In his speech to a joint session of Congress late last month, President Obama said that we must begin a conversation about how to strengthen Social Security “while creating tax-free universal savings accounts for all Americans.”
The notion of a “universal” savings account is tantalizing. It suggests two possibilities: Giving everyone, no matter how large their employer, an easy way to save some money when they receive a paycheck, and eliminating the alphabet soup of 401(k)’s, I.R.A.’s, 529s and other accounts that we all have strewn about our financial lives. (full link here http://finance.yahoo.com/focus-retir...retirement-IRA )
So, let me get this straight. Ex-president Bush wants to privatize a portion of social security and the Dems are all up in arms. President Obama wants to take an additional 3% deduction from paychecks as a "universal savings account" and the idea is deemed "tantalizing". This proves two things IMO...
1] Our political system is partisan to the point of being inefficient at best and damaging at worst. Come on, this is basically the same idea just packaged differently.
2] It pays to be a great communicator like Obama rather than a bumbling orator like Bush. I mean, even I'd rather have a "tax-free universal savings account" than "privatized social security", although I know I'm actually going to be forced to deduct 3% more from my paycheck for the first one.
I can't wait to watch the democratic leadership peacocking around as saviors of the common folk on this one, knowing full well they fought it tooth and nail when somebody else was going to get the credit.