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Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

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  • #31
    Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

    Originally posted by loweyecue View Post
    Excellent posts both of them. I wish I could make such reasoned arguments, but I get carried away too easily

    Ditto. And as for radon gas causing cancer, the first instances of radon causing cancer was in uranium miners. Guess what? they smoked.


    • #32
      Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

      Originally posted by mikedev10 View Post
      water is actually one of those things that expands when it gets colder... that's how you get your pipes exploding in the winter...
      You should stick to the dismal 'science' of economics. As for water, you are less than half correct. Water does expand when it crystallizes, freezes. Then as the temperature continues to decrease, ice contracts just like most crysatalline solids, although the density is still lower than liquid water and the ice will still float.

      Like most liquids, liquid water expands as it is warmed. (edit: warmed above around 4 degrees Celcius) Most of the small rise in sea level seen so far is due to thermal expansion of seawater in direct proportion to increasing temperature. The massive amounts of land-based ice, glaciers and the like, that has melted during the years of human industrial climate effects is relatively miniscule so far. All bets are off if the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets slough off into the water. THAT would be something!!

      The anecdotal 'evidence' cited here in this thread and in most of the lay press is just that: anecdotal. The Earth is warming. That simple fact is well documented and irrefutable. The overall warming of the Earth is due to many 'causes', both natural cycles and man-made effects, mostly due to release of greenhouse gases. The warming is unstopable. No matter what humans do or don't do, the Earth will continue to warm for the near-term future.

      However, within a few centuries, certainly not more than a millenium or two, the Earth will begin to rapidly cool and then enter another period of more or less widespread glaciation. The Ice Age isn't over folks. We are just in an interglacial period. This cycle of warming and cooling, long periods of glaciation and shorter interglacial warm spells, will continue far into the future until tectonic shifts open up the relatively land locked Acrtic Ocean. This is all just basic freshman level geology.

      Actual knowledge is very accessible and understandable if people would take the time to read a few basic textbooks instead of getting their 'information' from the web and mass media.
      Last edited by reallife; March 10, 2009, 12:28 AM.


      • #33
        Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

        Economists do not read textbooks, they only write them, and then re-write them.

        It is a full time job to constantly re-write and re-model economic theory to fit the real is very time left for reading.

        Hence, my comparison in this thread to religious groups that also seem select a faith, such a keynesian or Austrian school or whatever, and then spend thier time endlessly arguing and justifying.
        Last edited by Uno; March 10, 2009, 01:43 AM.


        • #34
          Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

          Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
          In 1950, the Wilkins Ice Shelf was bonded to Antarctica with a 62-mile wide block of ice. Now it clings by an hourglass-shaped link that narrows to just a third of a mile.
          Then from news yesterday -

          Word that the ice bridge holding the Wilkins Ice Sheet to Antarctica had shattered....[and]...only ten percent of Arctic ice is more than two years old.

          "We've been watching it all summer," said British Antarctic Survey glaciologist David Vaughan, "waiting for it to go, and bang -- now it's gone."
          Oops, that didn't take long. Wilkins is on the loose. Better collect your kids, that ice shelf could be anywhere.

          But don't worry about any follow-on events, global warming is a myth, a bogeyman invented by environmentalists. Even if it's not, I'm sure the financial meltdown will get you first.


          • #35
            Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

            Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
            But don't worry about any follow-on events, global warming is a myth, a bogeyman invented by environmentalists. Even if it's not, I'm sure the financial meltdown will get you first.
            Precisely right. Besides, who needs an Arctic Ice Shelf, anyway? It's not like I was ever going to go there.


            • #36
              Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

              Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
              . . .
              The E.P.A. put signs on the shores of Almaden Reservoir and Guadelupe Reservoir in San Jose warning of fish contaminated with mercury. (I ate fish from those reservoirs as a boy, and I am just fine, thank you.) :p
              So that's what happened to you. Well, better from eating fish than from tanning beaver hides like the Mad Hatter. I'm so sorry.


              • #37
                Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

                Originally posted by Andreuccio View Post
                Precisely right. Besides, who needs an Arctic Ice Shelf, anyway? It's not like I was ever going to go there.
                Who owns the thing if it detaches and floats about the ocean? Too bad ya can't harvest it.


                • #38
                  Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

                  Below is a NASA picture of the ice shelf before the last remnants broke away and from the day it happened.




