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The "Bitch" V China

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  • The "Bitch" V China

    Bit of advice from MEGA.

    China CAN get though this, America can not. China knows that all she has to do & sit on their hands. Yes i know EJ & co say that China must help, they face the same trouble........but fraid they don't.

    China has only very resently started to become "Western-ised". Most people are use to or have a very low standard of living. They are also VERY used to the police powers TELLING them what they will do. While it wont becoming up roses for China they can mangage the recession.

    America however is a differant matter, lets face it all good things come to any end & we are now at the twi-light of the "American Empire". Your strangle hold of the 3RD World via the IMF is almost at an end. If you think America been a good & kind "Helper" of the 3Rd World i ask you to read a few books like "The confessions of a economic hitman".....

    You are Bastards!

    & the rest of the World has woken up, not just 3RD World goverments, but their peoples as well. The Internet as done you, too late now for "Internet 2" it will not save you, the cat is out of the bag and half way down the street.

    Do you realy think China is going to surrport you, & you 10 Carrier group battle fleets.....which your use to threaten ...China!

    You thought they were soft, you thought you could get away with the same crap with them,you thought you set them up............THEY SET YOU UP!!

    The only thing you have to discuss with China is your Surrender terms!

    & for the rest of the World, including most Americans i hope, i say ..THANK GOD!

    (Always look on the brightside of life....)

  • #2
    Re: The "Bitch" V China

    Originally posted by Mega View Post

    Bit of advice from MEGA.

    China CAN get though this, America can not. China knows that all she has to do & sit on their hands. Yes i know EJ & co say that China must help, they face the same trouble........but fraid they don't.

    China has only very resently started to become "Western-ised". Most people are use to or have a very low standard of living. They are also VERY used to the police powers TELLING them what they will do. While it wont becoming up roses for China they can mangage the recession.

    America however is a differant matter, lets face it all good things come to any end & we are now at the twi-light of the "American Empire". Your strangle hold of the 3RD World via the IMF is almost at an end. If you think America been a good & kind "Helper" of the 3Rd World i ask you to read a few books like "The confessions of a economic hitman".....

    You are Bastards!

    & the rest of the World has woken up, not just 3RD World goverments, but their peoples as well. The Internet as done you, too late now for "Internet 2" it will not save you, the cat is out of the bag and half way down the street.

    Do you realy think China is going to surrport you, & you 10 Carrier group battle fleets.....which your use to threaten ...China!

    You thought they were soft, you thought you could get away with the same crap with them,you thought you set them up............THEY SET YOU UP!!

    The only thing you have to discuss with China is your Surrender terms!

    & for the rest of the World, including most Americans i hope, i say ..THANK GOD!

    (Always look on the brightside of life....)
    The American government needs to get knocked on it's collective ass. If the Chinese can manage it then I am pulling for them.


    • #3
      Re: The "Bitch" V China

      I am NOT Anti-American............i have far more time for the average American than i do for the British............You HAD the right system, it got croupted & broken....i hope & believe your fix...........Its Britian that FULL of Neo-Lib Assholes whom don't understand wealth creation!



      • #4
        Re: The "Bitch" V China

        Yeah we'll see how an authoritarian regime fares as it continues to shutter factories, pile up all those containers in its ports, and send all those folks back to the countryside. Its only shred of legitimacy -- rapid economic growth -- is being torn to bits. And its claim as a Communist regime to represent the workers is made into a further mockery. Guys like Rogers who are proclaiming this the time to invest in China and all those urging a buy into the renminbi are playing with fire by putting money into that system in these days.

        Meanwhile we got a bunch of guys on another thread hyperventilating about the US confiscating guns. Break out the tin foil hats.

        Starting to wonder about this forum. People here think the USG is going to confiscate guns and are rooting for it to get "knocked on its ass" by China.

        Maybe living under a dictatorship would clear up some of the misperceptions around here.


        • #5
          Re: The "Bitch" V China

          If push comes to shove and we are forced to hunker down within our boarders, we American's will be just fine thank you.

          Surrender? Not if China expects to get paid. You know the saying "owe a buck and you're a slave, owe a trillion and the lender's the slave.

          Seems we've got them right where we want them.;)


          • #6
            Re: The "Bitch" V China

            China had over 70,000 labor disputes last year- meaning taking it to the streets. Making them out to be passive compared to the "enlightened Westerner" is a stretch worthy of Kipling :rolleyes:


            • #7
              Re: The "Bitch" V China

              Public message: America stinks!!!
              In private: Are you kidding??? I'm never leaving America!!!

              See it all the time with my foreign co-workers.


              • #8
                Re: The "Bitch" V China

                Great post Mega. Civil unrest and disobedience is a good thing. It forces redistribution of wealth and political power to the underprivileged class through the threat of a revolution. The Chinese will need such an occurrence to wrestle power away from the regional governments, export interests, and secure a voice in the legal and political process. An actual revolution however is a completely different beast. I have more confidence in the Chinese in preventing a revolution than my own at this point.


                • #9
                  Re: The "Bitch" V China

                  If the western world, its institutions, and the US are seen as and/or are the exploiter of the third world, what makes the third world think that the eastern world and China's yoke would be less burdensome? The last article I read about the distribution of wealth in China was that it was worse than in the US today...which is horrendous and shameful.

                  Does anybody have any wealth distribution figures for the principal nations of the East? Japan, Taiwan, China, Phillipines, Indonesia, etc. etc. etc....throw in India also if possible...


                  • #10
                    Re: The "Bitch" V China

                    "China has only very resently started to become 'Western-ised'. "

                    Cool, so they are well ahead of America.

                    I doubt you've ever been to China. Try taking a trip and see for yourself.

                    China was "Western-ised" before America was even discovered by Europeans.

                    China led the world for most of recorded human history. The last 2 hundred years is a blip in China years.

                    China could well be leading the world again after the current "crisis" plays out.

                    I'm not a big Clinton fan but I'd rather have Clinton going to China then Paulson.


                    • #11
                      Re: The "Bitch" V China

                      I agree with the pro-America sentiment expressed by scott4139 and others.

                      While it is important to be aware of our weaknesses here in the US, that sort of paranoia has always served us well, avoiding complacency. Just don't let it devolve into seeing the collapse of western society.

                      I do think China is playing a skillful game to disengage from the US. However, their goal is not to be the next world superpower but to become more independent.

                      A lot of people think the Chinese had this really important world empire that somehow collapsed a few hundred years ago and now they will return to their rightful place. Just the opposite. Indeed, China had an empire but has always be insular and has never made any meaningful hegemonic forays. "China led the world" How exactly? They may have made some important inventions like paper and gunpowder but they never leveraged those inventions. It was the west that came to China to trade not the other way around. In times of stress the Chinese pull inwards which only makes matters worse.

                      The 21st Century will most assuredly, not be belong to the Chinese. They will continue mending their economy and concentrating on mediating economic imbalances but they will not focus their energy outwards in any meaningful way. You want regression to the mean? The US remains at the center of the geopolitical chessboard and from its' infancy has been deeply engaged in world trade with a strong navy. China has only one coastline, is boxed in on its three other borders, has no naval tradition and has only rarely engaged with the world.
                      Last edited by BiscayneSunrise; February 22, 2009, 06:59 AM.

