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Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

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  • Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

    I always thought these guys were a 5TH Colum for America. Stop nations from building atomic plants, thus they need to buy Hydro-carbons priced in $....thus surrport the $.

    Now its turning!!!!!


  • #2
    Re: Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

    The Greens used to support nuclear power but that changed in the 1960s when the "back to nature" advocates essentially replaced the "anti-pollution" element of the enviromental movement. Big difference between the two -- the latter believes in an industrialized society, but one that runs cleanly and safely.

    The fomer wants us living in caves.


    • #3
      Re: Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

      So far, I see no atomic power in Obama's energy plan, or am I wrong about that omission? He seems to have the ear of the eco-frauds on the West Coast; i.e, the Sierra Club and Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, etc.

      And here in Canada, I see no atomic power plans, as far as I know. Certainly, there are no plans for such in British Columbia. There are not even plans to build hydro-electric dams in BC; the water power goes to waste.

      If my kids didn't live in BC, I would be back in Alberta in less time than it takes for a beaver to flap its tail.


      • #4
        Re: Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

        Obama has deep and old connections to the nuclear power industry. Expect major gains.


        • #5
          Re: Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

          Originally posted by Chomsky View Post
          Obama has deep and old connections to the nuclear power industry. Expect major gains.

          I could use some major gains in my CCJ and DNN. Major major would get me even on DNN.


          • #6
            Nuclear not the answer


            The graph is in kilo tonnes of Unat, a measure of the degree of enrichment in the fuel, versus year.

            The above graph shows the various sources of nuclear fuel (Canada is #1 world supplier, so be nice to your Northern neighbour), and the unmet demand. World stocks are dropping fast, and are being consumed faster than they can be replaced from the mines & enrichment plants.

            Mines only supply about 55% of world demand. Fortunately, old nuclear warheads are actually good for something. Dismantled, the fissionable material in the bomb can be re-processed and used to enrich uranium purified ore, making it into usable fuel.

            Like other supplies, there is a finite, limited supply of old warheads. Then what?

            "Unfilled D." is "Unfilled Demand", shown in light gray above, are customers who want to buy, but there are no available fuel rods to sell them.

            Note that the shortfall begins in 2007 according to this data. Others have it as 2009.

            What happens to these remaining stocks when the world suddenly doubles the consumption of enriched uranium for electrical production?


            The price goes up. Commodity price inflation, here we come.

            'Ya gotta love this. If you didn't laugh, you'd be crying. Notice how everything seems to be simultaneously going into the toilet at the same time? Economy, climate, population, food, energy, extinction of species, deforestation, riots, etc.

            All we need now is a large meteor to be coming at us. By the way..., has anyone checked the sky lately????

            Maybe the Maya had something in ending their calendar at Dec. 2012. Maya scholars say that is horse feathers, doesn't mean anything. Unfortunately, experts are sometimes wrong.

            Too bad we can't ask the Maya themselves. Cortez made sure they went extinct when he took all their gold & waged biological warfare on them.

            There's that gold thing again. See, nothing but trouble. Goldbugs be warned. What goes around, comes around.
            Last edited by Glenn Black; February 23, 2009, 01:13 AM.


            • #7
              Re: Nuclear not the answer

              Originally posted by Glenn Black View Post

              'Ya gotta love this. If you didn't laugh, you'd be crying. Notice how everything seems to be simultaneously going into the toilet at the same time? Economy, climate, population, food, energy, extinction of species, deforestation, riots, etc.

              All we need now is a large meteor to be coming at us. By the way..., has anyone checked the sky lately????

              Maybe the Maya had something in ending their calendar at Dec. 2012. Maya scholars say that is horse feathers, doesn't mean anything. Unfortunately, experts are sometimes wrong.

              Too bad we can't ask the Maya themselves. Cortez made sure they went extinct when he took all their gold & waged biological warfare on them.

              There's that gold thing again. See, nothing but trouble. Goldbugs be warned. What goes around, comes around.
              Ok, I nominate this post by Mr. Glenn Black as today's, "Most Ominous." :eek:


              • #8
                Re: Nuclear not the answer

                Originally posted by Glenn Black View Post


                The graph is in kilo tonnes of Unat, a measure of the degree of enrichment in the fuel, versus year.