                  • #39
                    Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

                    My gut tells me its more an attempt at a power grab than anything. If they'd just come out and say we want cleaner air, I'd be 100% behind it. But they don't. It has to be a crisis. We have to act now!
                    And by "act now!" they mean a total reconfiguration of society and destruction of the standard of living in the western world.


                    • #40
                      Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

                      Ice breaking-off of the Antarctic ice sheet is normal at the end of the Antarctic summer. The process is called calving. Without calving, the Antarctic (and Arctic) ice sheets would grow because more ice collects from the centre of these ice sheets and moves outward and breaks-off. In other words, the ice-deficits are at the rim of the polar ice sheets, and the ice-surpluses are in the centre of the ice sheets.

                      Another point is that the Earth is actually cooling, not warming. Just Google "global cooling", and you will see all of the recent papers written on this subject by real scientists, not eco-frauds on the Greenpeace payroll.

                      The Earth's climate is changing, and climatic change is normal on this planet. But what is interesting is that in recent centuries, change in the Earth's climate has been modest relative to the size of changes that occurred at the end of the Ice Age, 10,000 years ago. Sea level, for example, rose 300 feet at the end of the Ice Age, but in recent centuries, sea level has been little changed--- only up a few inches.
                      Last edited by Starving Steve; April 13, 2009, 09:33 PM.


                      • #41
                        Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

                        Same arguements as in the '70s. There is nothing new under the sun!


                        - I think this happy icon came from that era too!


                        • #42
                          Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

                          Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
                          Below is a NASA picture of the ice shelf before the last remnants broke away and from the day it happened.


                          Neat photos. Thanks. Now if we can just get this type of clarity from the wall streeters et al we'd at least know what the hell is going on and work from that.


                          • #43
                            Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

                            Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                            Ice breaking-off of the Antarctic ice sheet is normal at the end of the Antarctic summer. The process is called calving.
                            Please don't let the facts get your way. The separation was not caused by calving at the outer edges but since you've brought it up maybe you'd like to explain how you define calving as an ice shelf losing 1,400 square miles or over 25% of its area during a single summer. That's what happened to Wilkins in 2008.

                            Another point is that the Earth is actually cooling, not warming.
                            The point is simple, the Wilkins Ice Shelf is imploding due to warming. If you want to generalize maybe you'll want to show how Antarctica warming by 4 degrees over the last 50 years is actually cooling.

                            The Earth's climate is changing, and climatic change is normal on this planet.
                            Please show how this change in Wilkins is normal. Your ability to correlate global cooling with the exploding of the ice shelf into hundreds of icebergs in your proof is worth extra credit.


                            • #44
                              Re: Antarctic Peninsula is warming quickly

                              There is so much evidence that this is a recent and man made change that today, there is no doubt whatsoever. If you believe otherwise, then I suggest you do not remain living close to any sea water, you just might get a very big surprise one morning. personally, I will place my trust in the Independence of the BBC any day.


                              50 years on: The Keeling Curve legacy

                              By Helen Briggs
                              Science reporter, BBC News

                              It is a scientific icon, which belongs, some claim, alongside E=mc2 and the double helix. Its name - the Keeling Curve - may be scarcely known outside scientific circles, but the jagged upward slope showing rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere has become one of the most famous graphs in science, and a potent symbol of our times.

                              It was 50 years ago that a young American scientist, Charles David Keeling, began tracking CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere at two of the world's last wildernesses - the South Pole and the summit of the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii.

                              His very precise measurements produced a remarkable data set, which first sounded alarm bells over the build-up of the gas in the atmosphere, and eventually led to the tracking of greenhouse gases worldwide.

                              The curve set the scene for the debate over climate change, and policies, sometimes controversial, that address the human contribution to the greenhouse effect.

                              Without this curve, and Professor Keeling's tireless work, there is no question that our understanding and acceptance of human-induced global warming would be 10-20 years less advanced than it is today - Dr Andrew Manning, UEA

                              "It wasn't until Keeling came along and started measuring CO2 that we got the evidence that CO2 was increasing from human activities," says Professor Andrew Watkinson, director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia (UEA), UK. "The graph is iconic from a climate perspective."
                              Last edited by Chris Coles; April 14, 2009, 04:17 AM.


                              • #45
                                This is not a Climate Change website

                                What does Climate Change have to do with Itulip?

                                Must every website on the internet be hijacked by debates about the human contribution to global warming?

                                Why not post in favour of evangelical Christianity, while you are at it, or push your favorite diet?

