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U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

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  • #31
    Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

    Originally posted by bpwoods View Post
    cjppjc, Thanks for the reply. Ethanol is indeed a problem; factor in many auto crashes. But it also is a factor in many assaults. Is MJ a factor in auto accidents It may well be, but where is the empirical evidence (in peer-review publications) - so ban alcohol then - oops, been there! Not such a good idea!. Start again. Mj is involved in many assaults

    I sense a significant logic deficit somewhere. Maybe its some religious thing. Be a real gas if we found out that Mr Jesus was a 'pot-head' - sort of picked up the habit in his journeys to and from Hindustan.

    Seems that there is a lot of explaining to be done by those who advocate prohibition. Keep thinking that Nicotine and Ethanol are seriously harmful substances yet they are tightly regulated for supply for human consumption. Got to be a rational explanation!

    About 30% of adult population smoke. Anyone know the stats for MJ Also, not ALL tobacco smokers also use MJ - any WOW (words-of-wisdom) anyone

    Brian P
    The first arguement is always MJ leads to harder drugs.


    • #32
      Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

      This is probably from the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

      About 4% of American adults smoke pot at least once a year. Roughly 1% of adults abuse pot, and one in 300 have a pot addiction...


      • #33
        Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

        It would be interesting to hear from someone who has an apposing viewpoint to the libertarian position that seems to be prevalent on this matter.


        • #34
          Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

          Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
          It would be interesting to hear from someone who has an apposing viewpoint to the libertarian position that seems to be prevalent on this matter.
          you can read some self-serving claptrap here

          Aren't law enforcement officials supposed to enforce the law, not agitate for tougher law or mis-apply the law?


          • #35
            Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

            Originally posted by Spartacus View Post
            you can read some self-serving claptrap here


            Aren't law enforcement officials supposed to enforce the law, not agitate for tougher law or mis-apply the law?

            Not the response I was looking for. But I appreciate the effort.

            Had to come back and edit. There are some problems with that report.


            • #36
              Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states


              Thanks for the info. Even the dinosaurs went extinct! It just took a long time.

              Brian P


              • #37
                Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states


                Now this is interesting! So folks start on MJ and graduate to EtOH and Nicotine!! These two substances are as about as 'hard' as they come - physiologically speaking. But I suppose this is irrelevant - its only real science after all, not political mumbo-jumbo. I always understood that minors started on single cigarettes, then graduated onto EtOH. Did I read somewhere that some CEOs lied to a Senate Committee (under oath!) that nicotine was NOT addictive!!

                The stats are very important:

                Deaths and injury from gunshot trauma
                Deaths and injury from auto accidents
                Deaths and diseases related to tobacco abuse
                Deaths, trauma and diseases related to alcohol abuse
                Deaths and injury due to overdose with prescribed medicines

                As I said, we regulate all manner of dangerous and harmful substances so that they can be consumed by humans. So what is the problem with proscribed substances I am at a loss.

                Brian P


                • #38
                  Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

                  Seemed pretty black market on the streets around the Gastown district.


                  • #39
                    Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

                    Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                    It is possible that the alcohol and cigarette industries are fighting against legalization of Marijuana.

                    But I doubt it. If I were them, I'd fight FOR legalization, but WITH massive taxes over and above what these two industries already suffer under as well as massive regulatory burden.

                    Because the net win for alcohol/tobacco is to raise the actual price of marijuana to very high levels. How much are illicit marijuana rolled cigs now vs. Marlboro at $6/pack?

                    This also helps by bringing the state and federal governments into the picture: disintermediation of the so called drug lords is simply a bonus.

                    If, on the other hand, you pointed at the prison industry as a major opponent of the fight against legalizing marijuana - that I could believe.

                    DEA doesn't matter. Either way they're going to be involved in monitoring tax compliance, 'regulatory oversight', and going after all those existing MJ growers and dealers who are already used to not paying taxes and evading the law. Or to say another way - any influence the DEA exerts, the BATF can counteract via its own empire building.
                    I overlooked that obvious industry - prison/military - these industries would be severely impacted in their abilities to operate (mandate), let alone budgets/funding. Excuses to isolate certain countries or regimes due to being "drug friendly", or similar have allowed us military adventures and justification of economic/trade sanction.

                    Don't be so quick to doubt the anti-pot lobby/coalition. While you might suggest that big tobacco, alcohol and pharma would want legalization, and dominate I would counter that they're incapable of succeeding.

                    Consider a beer analogy:
                    Most folks understand that you can't just throw yeast, hops, water etc. into a boiling pot, age in a keg, filter & expect to come up with Labbat's Blue... I use the example of Labbat's Blue because Labbat claims to have kept a specific yeast culture alive for some 50+ years (the calimed purpose being to maintain consistency of taste/flavor). Apparently Labbat found yeast to have the greatest impact. Similarly, its not like anyone can just plant a seed and come up with commercial grade MJ... A pot that is potent, is resistant to disease/pests, and is ready to harvest in 60-100 days (think ROI).

