Some years ago I watched a quiz program on football, what caught my attention was the obvious distance, isolation and to some degree disinterest of one of the participants, he was a top player the others were commentators, critics, politicians and TV personalities, in turn all were asked questions about televised matches and gave pleasing answers then came the turn of the top player who astounded the others when he was unable to answer a question that all, other than he, thought obvious when asked to explain his lack of knowledge he said he had never watched football on TV he had just played it,
If by chance his expertise had been unknown by the other personalities he would likely have been dismissed as the least qualified in his subject,
Now imagine this top player in his game with others at his level attempting within the normal rules of football to win by scoring the most goals, he and the others are now in their element engaged in a complex but fulfilling blend of reflex knowledge and athleticism enthusiasm emotion etc, in this structure the players motivated by playing to score goals within a balanced but minimal set of simple rules evolved to efficiently stimulate and satisfy extreme levels of dynamic instinctive human interaction,
We the observers and customers of this product are rewarded at our own innate human level, even if we don’t like football we also respect to some degree the athletic achievements of the game,
Let us now imagine the effect various ''good'' ideas the commentators, critics, academics, politicians and TV personalities their management and self interest groups and all other non-combatants might wish to ''democratically'' impose on the game so as to ''improve'' it,
Yes, it would be ruined,
And so, for now, has been the game of life,
If by chance his expertise had been unknown by the other personalities he would likely have been dismissed as the least qualified in his subject,
Now imagine this top player in his game with others at his level attempting within the normal rules of football to win by scoring the most goals, he and the others are now in their element engaged in a complex but fulfilling blend of reflex knowledge and athleticism enthusiasm emotion etc, in this structure the players motivated by playing to score goals within a balanced but minimal set of simple rules evolved to efficiently stimulate and satisfy extreme levels of dynamic instinctive human interaction,
We the observers and customers of this product are rewarded at our own innate human level, even if we don’t like football we also respect to some degree the athletic achievements of the game,
Let us now imagine the effect various ''good'' ideas the commentators, critics, academics, politicians and TV personalities their management and self interest groups and all other non-combatants might wish to ''democratically'' impose on the game so as to ''improve'' it,
Yes, it would be ruined,
And so, for now, has been the game of life,