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Anarchy in the Heartland: Okla. Mayor and Police Force All Quit

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  • Anarchy in the Heartland: Okla. Mayor and Police Force All Quit

    Frustrated With Small-Town Poltics, the Mayor, Police Chief and Cops Resign

    A dispute – part personal, part political – among elected officials in a small Oklahoma town has resulted in the resignation of the entire police force, the police chief, town attorney, vice mayor and mayor.

    On a very small and very sardonic scale, Ringling, Oklahoma's descent into anarchy mirrors that of failed states in places like Afghanistan and Haiti.

    The town has been abandoned by its elected leader, forced out by an increasingly powerful opposition. Outside forces – namely, the Jefferson County sheriff -- have been called in to keep the peace. Allegations of influence peddling and cover-ups abound. An illicit narco-economy has sprung up, and the drug trade, from manufacturing to dealing, is booming. And the remaining city council members are conducting purges and "kangaroo courts to get rid of whoever they don't like," according to the outgoing mayor.

    Depending on your perspective, it's either Mayberry meets realpolitik or they're all just a bunch of "dummies."

    Jerry Reid, the mayor of Ringling, has yet to tenure his resignation in writing, but he has "had it with" small town politics and "the dummies involved" and intends to officially quit soon.

    Reid said he decided to quit soon after police Chief Jeremy Wilson and his entire police force turned in their badges and guns on Tuesday, after weeks of being threatened with dismissal from some members of the town's council.

    It is a slow burning fuse folks...

  • #2
    Re: Anarchy in the Heartland: Okla. Mayor and Police Force All Quit

    Dissolved governments seem to be the order of the day, take a look at Iceland and Latvia. I don't blame them personally, why would anyone want to be a public servant subject to verbal slings and arrows as well as the impunement of your character? The answer is to have complete and absolute control, in other words to become a tyrant which is what happens in a leadership void.

    A tyrant steps into the breach and imposes law and order while the populous slavesly devotes itself to the state and his will. Society developes the pathos of its leadership due to the concentration of power at the top. Individuality is much maligned and even despised resulting in little invention and innovation, gray becomes the national color. Without a capitalistic country theres not even another vibrant country to copy their innovations from, so things stay the same at first then they steadily decline as their long established capital is reduced to dust through stasis, entropy and possibly even willful destruction through conflict.


    • #3
      Re: Anarchy in the Heartland: Okla. Mayor and Police Force All Quit

      You know, one of my fav movies is called "Light Sleeper"......Willam Defoe plays a middle ranking drug dealer.......You look at all the pre-cort-ions he takes to avoid detection by the Police.

      Now, they are so open about it!


