On February 12, the House Agriculture Committee passed H.R. 977, the Derivatives Markets Transparency and Accountability Act of 2009, by voice vote.
Barney Frank is reportedly is disappointed that the House Agriculture Committee has approved a version of a derivative oversight bill without his committee’s input. The bill, introduced by Rep. Collin Peterson, would limit naked Credit Default Swaps and give the CFTC oversight.
Last year Congress the closed the "Enron Loophole" which was used to manipulate energy prices, this bill should get some traction if enough constituents contact their representatives.
Barney Frank is reportedly is disappointed that the House Agriculture Committee has approved a version of a derivative oversight bill without his committee’s input. The bill, introduced by Rep. Collin Peterson, would limit naked Credit Default Swaps and give the CFTC oversight.
Last year Congress the closed the "Enron Loophole" which was used to manipulate energy prices, this bill should get some traction if enough constituents contact their representatives.