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Without a Trace, Kemo Sabe

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  • Without a Trace, Kemo Sabe

    Madoff Left No Trace He Made Any Trades, Picard Says

    Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Bernard Madoff, who sent his clients thousands of receipts purporting to document their trades, has left no trace of buying any securities for customers for as much as 13 years, the trustee liquidating his securities firm said.

    “We have found no evidence to indicate that securities were purchased for customers’ accounts” for “perhaps as much as 13 years,” said Irving Picard, the trustee liquidating Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. It was “cash in and cash out,” he said.

    Isn't it time we cut to the chase on old Bernie. Can anyone think of a better representative of America's current socio-economic milieu than Mr. Madoff? Does Time still do a Man of the Year? It's no contest, boys. I say let FIRE run its course. Clear away the fog. No excuses, no regrets. Is this the time for obuscation? Hardly. Bernie, you are the Man

    (just venting. Made the mistake of watching the corporate media last night and I'm hungover.)

  • #2
    Re: Without a Trace, Kemo Sabe

    Originally posted by don View Post
    Madoff Left No Trace He Made Any Trades, Picard Says

    Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Bernard Madoff, who sent his clients thousands of receipts purporting to document their trades, has left no trace of buying any securities for customers for as much as 13 years, the trustee liquidating his securities firm said.

    “We have found no evidence to indicate that securities were purchased for customers’ accounts” for “perhaps as much as 13 years,” said Irving Picard, the trustee liquidating Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. It was “cash in and cash out,” he said.

    Isn't it time we cut to the chase on old Bernie. Can anyone think of a better representative of America's current socio-economic milieu than Mr. Madoff? Does Time still do a Man of the Year? It's no contest, boys. I say let FIRE run its course. Clear away the fog. No excuses, no regrets. Is this the time for obuscation? Hardly. Bernie, you are the Man

    (just venting. Made the mistake of watching the corporate media last night and I'm hungover.)

    what even beats this is how apparently well-connected Madoff . why isn't this guy in jail? if I broke into the 7-eleven down the street I wouldn't be home here typing right now.

    Madoff being out and living in his penthouse just screams corruption in the highest places right now.

    although once Madoff is in jail - I am afraid that he will probably be subject to the kenny lay treatment right away


    • #3
      Re: Without a Trace, Kemo Sabe

      The FBI guy who initially showed up at Madeoff's apartment asked:
      "There must be some INNOCENT EXPLANATION." This FBI guy was probably afraid this would be a career ender for him and probably meant: "Have someone BIG call me and this all goes away."
      I have yet to see any comment by MSM or otherwise on this obvious predisposition to letting this Perp walk.

      How many other Perps are now turning in their toxic securities to the Banks to be funnelled to the TARP, FNM, FRE, numerous FED programs, etc. to walk away with cash and start up new criminal enterprises? They all do know someone BIG. It is all one big Crime Scene which is growing colder day by day.


      • #4
        Re: Without a Trace, Kemo Sabe

        Originally posted by don View Post
        Madoff Left No Trace He Made Any Trades, Picard Says

        Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Bernard Madoff, who sent his clients thousands of receipts purporting to document their trades, has left no trace of buying any securities for customers for as much as 13 years, the trustee liquidating his securities firm said.

        “We have found no evidence to indicate that securities were purchased for customers’ accounts” for “perhaps as much as 13 years,” said Irving Picard, the trustee liquidating Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. It was “cash in and cash out,” he said.

        Isn't it time we cut to the chase on old Bernie. Can anyone think of a better representative of America's current socio-economic milieu than Mr. Madoff? Does Time still do a Man of the Year? It's no contest, boys. I say let FIRE run its course. Clear away the fog. No excuses, no regrets. Is this the time for obuscation? Hardly. Bernie, you are the Man

        (just venting. Made the mistake of watching the corporate media last night and I'm hungover.)
        Sounds like the ultimate laundering operation... Dirty money in, 'clean' money out. The mob or similar was probably very happy to do business with Madoff. Such schemes net the launderer a decent % on 'transactions'. So he wasn't buying securities... but perhaps he was technically getting some return on investment? ...Not that it makes any difference for those who lost their money in his scheme. And no, I doubt he or any of the other special criminals will receive their due.

        Perhaps we may also surmise that UBS /Szld's unwillingness to release wire info. might be the tell of willful & knowing involvement in such criminal enterprise(s).
        Last edited by DToM67; February 21, 2009, 04:34 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Without a Trace, Kemo Sabe

          Remember that feeder fund that a month ago was protesting that it performed "due dilligence." ????????????

          hahahahahahahahaha................................ .....................

