Bit of advice from MEGA.
China CAN get though this, America can not. China knows that all she has to do & sit on their hands. Yes i know EJ & co say that China must help, they face the same trouble........but fraid they don't.
China has only very resently started to become "Western-ised". Most people are use to or have a very low standard of living. They are also VERY used to the police powers TELLING them what they will do. While it wont becoming up roses for China they can mangage the recession.
America however is a differant matter, lets face it all good things come to any end & we are now at the twi-light of the "American Empire". Your strangle hold of the 3RD World via the IMF is almost at an end. If you think America been a good & kind "Helper" of the 3Rd World i ask you to read a few books like "The confessions of a economic hitman".....
You are Bastards!
& the rest of the World has woken up, not just 3RD World goverments, but their peoples as well. The Internet as done you, too late now for "Internet 2" it will not save you, the cat is out of the bag and half way down the street.
Do you realy think China is going to surrport you, & you 10 Carrier group battle fleets.....which your use to threaten ...China!
You thought they were soft, you thought you could get away with the same crap with them,you thought you set them up............THEY SET YOU UP!!
The only thing you have to discuss with China is your Surrender terms!
& for the rest of the World, including most Americans i hope, i say ..THANK GOD!
(Always look on the brightside of life....)
Bit of advice from MEGA.
China CAN get though this, America can not. China knows that all she has to do & sit on their hands. Yes i know EJ & co say that China must help, they face the same trouble........but fraid they don't.
China has only very resently started to become "Western-ised". Most people are use to or have a very low standard of living. They are also VERY used to the police powers TELLING them what they will do. While it wont becoming up roses for China they can mangage the recession.
America however is a differant matter, lets face it all good things come to any end & we are now at the twi-light of the "American Empire". Your strangle hold of the 3RD World via the IMF is almost at an end. If you think America been a good & kind "Helper" of the 3Rd World i ask you to read a few books like "The confessions of a economic hitman".....
You are Bastards!
& the rest of the World has woken up, not just 3RD World goverments, but their peoples as well. The Internet as done you, too late now for "Internet 2" it will not save you, the cat is out of the bag and half way down the street.
Do you realy think China is going to surrport you, & you 10 Carrier group battle fleets.....which your use to threaten ...China!
You thought they were soft, you thought you could get away with the same crap with them,you thought you set them up............THEY SET YOU UP!!
The only thing you have to discuss with China is your Surrender terms!
& for the rest of the World, including most Americans i hope, i say ..THANK GOD!
(Always look on the brightside of life....)