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Rick Santelli is the man!

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  • #16
    Re: Rick Santelli is the man!

    Answer to Rick Santelli: Yes, I would pay my nieghbor's mortgage.

    Rick Santelli is exactly the problem: un-American greed disease that has spread throughout the current generation.

    In fact, there is nothing more American then paying your nieghbor's mortgage and asking nothing in return.


    • #17
      Re: Rick Santelli is the man!

      Originally posted by Uno View Post
      Answer to Rick Santelli: Yes, I would pay my nieghbor's mortgage.

      Rick Santelli is exactly the problem: un-American greed disease that has spread throughout the current generation.

      In fact, there is nothing more American then paying your nieghbor's mortgage and asking nothing in return.
      It's not greed.


      • #18
        Re: Rick Santelli is the man!

        the really interesting thing about this is that this one clip has gotten over 100,00 hits today on youtube alone. this tells me that a lot of people are starting to catch onto Obama and what he is really about


        • #19
          Re: Rick Santelli is the man!

          I think you are missing the point. If my next door neighbor actually came to ask me for help I would consider it very seriously (she also happens to be cute ). Having the government take my money and use it to support a lifestyle that I would not allow for myself for economicly sound reasons is a different story.

          If government wants to tax me and build something we can all enjoy or help people eat and get basic health care that is fine. Taking money from me so that others can continue to live an unsustainable lifestyle is just wrong. Both, for me, and even for them.

          Give a man a fish and eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime. Give a man a bunch of money to live 50 miles from the sea in a McMansion eating Filet-o-fish sandwiches from McDonalds driving his SUV he put zero down on while he listens to Rush Limbaugh and bitches about having to pay for schools and he'll figure out how to take your money too.

          Santelli is just a realist here.


          • #20
            Re: Rick Santelli is the man!

            Its disturbing and disgusting and un-American.

            This rant is 100% paid for by the corporate "oligarchs", bankers, and Washington scum pissed off at WHAT IS NOT IN THE BILL.

            It is not a homedebtor bailout at all, in fact it helps lenders more then borrowers. Please read, research, and think. Turn off the TV.

            The fact is, this plan is way better then the Bush & Paulson organized crime ring taxpayer giveaways. Where was the outrage then? Think.

            1. This bill allows judges to rework loans in court. Go figure! Rule of Law! Oh my God! Banker scum are pissed!

            2. This bill did not include any more bad bank / SIV crap so banks can offload toxic waste on taxpayers. Oh the outrage!

            3. This bill does not NOT BAILOUT Alt-A and Option-Arm loans. Write congress and Obama to congradulate them on NOT bailing out these loans. I did!

            4. There is NO FREE LUNCH in this bill, what bill are you people reading? Oh yes, the one presented by CNBC pundits. LOL.

            5. The interest rate on certain fannie/freddie loans is lowered but the loans must still be paid back in full, unlike the $300 billion given to wall street by the Bush mafia to support the ponzi.

            Overall, if you actually READ THE BILL and THINK - it is a solid start by Obama, not perfect in the Ron Paul sense, but given the scum in Washington (Republicans and Democrates) that he has to navigate through.
            Last edited by Uno; February 20, 2009, 12:11 AM.


            • #21
              Re: Rick Santelli is the man!

              Originally posted by Uno View Post
              Answer to Rick Santelli: Yes, I would pay my nieghbor's mortgage.

              Rick Santelli is exactly the problem: un-American greed disease that has spread throughout the current generation.

              In fact, there is nothing more American then paying your nieghbor's mortgage and asking nothing in return.
              No, being American is this great country gives you the opportunity and the tools to take care of yourself without requiring anyone to help you. If I wish to help someone, I will, but it's my choice. I choose who to help, because when I look around where I live, there are some people that if given a handout will consistently always expect a handout and never aim to improve themselves to the point where they can then help others even less fortunate than themselves.

              Hurricane Katrina was an obvious example. Not the month after, but say three years after. There were businessmen in New Orleans that were begging for labor so much they had to go to Vietnam to recruit people to work. There was plenty of unemployment in New Orleans, it was just he couldn't find any locals that were willing to work.


              • #22
                Re: Rick Santelli is the man!

                Originally posted by Uno View Post
                It is not a homedebtor bailout at all, in fact it helps lenders more then borrowers. Please read, research, and think. Turn off the TV.

                The fact is, this plan is way better then the Bush & Paulson organized crime ring taxpayer giveaways. Where was the outrage then?
                It seems to me that you're all over the place.

                I agree that this is a great bailout for mortgage lenders, it surprises me how few are talking about this.

                If you think it's a bailout for lenders than how is this any better than a Bush/Paulson plan? Party affiliations getting in the way?

                This bill sucks. Housing will stabilize when prices are in line with incomes. The A-holes in the White House are trying to stop that from happening.

