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Official: DOW worse than 1929

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  • #16
    Re: Official: DOW worse than 1929

    Originally posted by Lukester View Post
    Chris, you miss the point.

    This is a rule in journalism, blogs, or any public discussion community. It is "not cool" to introduce editorial insertions into the comments of contributors, no matter how frivolous, without notifying these contributors that the editors wish to retain the privilege to do so.

    In any kind of publishing, doing this without a clear disclaimer is a "no-no". Rajiv gets it. Not a whole lot of others appear to. Does not matter in the slightest how frivolous it may be. I am surprised iTulip, with it's depth and subtlety of understanding in practically all directions, feels it can dispense with this point. It matters not one bit that this is a "private club or community". This is a right which contributors should retain anywhere. You can set up a website where you reserve reproduction rights to any contributor content, but you can't "summarily edit" any of that content without their permission - or if you do reserve this right, you need to make that very clear in a further disclaimer. Nowhere on iTulip does it say "we reserve the right to change words in your posts at our discretion", now does it?

    I'm actually less concerned about iTulip doing that, than I am at the lethargic response to this practice on the part of all of it's readers. If you submit an comment or letter to your local newspaper, and you see it published the next day but with "some words changed", what do you conclude as to the propriety of that? Do you take that lethargically too? iTulip don't seem to "get" this point, which is quite surprising. Word to iTulip's editors. You don't "own" our comments outright. The exchange of views (particularly with paying subscribers) is a two way street, where certain lines are not crossed. So the correct "terms of use" everywhere is, that you do not introduce macros, regardless of their frivolity, which change subscriber comments in any way, without A) clearing it with them, and B) posting a disclaimer on "terms of use" clearly on the website.

    Most particularly, you don't introduce macros such as "schiffty" when contributors are referring to a well known stock broker, which cast even the most jocular slur upon that professional. Why? Because by doing so, you potentially render your own contributors liable to a complaint from that party, while your contributors may not have intended to cast any slur upon him. By doing this, iTulip has exposed it's contributors to a civil risk which the contributors were not made aware of beforehand. This is a perfect illustration of the line that gets crossed in propriety, when contributor comments are "altered" by what looks like a harmless macro on a forum such as this. It's like a man groping a woman on a public bus. Everyone around him is staring at him and saying "in civilized community you can't do that with impunity", and the man just stares back blankly and says "why not"? Get the point?
    The macros lessen the integrity of the site for me which is, otherwise, exemplary.


    • #17
      Re: Official: DOW worse than 1929

      I agree Jay. The site is superb. This is a *very small* point, but it's an important point nonetheless. Presumably iTulip can take a small criticism, and maybe if enough people sign on to register this small objection they will cease indulging in that.

      Originally posted by Jay View Post
      The macros lessen the integrity of the site for me which is, otherwise, exemplary.


      • #18
        Re: Official: DOW worse than 1929

        "Mega's pet monkey" = Schiff was at least easier to discern.;)


        • #19
          Re: Official: DOW worse than 1929

          Originally posted by Lukester View Post
          Chris, you miss the point.
          Lukester, you didn't get the point I was making. However, having said that, I do take the point you are also making.

          I was reacting to Krakknisse and his post as below.

          "You can't say s c a r e d here. Fred thinks it funny.

          "I see debt people" (wooo!)"

          It might interest you all to know that I started out posting on Always On and came across EJ there. But when they changed the terms of use to take absolute control of anything that anyone submitted, I left the site and have not, nor will I ever return.

          I am pleased to contribute to the debate, but, when push comes to shove, I remain the owner of my thoughts. I sell my soul to no one but am happy to contribute. So I have to say I do understand the point you make.


          • #20
            Re: Official: DOW worse than 1929

            Originally posted by Lukester View Post
            Here, try this one. Type S P O O K , but all lowercase attached.

            Looky here: friend (hint: i just typed s p o o k )

            :p :p :p

            Someone here tweaking the editorial buttons has a squirrely sense of either humor, or propriety, or what the heck else, I don't know. Funny because he seems so impeccably sane all the rest of the time. I couldn't imagine a saner sounding voice on iTulip than our beloved FRED (other than when he's getting steamed about "fraudulent technical analysts"). What could have happened to him? Is he going all squirrely on us? :eek: :confused: :rolleyes:
            Thanks for the reminder. The "spook" replacement variable was a leftover from a member who was calling other members names a few months back.

            I didn't have time to deal with it myself. Now we have The Bouncer so if that member called other members names today he'd get one warning then be banned from the site forever without ceremony.


            • #21
              Re: Official: DOW worse than 1929

              This sounds like one of those "read the real message between my lines" replies - full of ominous innuendo. Say, iTulip can't take a moderate criticism? When "schiffty" was running and this was pointed out, my recollection is that you never even acknowledged that to exist. Meanwhile, one notes a few other analysts get the summary bum's rush on these pages after the most cursory scrutiny, but iTulip sounds tetchy if anyone suggests some small editorial detail here is out of line?

              I'm all agog Fred. Who was in line to get banned without ceremony? I seem to recall a "bouncer" character leaning on me recently, much to my dislike. Was your post above an oblique reference to me perhaps (although I never need to lean on "name calling" to make a point)? Pray tell who this vile offender is. We are not marshmallows around here, at least I'm not. If I find your approach high handed on arbitrary grounds, I'll be the one to walk, voluntarily, and bequeath the remainder of my subscription to some worthy charity.

              And regardless, the suggestion here is that you not use "macros" at all to exercise editorial intervention, because they are altogether inappropriate tools which presume upon everyone else as well.

              Originally posted by FRED View Post
              Thanks for the reminder. The "spook" replacement variable was a leftover from a member who was calling other members names a few months back.

              I didn't have time to deal with it myself. Now we have The Bouncer so if that member called other members names today he'd get one warning then be banned from the site forever without ceremony.
              Last edited by Contemptuous; March 03, 2009, 05:38 PM.

