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Bailouts: A different perspective

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  • Bailouts: A different perspective

    From the normally hyperacerbic Cassandra Does Tokyo no less.

    Returning to the present, pejorative talk of "bailouts" and undeserved “rescues” just misses the point. Focusing upon bent bankers, snake-oil securities, or inept analysts, which were but symptoms, is somewhat misplaced since hey are not the root causes, and, as such, these facile recriminations however satisfying and apt, trivialize the breadth of culpability, and near-universal benefit of The People over the past two decades. For what we are witnessing is the arrival of the bill, getting around, as it were, to coming to fathoming the scale of it AFTER a long long long collective night out. We’ve HAD the fun (and I use the "we" in the broadest and most encompassing of terms). GDP, employment, consumption, wages, all were substantially higher than they otherwise would have been. Everyone earned more and everyone had work who desired it. Enjoyable trips were taken, and attractive shades periwinkle now adorn what might otherwise have been walls and ceilings of cracked and peeling fomerly-white paint. Purchasing power was buoyed by a dollar that was stronger than it ought to have been had nations lived on a balanced and current basis. Taxes too were collectively lower further buoying PCE. Yes, everyone benefited, though as is always the case, some more than others. Securitizations of cars, homes, CC receivables, Refi with equity withdrawal and HELOCs all were but more rounds on the tab to be (or not, as the may prove to be) paid for in the future. Homes were built, enlarged and landscaped. Offices multiplied like spring mushrooms. Nations were wired in fiber. Previously incurable diseases, cured by overly-flush investors. Yet other entire nations emerged (if only temporarily). A Wii now sits in every house, and a recent version of Windows on every desktop. Does anyone still use a CRT?? Everyone has several handsets despite the amusing antiquated cumbersomeness of those with a vintage of more than a few years. This happened not just in a year (or two) but over a decade, perhaps two, or even three so the comparison of the cost must surely be kept in perspective by comparing it to a decade (or more) of GDP - not the annual figure - to get a true sense of perspective. Yes, our binge was mostly about consumption, though this itself drove massive capex and investment (mostly elsewhere), by those wrongly extrapolating that our thirst would need to be quenched similarly and persistently, longer into the future than has been manifested by events.

    So I propose that we need a new, more accurate linguistic to reflect what this is called since. “Bailout”, package, rescue, are inadequate insofar as they don't describe more precisely in its historical context what it is we are witnessing, and fail to address the universal nature of the benefits and, I would add, the culpability that descends throughout the polity. It IS a pity that thoughts of prudence, resilience, and sustainability were demagogically dismissed when these thoughts would have provided a tether to reality. But we can, at least being anew by calling it what it IS, and as such, I’d be happier with merely “The Bill”, “L’addition” "Il Conto", or more succinctly, "The Tab" - which for the sake of the avoidance of doubt, should include the more historical detail than less. But let’s stop the narrowly-focused pejoratives or value-charged labels (correct as they may parochially be) and take a moment to reflect on our past collective tangible and ephemeral revelries. Once there, understanding everyone has a piece if of political or economic shit on their shoe, one may begin to let go of the anger and accept that socialization of The Tab is not wholly unjust, and that the time for anger and incredulity in opposition (i.e. all those numerous political and economic forks to settle up before) has long since passed.
    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho

  • #2
    Re: Bailouts: A different perspective

    I found that incomprehensible and rambling. What exactly was her point?


    • #3
      Re: Bailouts: A different perspective

      Originally posted by flintlock View Post
      I found that incomprehensible and rambling. What exactly was her point?
      That everyone enjoyed the fruits of the debt bubble and that we should stop bitching and pay the bill.
      Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


      • #4
        Re: Bailouts: A different perspective

        Why didn't she just say that? It's like she had a minimum word requirement for a term paper. I suck at writing, but at least I don't hold myself up to be a writer or a "blogger".

        And I disagree with her btw.


        • #5
          Re: Bailouts: A different perspective

          I said as much, but in a sonnet. As has been noted up here, history doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme. Bail-out is a false-analogy. Fuzzy debate thrives on fuzzy language.


          Beware the terms one metaphor too far
          removed from shore. The bilge-pump, churning, can't
          evacuate ubiquity. We are
          both victims of the swell and lubricant,
          the outward-in and inward-out combined.
          Immersion swims the length of listing fate.
          No sink receives the swill. We bail resigned
          to floundering. Will buoyancy reflate?
          Better to gauge the grind of gnashing teeth
          for climax; or despair, that flagging mast,
          submerged by too-bold sailing. Underneath
          the contour of our hull, a rhyming past
          breaks through. We are but slow-repeating fools
          in whom the wash of hubris often pools.

          --Norman Ball, 2009