                And by the way, this wasn't Santelli's first anti-bailout rant, you're way off base there. Look at the clips on YouTube and on tickerforums.


                • #23
                  Re: Rick Santelli is the man!

                  Debt-for-equity swap is the only fair way to deleverage the economy.
                  It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


                  • #24
                    Re: Rick Santelli is the man!

                    You gotta love Santelli waving his arm to point out 'quintessential Americans' down there on the trader pits. God luv em. At the end of the trading day, they're greedy hamsters on a wheel making...absolutely nothing. Then again maybe that is America.


                    • #25
                      Rick Santelli’s Chicago Tea Party


                      The Boston Tea Party was an act of direct protest by American Colonists demanding representation in the British Government. They became known as the original patriots.

                      The Chicago Tea Party of 2010 will reinvigorate that American and Patriotic spirit; one that demands respect for individual rights and property. As the bailouts spiral out of control, we are forced to fund failed banks. With foreclosures on the rise, we are made the collateral of reckless spending. And, when the bills come due, the IRS knocks on the door of self-responsibility.


                      America is the land of opportunity. To succeed AND to Fail. Without consequences, what is our incentive to learn? What is our incentive to produce? On July 4, 2010, those that ask nothing from the government but the protection of our inalienable right to succeed, will gather in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boston in an historic act of direct protest.

                      Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism. - Thomas Paine

                      Rick Santelli Rant Transcript

                      RICK SANTELLI: The government is promoting bad behavior. Because we certainly don’t want to put stimulus forth and give people a whopping $8 or $10 in their check, and think that they ought to save it, and in terms of modifications… I’ll tell you what, I have an idea.

                      You know, the new administration’s big on computers and technology– How about this, President and new administration? Why don’t you put up a website to have people vote on the Internet as a referendum to see if we really want to subsidize the losers’ mortgages; or would we like to at least buy cars and buy houses in foreclosure and give them to people that might have a chance to actually prosper down the road, and reward people that could carry the water instead of drink the water?

                      TRADER ON FLOOR: That’s a novel idea.

                      (Applause, cheering)

                      JOE KERNEN: Hey, Rick… Oh, boy. They’re like putty in your hands. Did you hear…?

                      SANTELLI: No they’re not, Joe. They’re not like putty in our hands. This is America! How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor’s mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can’t pay their bills? Raise their hand.


                      President Obama, are you listening?

                      TRADER: How ’bout we all stop paying our mortgage? It’s a moral hazard.

                      KERNEN: It’s like mob rule here. I’m getting scared. I’m glad I’m…

                      CARL QUINTANILLA: Get some bricks and bats…

                      SANTELLI: Don’t get scared, Joe. They’re already scaring you. You know, Cuba used to have mansions and a relatively decent economny. They moved from the individual to the collective. Now, they’re driving ‘54 Chevys, maybe the last great car to come out of Detroit.

                      KERNEN: They’re driving them on water, too, which is a little strange to watch.

                      SANTELLI: There you go.

                      KERNEN: Hey Rick, how about the notion that, Wilbur pointed out, you can go down to 2% on the mortgage…

                      SANTELLI: You could go down to -2%. They can’t afford the house.

                      KERNEN: …and still have 40%, and still have 40% not be able to do it. So why are they in the house? Why are we trying to keep them in the house?

                      SANTELLI: I know Mr. Summers is a great economist, but boy, I’d love the answer to that one.

                      REBECCA QUICK: Wow. Wilbur, you get people fired up.

                      SANTELLI: We’re thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July. All you capitalists that want to show up to Lake Michigan, I’m gonna start organizing.

                      (Whistling, cheering)

                      QUICK: What are you dumping in, what are you dumping in this time? Housing…?

                      SANTELLI: We’re going to be dumping in some derivative securities. What do you think about that?

                      QUINTANILLA: Mayor Daley is marshalling the police right now.

                      KERNEN: Rabble-rouser.

                      QUINTANILLA: The National Guard.

                      After Jason Roney of Sharmac Capital makes some comments, it’s back to Santelli.

                      QUINTANILLA: You know, Rick, one of our producers says if Roland Burris steps down, man, "Senator Santelli," the junior senator from Illinois. It’s a possibility. I’m just saying…

                      SANTELLI: Do you think I want to take a shower every hour? The last place I’m ever gonna live or work is D.C.

                      KERNEN: Have you raised any money for Blago?

                      SANTELLI: No, but I think that somebody’s gonna have to start raising money for us.

                      QUICK: Hey, Rick? Can you do that one more time, just get the mob behind you again?

                      QUINATILLA: Have the camera pull way out.

                      QUICK: Yeah, pull way out. Everybody listen to Rick Santelli.

