From Willem Buiter, here's the full quote from a recent piece:
Original link was at
Amen, Willem. And hats off to you for fessing up. Echoes of Nassim Taleb who advocates an immediate shutdown of the "education" of Financial Engineers.
I have yet to see any Economist (or Criminologist for that matter) produce any study analysing the cost of Corporate and Political Corruption in the current Disaster. Yet, these seem very significant factors. Is this subject then TABU to academic careers? Hey, folks, look at the Elephant in the Economic Room! This is just one of numerous topics Economics ignores.
If academic Economics is of dubious value, then what about all those other academic disciplines and departments, like Medicine (docs in bed with PHARMA), Engineering (do we get only INDUSTRY driven solutions?), etc. We think the Best and Brightest are running things when it may be the Worst and Dimmest, but well-connected.
Let's not ignore the fact also that Universities are in the main heavily publicly subsidized but the Public has little say over who gets access to them. Hmmm, that sounds like the Socialized Banks
Indeed, the typical graduate macroeconomics and monetary economics training received at Anglo-American universities during the past 30 years or so, may have set back by decades serious investigations of aggregate economic behaviour and economic policy-relevant understanding. It was a privately and socially costly waste of time and other resources. [my bold]
Original link was at
Amen, Willem. And hats off to you for fessing up. Echoes of Nassim Taleb who advocates an immediate shutdown of the "education" of Financial Engineers.
I have yet to see any Economist (or Criminologist for that matter) produce any study analysing the cost of Corporate and Political Corruption in the current Disaster. Yet, these seem very significant factors. Is this subject then TABU to academic careers? Hey, folks, look at the Elephant in the Economic Room! This is just one of numerous topics Economics ignores.
If academic Economics is of dubious value, then what about all those other academic disciplines and departments, like Medicine (docs in bed with PHARMA), Engineering (do we get only INDUSTRY driven solutions?), etc. We think the Best and Brightest are running things when it may be the Worst and Dimmest, but well-connected.
Let's not ignore the fact also that Universities are in the main heavily publicly subsidized but the Public has little say over who gets access to them. Hmmm, that sounds like the Socialized Banks