Re: One in 31
But I have looked into the CA DUI laws - admittedly as a non-lawyer - after 2 different close friends got nailed.
From what I understand of the law, most of the arguments you pointed out are useless because the laws actually define DUI as having 0.08% alcohol on your breath. Thus making the breathalyzer unassailable.
And of course since the breathalyzer inputs are thrown away after the test, all that's left is a piece of paper saying: you're over the limit.
What it boils down to is don't get stopped. If you ARE going to drink and drive, don't do it with expired registration. Don't run over curbs or make illegal U turns. Don't speed. etc etc.
But I have looked into the CA DUI laws - admittedly as a non-lawyer - after 2 different close friends got nailed.
From what I understand of the law, most of the arguments you pointed out are useless because the laws actually define DUI as having 0.08% alcohol on your breath. Thus making the breathalyzer unassailable.
And of course since the breathalyzer inputs are thrown away after the test, all that's left is a piece of paper saying: you're over the limit.
What it boils down to is don't get stopped. If you ARE going to drink and drive, don't do it with expired registration. Don't run over curbs or make illegal U turns. Don't speed. etc etc.