                      KERNEN: He can’t… I don’t think… You can’t just do it at will, can you Rick? I mean, you have to say something.

                      QUICK: No, do it at will. Let’s see.

                      SANTELLI: Listen, all’s I know is, is that there’s only about 5% of the floor population here right now, and I talk loud enough they can all hear me. So if you want to ask ‘em anything, let me know. These guys are pretty straight forward, and my guess is, a pretty good statistical cross-section of America, the silent majority.

                      QUICK: Not so silent majority today. So Rick, are they opposed to the housing thing, to the stimulus package, to everything out there?

                      SANTELLI: You know, they’re pretty much of the notion that you can’t buy your way into prosperity, and if the multiplier that all of these Washington economists are selling us is over… that we never have to worry about the economy again. The government should spend a trillion dollars an hour because we’ll get 1.5 trillion back.

                      WILBUR ROSS: Rick, I congratulate you on your new incarnation as a revolutionary leader.

                      SANTELLI: Somebody needs one. I’ll tell you what, if you read our founding fathers, people like Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson,… What we’re doing in this country now is making them roll over in their graves.


                      • #26
                        Re: Rick Santelli’s Chicago Tea Party

                        Reality check regarding the mortgage provisions in the stimulas package as far as I can tell.

                        It applies only to mortgages already owned by the taxpayers. Public mortgages. Private mortgages are not covered which is why banking mouthpieces like Rick Santelli are pissed.

                        The day GW Bush privatized Fannie and Fredie, taxpayers were put on the hook for trillions of dollars in mortgages.

                        Each time one of these loans goes into forclosure taxpayers are already on the hook for the loss, forclosure costs, and indirect economic costs of these people losing thier homes.

                        It would makes sense to me to try a limit the loses to taxpayers by helping these borrowers pay back thier loans to taxpayers.

                        a) Reduced interest rate programs.
                        b) Cram downs
                        c) Incentives to servicers for loan modifications.

                        Looks like Obama has put out a solid policy to recoup as much for taxpayers as possible after GW Bush put us on the hook for trillions in mortgages.

                        I would like to see a TV News Tea Party where we dump 1,000 tons of crap blocking the front doors of CNBC and FOX studios.

                        Rick Santelli is simply un-American garbage. Yes I would pay my nieghbors mortgage as that is the American thing to do.


                        • #27
                          Re: Rick Santelli’s Chicago Tea Party

                          Can't come soon enough:

                          The Carroll National Guard unit will train on urban military operations by holding a four-day exercise at Arcadia.

                          The purpose of the April 2-5 drill will be to gather intelligence, then search for and apprehend a suspected weapons dealer, according to Sgt. Mike Kots, readiness NCO for Alpha Company.

                          Citizens, law enforcement, media and other supporters will participate.

                          Troops will spend Thursday, April 2, staging at a forward operations base at Carroll. The next day company leaders will conduct reconnaissance and begin patrolling the streets of Arcadia to identify possible locations of the weapons dealer.

                          The primary phase will be done Saturday, April 4, when convoys will be deployed from Carroll to Arcadia. Pictures of the arms dealer will be shown in Arcadia, and soldiers will go door to door asking if residents have seen the suspect.

                          Soldiers will knock only at households that have agreed to participate in the drill, Kots noted.

                          "Once credible intelligence has been gathered," said Kots, "portions of the town will be road-blocked and more in-depth searches of homes and vehicles will be conducted in accordance with the residents' wishes.

                          "One of the techniques we use in today's political environment is cordon and knock," Kots explained. "We ask for the head of the household, get permission to search, then have them open doors and cupboards. The homeowner maintains control. We peer over their shoulder, and the soldier uses the homeowner's body language and position to protect him."

                          During this phase of the operation, troops will interact with residents and media while implementing crowd-control measures and possibly treating and evacuating injured persons.

                          The unit will use a Blackhawk helicopter for overhead command and control, and to simulate medevacs.

                          The drill will culminate in the apprehension of the suspected arms dealer.

                          Alpha Company will conduct a review of the drill on Sunday, April 5.

                          A meeting to give residents more information and accept volunteers will be held 7 p.m. Monday, March 2, in the Arcadia American Legion hall.

                          Kots said the exercise will replace Alpha Company's weekend drill for April.

                          "We have a lot of extended drills this coming year," he added.

                          In addition to surveillance, searching and apprehension, the exercise will also give the troops valuable experience in stability, support, patrol, traffic control, vehicle searches and other skills needed for deployment in an urban environment.

                          "This exercise will improve the real-life operational skills of the unit," said Kots. "And it will hopefully improve the public's understanding of military operations."

                          The pre-drill work with residents is as important at the drill itself.

                          "It will be important for us to gain the trust and confidence of the residents of Arcadia," said Kots. "We will need to identify individuals that are willing to assist us in training by allowing us to search their homes and vehicles and to participate in role-playing."