                The above graph shows the various sources of nuclear fuel (Canada is #1 world supplier, so be nice to your Northern neighbour), and the unmet demand. World stocks are dropping fast, and are being consumed faster than they can be replaced from the mines & enrichment plants.

                Mines only supply about 55% of world demand. Fortunately, old nuclear warheads are actually good for something. Dismantled, the fissionable material in the bomb can be re-processed and used to enrich uranium purified ore, making it into usable fuel.

                Like other supplies, there is a finite, limited supply of old warheads. Then what?

                "Unfilled D." is "Unfilled Demand", shown in light gray above, are customers who want to buy, but there are no available fuel rods to sell them.

                Note that the shortfall begins in 2007 according to this data. Others have it as 2009.

                What happens to these remaining stocks when the world suddenly doubles the consumption of enriched uranium for electrical production?


                The price goes up. Commodity price inflation, here we come.

                'Ya gotta love this. If you didn't laugh, you'd be crying. Notice how everything seems to be simultaneously going into the toilet at the same time? Economy, climate, population, food, energy, extinction of species, deforestation, riots, etc.

                All we need now is a large meteor to be coming at us. By the way..., has anyone checked the sky lately????

                Maybe the Maya had something in ending their calendar at Dec. 2012. Maya scholars say that is horse feathers, doesn't mean anything. Unfortunately, experts are sometimes wrong.

                Too bad we can't ask the Maya themselves. Cortez made sure they went extinct when he took all their gold & waged biological warfare on them.

                There's that gold thing again. See, nothing but trouble. Goldbugs be warned. What goes around, comes around.
                But just like every other commodity, the price of uranium spiked and collapsed, suggesting that supply and demand [and any "unfilled demand" are not the primary driver of the market? Not at the moment at least. The stocks of the uranium producers such as Cameco and Denison have fared even worse.

                $#* would call this a bubble. iTulip would not. Only the synthetic ETN manufacturers know for sure...


                • #9
                  Re: Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

                  I am not a geologist, but there is uranium in the Earth nearly everywhere. For example, there is uranium in Saskatchewan, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. There is uranium in the Canadian Shield. Everywhere there is granite, there is uranium.

                  The problem, from my point of view, is that there has not been sufficient incentive to mine the Earth's resources. Not only have prices been too low, but the eco-frauds and the government agencies that sleep with them have made it all but impossible to mine anything, especially uranium.

                  There is oil to be taken from the oil sands in Alberta, but the Alberta government is now making that more difficult because of the death of a few ducks last year. Environmental reports and hearings are in process, and the Alberta government is assessing financial penalties.

                  Here in BC, no oil drilling can take place offshore, and no oil tankers can sail off of the BC coast.

                  Naturally, when you can not mine resources and you can not utilize the products from the mines, the resources become scarce and the market incentive to mine the resources disappears.

                  Try mining mercury at New Almaden in San Jose, California. Again, the same picture: plenty of mercury in the rocks and the soils, but the EPA makes it impossible to mine. Also, mercury is now not profitable to mine because the EPA and environmentalists have destroyed much of the market for mercury.

                  Get the picture? Just connect the dots. The story is the same with all mining and all resource development.

                  Meanwhile, there is not one shred of evidence for global warming, and the world's sea levels are virtually stable: rising at about 6 inches per century.


                  • #10
                    Re: Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

                    Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                    ...and no oil tankers can sail off of the BC coast...
                    Actually the tankers carrying Alaskan oil from Valdez to the lower continental USA [BP's Cherry Point refinery in Bellingham being but one destination] sail off the B.C. coast [on the seaward side of the Charlottes and Vancouver Island, however]...


                    • #11
                      Re: Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

                      You had better not let the Campbell Govn't find-out, here in BC, that oil tankers are sailing off of Vancouver Island.

                      This province has not had one refinery built, nor one dam, nor one nuclear power plant, nor one power plant of any kind, nor anything done in the way of energy development in decades.

