See link,
David X. Li's Gaussian copula function
An initial result of this formula would be that the cost of CDS insurance would fall as implied asset risk would appear to diminish as accelerating new credit inflated underlying asset prices thereby providing intrinsic loop dependent liquidity to service the borrowing quite detached from the stabilizing necessity of providing solvency extrinsic to the credit loop itself, and by the way extremely destructive and unfairly competitive to people trying to work within real world economics without the short term advantage of fraudulent accelerating fiat credit money,
Just prior to the collapse as one might expect the cost of CDS insurance was very low implying insignificant lending risk biasing the formula towards easier and cheaper credit,
future credit stability became critically dependent on ever accelerating credit induced asset inflation, then at the point of exponential credit expansion, the system collapsed
To my mind it is not remotely credible that the banks implementing this formula were unaware of its limitation but found it a convenient tool to absolve their implied responsibility of good judgment and get rich by providing unsustainable credit, also banks must have for some time been aware that they were committed to powering a merry-go-round that must continue to accelerate or immediately collapse while knowing that their actions would eventually lead to much greater collapse and destruction,
David X. Li's Gaussian copula function
An initial result of this formula would be that the cost of CDS insurance would fall as implied asset risk would appear to diminish as accelerating new credit inflated underlying asset prices thereby providing intrinsic loop dependent liquidity to service the borrowing quite detached from the stabilizing necessity of providing solvency extrinsic to the credit loop itself, and by the way extremely destructive and unfairly competitive to people trying to work within real world economics without the short term advantage of fraudulent accelerating fiat credit money,
Just prior to the collapse as one might expect the cost of CDS insurance was very low implying insignificant lending risk biasing the formula towards easier and cheaper credit,
future credit stability became critically dependent on ever accelerating credit induced asset inflation, then at the point of exponential credit expansion, the system collapsed
To my mind it is not remotely credible that the banks implementing this formula were unaware of its limitation but found it a convenient tool to absolve their implied responsibility of good judgment and get rich by providing unsustainable credit, also banks must have for some time been aware that they were committed to powering a merry-go-round that must continue to accelerate or immediately collapse while knowing that their actions would eventually lead to much greater collapse and destruction,