                          "We really want to get as much information out there as possible, because this operation could be pretty intrusive to the people of Arcadia."


                          • #28
                            Re: Rick Santelli is the man!

                            Originally posted by Uno View Post
                            Answer to Rick Santelli: Yes, I would pay my nieghbor's mortgage.

                            Rick Santelli is exactly the problem: un-American greed disease that has spread throughout the current generation.

                            In fact, there is nothing more American then paying your nieghbor's mortgage and asking nothing in return.
                            You are so wrong on this issue. Do you think the socialist propaganda you just spewed on this thread aligns with what would be considered traditional American ideals? Why would someone who believes in free markets and personal responsibility want to pay for someone else's mortgage?

                            The truely greedy Americans are the ones who got stuck underwater speculating in the housing market or taking out a bigger mortgage than they could afford! A responsible American like myself should not be asked to bail those people out! Let free markets deal with their greed.


                            • #29
                              Re: Rick Santelli is the man!

                              Originally posted by Uno View Post
                              Answer to Rick Santelli: Yes, I would pay my nieghbor's mortgage.

                              Rick Santelli is exactly the problem: un-American greed disease that has spread throughout the current generation.

                              In fact, there is nothing more American then paying your nieghbor's mortgage and asking nothing in return.
                              I hear what you're saying but I think you're talking about being "neighbourly" more than "American". Sure you can help out your neighbour by giving them some blankets, food, shelter whatever they need, but to ask everyone to chip in and keep them in a house that they paid 350k for, but it should be 150k? That's just going to keep the inefficiencies going longer and longer.

                              We have to let the markets find their clearing prices where people can actually afford a house and the banks don't have a fear of losing all their money so they want to actually lend to people.


                              • #30
                                Re: Rick Santelli’s Chicago Tea Party

                                Good find phirang. That reminds me of something else:
                                ”At 2 o’clock we began our march by wading through a very long ford up to the middles; after going a few miles we took three or four people who were going off to give intelligence; about five miles on this side of a town called Lexington, which lay in our road, we heard there were some hundreds of people collected together intending to oppose us and stop our going on; at 5 o’clock we arrived there, and saw a number of people, I believe between 200 and 300, formed in a common in the middle of town; we still continued advancing, keeping prepared against an attack through without intending to attack them; but on our coming near them they fired on us two shots, upon which our men without any orders, rushed upon them, fired and put them to flight; several of them were killed, we could not tell how many, because they were behind walls and into the woods. We had a man of the 10th light Infantry wounded, nobody else was hurt. We then formed on the Common, but with some difficulty, the men were so wild they could hear no orders; we waited a considerable time there, and at length proceeded our way to Concord.”[43]
                                John Barker

                                When the troops arrived in the village of Concord, Smith divided them to carry out Gage's orders. The 10th Regiment's company of grenadiers secured South Bridge under Captain Mundy Pole, while seven companies of light infantry under Captain Parsons, numbering about 100, secured the North Bridge near Barrett's force. Captain Parsons took four companies from the 5th, 23rd, 38th and 52nd Regiments up the road 2 miles (3.2 km) past the bridge to search Barrett's Farm, where intelligence indicated supplies would be found.[52] Two companies from the 4th and 10th were stationed to guard their return route, and one company from the 43rd remained guarding the bridge itself. These companies, which were under the relatively inexperienced command of Captain Walter Laurie, were aware that they were significantly outnumbered by the 400-plus militia men that were only 200 yards (183 m) away. The concerned Captain Laurie sent a messenger to Smith requesting reinforcements.[53]
                                Using detailed information provided by Loyalist spies, the grenadier companies searched the small town for military supplies. When they arrived at Ephraim Jones's tavern, by the jail on the South Bridge road, they found the door barred shut, and Jones refused them entry. According to reports provided by local Tories, Pitcairn knew cannon had been buried on the property. While holding the tavern keeper at gunpoint, he ordered him to show him where the guns were buried. These turned out to be three massive pieces, firing 24-pound shot, much too heavy to use defensively, but very effective against fortifications, and capable of bombarding the city of Boston from the mainland.[54] The grenadiers smashed the trunnions of these three guns so they could not be mounted. They also burned some gun carriages found in the village meetinghouse, and when the fire spread to the meetinghouse itself, local resident Martha Moulton persuaded the soldiers to help in a bucket brigade to save the building.[55] Nearly a hundred barrels of flour and salted food, and 550 pounds of musket balls, were thrown into the millpond. Only improvised repairs were possible for the cannon, but all the shot and much of the food was recovered. During the search, the regulars were generally scrupulous in their treatment of the locals, including insisting on paying for food and drink consumed. This excessive politeness was used to advantage by the locals, who were able to misdirect searches from several

