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United States of Amnesia

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  • #16
    Re: United States of Amnesia

    Originally posted by The Bouncer View Post
    We do not disrespect the religions of others here. One and only warning.

    That generic admonition does not venture very far into this topic, does it? Does "the bouncer" read around at all, and from his reading, does he form a core set of views on what constitutes raw barbarity among the human tribes? Political correctness, carried to it's logical extreme, must ALSO apply to instances such as the article cited above, no? In that case, you would be bound to "not disrespect the religion" of these extremists with any outrage too? On the other hand in that case, your admonition above would also border upon the pusillanimous, IMO given the barbarity of that act. Now you can ban me for that if you like. I could care less.

    Suggestion, move this poster's comments to "rant and rave" and back off, or be a silent apologist for the hapless end of the British subject in the article quoted above. I wish to post this objection.


    • #17
      Re: United States of Amnesia

      ah, c'mon... this...

      If we believe in armagedon, hell fires, miracles, and angeles flying around in the clouds then it makes it more difficult to stand up against people that believe in Islam.

      Richard Dawkins, an athiest, is brillant at pulling the covers off radical Islam but in doing so he also shows how ignorant evangelical bible pounders are in the USA.

      I do agree with him that Christians are completely benign in comparison to Islam but still believe that evangelical radical beliefs have added fuel to this rise of human ignorance around the earth against the civilized world. waaaaaaay over the line.


      • #18
        Re: United States of Amnesia

        I think the Bouncer got him:mad:


        • #19
          Re: United States of Amnesia

          Sorry, if the truth hurts. Which part of it is over the top? Making fun of people that believe in armageddon or intelligent design? What about those that believe in structured finance?

          The fact that GW Bush and the GOP framed the fight against radical Islam as some kind of "christian crusade" or "war of civilizations" alienated much of America and the rest of the civilized world. ie. plus Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, ect..

          This "fuel" enabled radical Islam to get further embedded into Europe (and the rest of the world) during the Bush administration, almost like a "f-you" or "blow back" to Bush's America from those left leaning Europeans that believe in outrageous ideas such evolution.

          If you have a literal belief (or support one in political office) of armageddon and intelligent design and are against science such as stem cell research, then it is VERY difficult for the rest of civilized world to take that person seriously as a global leader when they talk of fighting against radical Islam.

          As a comparison, if we had more of a Netanyahu type, rather then a Bush, that was able to frame the conflict in terms of all civilized western society then we would be further along.

          The point of my original rant, Britian vs US is also true: Britian of today is much further down the road away from democracy then the USA is, anyway you slice it. I travel to the UK a few times a year and often hear this idea that the USA is in trouble compared to the UK. This is also related to the Bush, christian fundamentalist, political blow back.

          Sharia law in UK is 'unavoidable' -

          and the truth is also "unavoidable" no matter how much it hurts.
          Last edited by Uno; March 08, 2009, 11:37 PM.


          • #20
            Re: United States of Amnesia

            Originally posted by Uno View Post
            Sorry, if the truth hurts. Which part of it is over the top? Making fun of people that believe in armageddon or intelligent design? What about those that believe in structured finance?


            The fact that GW Bush and the GOP framed the fight against radical Islam as some kind of "christian crusade" or "war of civilizations" alienated much of America and the rest of the civilized world. ie. plus Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, ect..

            This "fuel" enabled radical Islam to get further embedded into Europe (and the rest of the world) during the Bush administration, almost like a "f-you" or "blow back" to Bush's America from those left leaning Europeans that believe in outrageous ideas such evolution.

            If you have a literal belief (or support one in political office) of armageddon and intelligent design and are against science such as stem cell research, then it is VERY difficult for the rest of civilized world to take that person seriously as a global leader when they talk of fighting against radical Islam.

            As a comparison, if we had more of a Netanyahu type, rather then a Bush, that was able to frame the conflict in terms of all civilized western society then we would be further along.


            The point of my original rant, Britian vs US is also true: Britian of today is much further down the road away from democracy then the USA is, anyway you slice it. I travel to the UK a few times a year and often hear this idea that the USA is in trouble compared to the UK. This is also related to the Bush, christian fundamentalist, political blow back.

            Sharia law in UK is 'unavoidable' -

            and the truth is also "unavoidable" no matter how much it hurts.

            I think they just used them like others in the past

            Evangelical: Rove's office called evangelicals 'The Nuts' [VIDEO]

            According to Steve Benen, a damning new book by David Kuo -- former high-ranking official in Bush's Office of Faith-Based Initiatives -- reveals that Bush's plan for social betterment through the religious community "was a charade," and "a political ploy."

            Kuo appears to be one pissed off evangelical. And no wonder:

            "National Christian leaders received hugs and smiles in person and then were dismissed behind their backs and described as 'ridiculous,' 'out of control,' and just plain 'goofy,'" Kuo wrote. He added that Karl Rove called some of the nation's most prominent evangelical leaders "the nuts."

            Keith Olbermann got his hands on a copy of the book... watch his report above.


            Take the cartoon controversy, if you think that the newspaper Jyllands Posten, which published the Mohammed Cartoons coincidently is a regular at Bilderberg, I've got bridge to sell.

            DNK "Rose, Flemming" "Editor, Jyllands Posten"

