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US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

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  • US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

    What IS going on?

    Something BIG is happening, i recall EJ being worried that the US Goverment would try something DUMB........He was right to worry!


  • #2
    Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

    Originally posted by Mega View Post

    What IS going on?

    Something BIG is happening, i recall EJ being worried that the US Goverment would try something DUMB........He was right to worry!


    The US snoops around near China all the time -- and that includes trying to monitor their growing submarine fleet. China, obviously, doesn't like that. It probably isn't an accident that the ship being harrassed is an anti-submarine sonar/surveillance vessel. The last thing the Chinese want is for us to erect a passive sonar tracking network near their new naval base on Hainan Island.

    To the extent that I'm sure of anything, I'm sure that this is not a budding crisis worthy of our attention. It is the Chinese pushing back a bit on routine American surveillance -- and America refusing to budge because the surveillance is from international waters.
    Last edited by ASH; March 09, 2009, 04:40 PM.


    • #3
      Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

      I agree with ASH. This is fairly typical stuff.


      • #4
        Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

        Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
        I agree with ASH. This is fairly typical stuff.
        Relax Mega. At least this time they managed to avoid mixing paint...unlike this incident a few years back...
        Emergency landing as US plane collides with Chinese interceptor fighter jet

        Sunday, 1 April 2001

        A US Navy plane has been forced to land in China after hitting a Chinese fighter jet sent to intercept it in international airspace...


        • #5
          Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

          Yeah, this is all par for the course. A big part of it is because of the new president, they want to see how he reacts. Gates is still SECDEF, so I suspect it'll just be business as usual.

          Keeping SECDEF overlapping presidencies is a good idea, actually.


          • #6
            Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

            More info regarding to this:


            USA ships are far from home that is for sure.


            • #7
              Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

              Clarification on the reasons for US presence in South China Sea:

              However vigorously the Pentagon planners may deny it, the principle object of the anti-missile shield is the long term military power of China. A crucial element of it will be missiles launched from naval ships which will knock out enemy ballistic missiles during flight. In the event of an attack from anywhere in southern China, the naval element of missile defence would be in the South China Sea.

              Half the world's merchant traffic by tonnage passes through it, two-thirds of it crude oil. Whoever controls sea passage through the South China Sea has power over some of the largest and fastest growing economies in the world. And it is this which makes even a water fight a matter not only of local, but of international concern.

              Imagine the talk radio todo if Chinese Warships were 75 miles off US Territory.

              Why is Our OIL under their Sands?
              Why are their ships on Our Sea Routes?


              • #8
                Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

                I agree it is very important for the US to get sonar signitures of the subs. however 25 feet is close. these boats dont turn on a dime. We may have more paint mixing.


                • #9
                  Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

                  The US is provoking China who thinks they can kick sand in the USAs face right now because we appear to be a paper tiger. I wouldn't characterise this as a "routine thing" particularly considering the current economic situation for both countries who could really use a scapegoat right about now.

                  I wouldn't dismiss a low grade military conflict with China in the future where we would be dealt a humiliating loss, then our impotence would be front and center for the world to see. America could then go back to being a nice little country again who minds its business and lets these maniacs through-out the world handle their own problems.

                  PS: North Korea seems to be saber rattling again but then we're having military war games with the S. Koreans so why shouldn't they be nervous eh?


                  • #10
                    Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

                    Boys will be boys when ya give em water, air, or land vehicles. US Navy just annoying the Chinese Navy and getting annoyed in return. Spying is spying and everybody does it.

                    What would be interesting is if the US ship was boarded, hauled into port, and dismantled like the plane was. Likely some Chinese admiral will get a promotion or put up against the wall and shot if that happened...depending upon the US response.

                    Pull the Missouri outta mothballs and escort the spy ship. Let those tin lizzies run into her.


                    • #11
                      Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

                      Reminds me of some of the games played between Russia and the US during the cold war. Anyone remember in 1984 when the USS Kitty Hawk ran over a Russian submarine? The bow of the Kitty Hawk was ripped open about 50 feet along the keel and 20 feet up the bow. Part of that subs screw were imbedded in the bow and it had to be cut out with cutting torches. Never heard anything about the fate of that sub but the Kitty Hawk survived the game just fine with a few weeks of repair in the Philippines. Dangerous games.


                      • #12
                        Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

                        From some well placed sources, I have the information that the incident had nothing to do with military escalation between China and US, listening to the sonar signature of a new chinese sub, and all that nonsense everybody talks about in the media.

                        It is well known that the Chosen One is preparing to get rid of the "Don't ask, don't tell" approach in the US armed forces, and wants to open enlistment to openly gay defenders of our freedoms.

                        This incident (which was not supposed to make it in the media, let's hope the damage is not irreparable) was nothing else than a collaboration between the US Navy and the Chinese navy (which was very kind to offer help as long as their role remained secret) for making a new, powerful and high impact recruiting ad for the US Navy. The clue for that is in these lines:
                        The US ship sprayed one Chinese vessel with water from fire hoses to try to force it away, the Pentagon said. But the Chinese crew stripped to their underwear and carried on approaching to within 25ft (8m), it added.
                        The catch of the new Navy recruiting clip was to be made as an ultimate Village People fantasy.... Just think about... Hosing down exotic asian sailors in underwear, far away from prying eyes and civilization , under a tropical sun, and those cute chinese sailors yelling back dirty things at you in broken engrish while waving a huge red flag in the heat of the battle .... the american sailors wearing proudly their new and gorgeous black leather uniforms ....Oh my , if this doesn't boost enlisting to fabulous levels...

                        The inspiration for this new approach came from an extremely successful Japanese Maritime Defense Forces recruiting clip


                        • #13
                          Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

                          I was stationed in the Pacific Fleet, the is fairly typical stuff, no much to worry about. Now if they send a Carrier Battlegroup then thing will have taken a decided turn for the worse.

                          The Chinese will not board a U.S. warship for several reasons. 1) it's an act of war. it kinda of like walking up to someone and poking them in the eye and laughing. your going to start a fight!! 2) the crew would try and kill them very vigorously, 3) we would scuttle it first. The stuff on that boat we don't even the the Brits or Canadians know about, they will not let the Chinese get it, period. Someone referred to the P-3J that the Chinese forced down a couple of years , the crew would have destroyed the equipment before landing, per S.O.P.
                          We are all little cockroaches running around guessing when the FED will turn OFF the Lights.


                          • #14
                            Re: US Navy V China Navy.....Update, its getting nasty!

                            Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
                            I agree with ASH. This is fairly typical stuff.
                            Agreed, unlike the British ( last century ) we aren't forcing opium down their throats - just dollars ( this century ).