                    Scientifically conducted selective-breeding marijuana programs have gone on (over the course of some 40+ years, perhaps longer 2700 year old stash) in countries where such activities are, or have been legal, as well as not. The programs have been well documented and written about in many books and journals. Just like patented corn or Orchid hybrids, if someone other than the 'breeders' attempted to claim ownership or use of a given variety, genome or the like (under a legalized pot system) they'd lose in court, and in the marketplace.

                    Unless tobacco, suds & pharma co's have been secretly conspiring with, and funding underground 'growing' programs they aren't going to take the pot world by storm (with highly priced & sought after MJ). Smaller 'companies' in BC, Canada & Amsterdam will be out in front.
                    Last edited by DToM67; March 01, 2009, 01:24 PM. Reason: clarity


                    • #40
                      Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states


                      I think you are not understanding the Sapiens' mind set.

                      The big tobacco and alcohol companies in particular are more than large enough to just buy out a smaller operation, then scale it up.

                      They are further well skilled in marketing, distribution, government lobbying, buying agricultural products en masse, and the sheer logistics of running huge corporations.

                      To think some underground operation can compete is unrealistic. Even small time companies supplying the tiny existing legal market would have difficulty competing.

                      Just look at Samuel Adams as an example.


                      • #41
                        Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

                        The police, the courts, the prisons. All a huge industry threatened by any legalization of pot. Throw in drug companies as well.

                        I'm not wanting to get into a discussion about legalization, I just think some sick miserable person should be able to get a little relief without having jackbooted thugs kicking in the door.


                        • #42
                          Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

                          "war on drugs" and the School of the Americans

                          1. Americans buy drugs
                          2. American foriegn aid trains anti-drug military in latin America
                          3. The anti-drug military launders the money to buy US arms



                          • #43
                            Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

                            Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                            The big tobacco and alcohol companies in particular are more than large enough to just buy out a smaller operation, then scale it up.

                            They are further well skilled in marketing, distribution, government lobbying, buying agricultural products en masse, and the sheer logistics of running huge corporations.

                            To think some underground operation can compete is unrealistic. Even small time companies supplying the tiny existing legal market would have difficulty competing.

                            Just look at Samuel Adams as an example.
                            Problem with pot is, none of that is needed. Even an average student in sociology who is stoned all of his waking hours can grow more than enough for himself and his friends.

                            There is no way to enforce the huge black market if it were legal, so there would be essentially no market for the regulated and taxed variety.


                            • #44
                              Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

                              Originally posted by bpr View Post
                              Problem with pot is, none of that is needed. Even an average student in sociology who is stoned all of his waking hours can grow more than enough for himself and his friends.

                              There is no way to enforce the huge black market if it were legal, so there would be essentially no market for the regulated and taxed variety.
                              I disagree. Why is/was there not a huge black market for tobacco (okay, it is probably harder to grow than week) or liquor. Also, consider cigarettes - some quick research indicates that one can save 50% by buying tobacco and papers and rolling your own. I suspect that you can get much better tobacco and have a better product. But I don't know many smokers that roll their own.
                              Similarly consider delivered or take-out food, quick oil change garages, etc. People are very happy to pay for convenience.


                              • #45
                                Re: U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states

                                On the synergy of Little Grass and Big FInance:

                                One afternoon an investment banker was riding in his limousine when he saw two men along the roadside eating grass. Disturbed, he ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate.

                                He asked one man, "Why are you eating grass?"

                                "We don't have any money for food," the poor man replied. "We have to eat grass."

                                "Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I'll feed you," the banker said.
                                "But sir, I have a wife and two children with me. They are over there, under that tree."
                                "Bring them along," the banker replied.
                                Turning to the other poor man he stated, "You come with us, also."
                                The second man, in a pitiful voice, then said, "But sir, I also have a wife and SIX children with me!
                                "Bring them all, as well," the banker answered.
                                They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limousine was.
                                Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to the banker and said, "Sir, you are too kind."
                                "Thank you for taking all of us with you."

                                The banker replied, "Glad to do it.

                                "You'll really love my place.

                                The grass is almost a foot high."

                                But this Bad News:

                                Grass Sniffin' Drone


                                Hey, kids, do try this at home: spray the house of your Neighbor From HELL (Dick Cheney?) with Essence Of Mary Jane and watch the fun begin. Maybe, if a hot day, turn an entrepreneurial profit by setting up a lemo stand for the overkill SWAT TEAM. Good luck.

                                For Marksfolk, these Sniffers might help with the Clay Pigeon Budget.

