Madoff Left No Trace He Made Any Trades, Picard Says
Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Bernard Madoff, who sent his clients thousands of receipts purporting to document their trades, has left no trace of buying any securities for customers for as much as 13 years, the trustee liquidating his securities firm said.
“We have found no evidence to indicate that securities were purchased for customers’ accounts” for “perhaps as much as 13 years,” said Irving Picard, the trustee liquidating Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. It was “cash in and cash out,” he said.
Isn't it time we cut to the chase on old Bernie. Can anyone think of a better representative of America's current socio-economic milieu than Mr. Madoff? Does Time still do a Man of the Year? It's no contest, boys. I say let FIRE run its course. Clear away the fog. No excuses, no regrets. Is this the time for obuscation? Hardly. Bernie, you are the Man
(just venting. Made the mistake of watching the corporate media last night and I'm hungover.)
Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Bernard Madoff, who sent his clients thousands of receipts purporting to document their trades, has left no trace of buying any securities for customers for as much as 13 years, the trustee liquidating his securities firm said.
“We have found no evidence to indicate that securities were purchased for customers’ accounts” for “perhaps as much as 13 years,” said Irving Picard, the trustee liquidating Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. It was “cash in and cash out,” he said.
Isn't it time we cut to the chase on old Bernie. Can anyone think of a better representative of America's current socio-economic milieu than Mr. Madoff? Does Time still do a Man of the Year? It's no contest, boys. I say let FIRE run its course. Clear away the fog. No excuses, no regrets. Is this the time for obuscation? Hardly. Bernie, you are the Man

(just venting. Made the mistake of watching the corporate media last night and I'm hungover.)