                      Come to BC: The old four cent per litre propane is now 85 cents per litre because one refiner gets to set the price; no oil refineries were built to afford competition because the eco-frauds wouldn't allow it. So now you can't heat with propane. You also can't heat with electricity because of the no dams and no nukes and no new power plants policy.

                      We are still waiting for our natural gas pipeline here on Vancouver Island. They just talk.

                      Speaking of waiting, I just waited ten weeks--- TEN WEEKS---to obtain a building permit here on Vancouver Island to build a garage for my car. The garage is on my own property next to my house. I had to pay for an environmental report by the Capital Regional District. My house sits in a subdivision, but I still had to pay for the environmental report and waste TEN WEEKS to get a permit.

                      "The Greens now love atomic power," you suggested. Then where in BC is the next atomic power plant going to be built? Where in Canada or the U.S? As we all begin to starve, where (other than in China and India) is the next nuke going in?
                      Last edited by Starving Steve; February 23, 2009, 03:05 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

                        Also, the waste material from fission with uranium as its input can be recycled to create even more power. This dramatically increases the utility of uranium as a long-term source of nuclear power.


                        • #13
                          Re: Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

                          NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) is a powerful force. Yes there is lots of uranium in earth's crust, it's just a matter of the various cost factors, concentrations, yields, etc.


                          The above is the world's cost curve vs. # tonnes per year required. We currently consume about 65,000 tonnes per year. As you can see, we eat up all the low price suppliers and about 3/4 of the high price suppliers at that rate of consumption. As more plants are built, there's even higher demand, and everybody can charge whatever they want because there is no long term contract in place. Fortunately for power producers & the public, most large users signed extremely long contracts (eg. 25 to 50 years) to avoid spot market prices and gouging.

                          When the lights go out, coal, oil, nuclear, matches, candles, anything will be better than sitting in the dark. When the unemployment hits 30%, lots of high paying nuclear jobs will look pretty good.

                          All you have to do is wait for it. Opinions will change.

                          NIMBY is a relative morality & bargaining position.


                          • #14
                            Re: Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

                            Originally posted by Glenn Black View Post

                            NIMBY is a relative morality & bargaining position.
                            Which is absolutely ridiculous because a nuclear plant is very clean. I would love to trade in the chemical plant next to me for 20 nuclear plants.


                            • #15
                              Re: Oh, Now the Greens LOVE Atomic Power!

                              Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                              You had better not let the Campbell Govn't find-out, here in BC, that oil tankers are sailing off of Vancouver Island.

                              This province has not had one refinery built, nor one dam, nor one nuclear power plant, nor one power plant of any kind, nor anything done in the way of energy development in decades.

                              Come to BC: The old four cent per litre propane is now 85 cents per litre because one refiner gets to set the price; no oil refineries were built to afford competition because the eco-frauds wouldn't allow it. So now you can't heat with propane. You also can't heat with electricity because of the no dams and no nukes and no new power plants policy.

                              We are still waiting for our natural gas pipeline here on Vancouver Island. They just talk.

                              Speaking of waiting, I just waited ten weeks--- TEN WEEKS---to obtain a building permit here on Vancouver Island to build a garage for my car. The garage is on my own property next to my house. I had to pay for an environmental report by the Capital Regional District. My house sits in a subdivision, but I still had to pay for the environmental report and waste TEN WEEKS to get a permit.

                              "The Greens now love atomic power," you suggested. Then where in BC is the next atomic power plant going to be built? Where in Canada or the U.S? As we all begin to starve, where (other than in China and India) is the next nuke going in?
                              You made two critical errors in your application Steve.

                              First you should have thrown in some solar panels on the roof. That would have bought you some much needed points with the pointy-heads in "green planning". Never mind that you are in Sooke, probably have 80 foot Douglas Fir and Red Cedar trees all around you so the sun never penetrates to the ground, on the few days in the year it's not solid overcast or pissing down rain. It's the thought that counts.

                              Second you should never have mentioned that the garage was for your car. Much better to have indicated you were wiring it for an organic grow-op, or starting a bicycle repair shop, instead of housing one of those socially unacceptable, much despised, evil, 4-wheel air pollutors.

                              I disguised my garage as a barn and got the permit in 4 days. Better luck next time. ;)

