss: Luxembourg, Andorra, the Channel Islands
                        I didn't see Luxembourg listed there:
                        The move comes a day after Liechtenstein said it would start sharing information about suspected tax evaders. Earlier this week, Jersey signed up to a tax information agreement with the UK, and Austria and Andorra have also pledged to co-operate.
                        That leaves Luxembourg and Cayman, right?


                        • #13
                          Re: The Swiss roll over!

                          Originally posted by karim0028 View Post
                          He who has the gold (wealth) makes the rules.... If everyone owes you money you control them..... It was Baron M.A. Rothschild wrote, "Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws."
                          That would include controlling the Fourth Currency I presume. Young Nate [38], son of 4th Baron Jacob Rothschild.

                          Barrick Gold Board of Directors

                          Nathaniel Rothschild 40 Relationships Atticus Capital, L.L.C.



                          • #14
                            Re: The Swiss roll over!

                            I only love it when people compare the Swiss & The British. They had 900 years of peace......& only invented the Cuc Cuc Clock...........The British have had 900 years of War & Bloodshed & Invented....EVERYTHING!



                            • #15
                              Re: The Swiss roll over!

                              I don't disagree with you that money is important. But to say that current events are orchestrated by the uber eites to create a new one world gov't is a stretch.

