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America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

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  • America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

    I about shit my pants for this to be out in the mainstream media. This is it boys and girls, EDUCATE OTHERS AND WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMEN, SENATORS, and everyone else you can think of OR...

    Sit down, shut-up, and Heil Hitler. Your CHOICE!

    From the Eminent Jesse's Cafe American


    14 February 2009

    America vs. the Oligarchs

    "Bill Moyers has an interview with former IMF Chief Economist and MIT professor Simon Johnson that puts forth the notion that there is a small group of financial oligarchs essentially holding the country hostage.

    Simon Johnson's premise is that the big Wall Street banks represent an oligarchy that is exerting undue influence and control on our government and the economy. They are turning this crisis to their advantage, and circumventing the democratic process.

    What we are seeing looks to Simon Johnson like a financial coup d'etat.

    Now is the time to break up the big money center banks. Now is the time to reinstate Glass-Steagall. We must demand the reforms for which we elected the Obama Administration.

    Watch this interview. Think about it. Let other people know. Write your congressmen.

    And be prepared to act on a larger scale in a peaceful way to get the point across that we value our liberty and we will stand for justice. We are not optimistic that the government will do the right thing without more prodding and significant support from the public."

  • #2
    Re: America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

    Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
    This is it boys and girls, EDUCATE OTHERS AND WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMEN, SENATORS, and everyone else you can think [...]
    Well... this is what am I trying to do in private and even here in public

    and I'm wearing my tinfoil hat with pride ...

    What we are seeing looks to Simon Johnson like a financial coup d'etat.

    Now is the time to break up the big money center banks. Now is the time to reinstate Glass-Steagall. We must demand the reforms for which we elected the Obama Administration.
    That is correct, the problem is that IMHO opinion Obama is owned and invented by the banksters to pull off the recovery bait-and-switch scam. So, I believe there is no real HOPE from that direction :mad:
    Last edited by Supercilious; February 15, 2009, 01:47 AM.


    • #3
      Re: America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

      Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
      I about shit my pants for this to be out in the mainstream media. This is it boys and girls, EDUCATE OTHERS AND WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMEN, SENATORS, and everyone else you can think of OR...

      Sit down, shut-up, and Heil Hitler. Your CHOICE!

      From the Eminent Jesse's Cafe American


      14 February 2009

      America vs. the Oligarchs

      "Bill Moyers has an interview with former IMF Chief Economist and MIT professor Simon Johnson that puts forth the notion that there is a small group of financial oligarchs essentially holding the country hostage.

      Simon Johnson's premise is that the big Wall Street banks represent an oligarchy that is exerting undue influence and control on our government and the economy. They are turning this crisis to their advantage, and circumventing the democratic process.

      What we are seeing looks to Simon Johnson like a financial coup d'etat.

      Now is the time to break up the big money center banks. Now is the time to reinstate Glass-Steagall. We must demand the reforms for which we elected the Obama Administration.

      Watch this interview. Think about it. Let other people know. Write your congressmen.

      And be prepared to act on a larger scale in a peaceful way to get the point across that we value our liberty and we will stand for justice. We are not optimistic that the government will do the right thing without more prodding and significant support from the public."

      Wasn't Moyers doing movies about the secret government in the 80's ?

      Originally posted by $#* View Post
      Well... this is what am I trying to do in private and even here in public

      and I'm wearing my tinfoil hat with pride ...

      That is correct, the problem is that IMHO opinion Obama is owned and invented by the banksters to pull off the recovery bait-and-switch scam. So, I believe there is no real HOPE from that direction :mad:

      Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy Font
      Email | Print | A A A

      By Edwin Chen

      Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Three blocks from the White House, on the 10th floor of a sleek glass building, young workers pound at computers, with giant flat-screen TVs overhead. It has the look and feel of a high-tech startup.

      In many ways it is. The product is ideas.

      Thanks in part to funding from benefactors such as billionaire George Soros, the Center for American Progress has become in just five years an intellectual wellspring for Democratic policy proposals, including many that are shaping the agenda of the new Obama administration.


      “Mark Green and Michele Jolin look to 2009 as the beginning of an era of renewal and progressive governance in America. Change for America presciently and insightfully offers specific ideas for what our next president can do to revitalize our nation and restore our standing abroad.”

      “The Center for American Progress Action Fund and Mark Green have assembled some of our nation’s best minds, and their best ideas, into a book packed with innovative, practical, and progressive solutions that will help take America in a New Direction.” —SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI

      “These thoughtful essays offer a progressive way forward for the vast majority of Americans who hope their government works for the many, not just the few.” —SENATOR TED KENNEDY

      “Change for America is brilliant, timely and practical, and teems with hard earned wisdom and common sense.” —MICHAEL ERIC DYSON



      • #4
        Re: America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

        The most alarming development is the completely unvarnished nature of the government's behavior towards the oligarchs (and we should all start using that word among colleagues to give it currency). They're not even finessing anymore. The last six months in America, from TARP to AIG et al, has been all about the US Government handing public monies to private banking interests. Period. Either decades of greed has made them drunk with arrogance or they have become completely assured of their power. Neither scenario bodes well for the future.

        Since the government insists on funneling our money to the bankers, we should shut down their other source of cash flow and stop paying our mortgages. Starve the bankers! What would be the effect on the industry's health if every American household with a mortgage withheld three months of payments? They can't repo every home in America. We still have the power of the purse and sheer numbers on our side.


        • #5
          Re: America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

          History rhyming again? The 1933 attempted coup d'etat by corporations and the then prevailing wacko wealthy oligarchy against FDR was busted up by retired Marine General Smedley Butler. So the same corporations and prevailing oligarchy are trying it again without a military junta but a banking one? The banks being the tip of the corporate spear?

          Be nice to have Congress open the sealed records they have on that secret traitorous 1933 episode in American history. Be more interesting to compare the individuals and corporations identified on that list with todays families and corporations involved in this one. From what I understand the trade-off was they didn't hang but had to leave FDR and his programs alone. Bad precedent. Should have hung em.

          The time for Congress to act was in October and let the financial markets and banking system crash to stop this thing from gaining momentum. Instead, they enabled it as the Obama team appears to be doing. It will be interesting to see if this president et al and congress will be faithful and honest to their oath of office and gather up enough courage to become the guardians of this nation's hopes and aspirations or become known as the Benedict Arnolds of it. Having the stigma of Benedict Arnold behavior repeated on a larger political scale would not be a welcomed legacy to have one's historical resume or family tree.


          • #6
            My thoughts exactly vanvaley. It's the 1933 coup, only with the FDR figure complicitous this time. Thus an improvment on the former attempt, an improvement that probably would not have happened had the oligarchy been rooted out and stripped of influence and power on the first go-round. Today we have the Internet, thank God. It's a crucial information lifeline. Unless we become paralyzed as permanenet information-gatherers. The writing's fairly on the wall. Where's the insurrection? How many confirming data points do we need before the American people must confess to a general failure of nerve?
            Last edited by due_indigence; February 15, 2009, 10:31 AM.


            • #7
              Re: America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

              Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
              I about shit my pants for this to be out in the mainstream media. This is it boys and girls, EDUCATE OTHERS AND WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMEN, SENATORS, and everyone else you can think of OR...

              Sit down, shut-up, and Heil Hitler. Your CHOICE!

              From the Eminent Jesse's Cafe American



              14 February 2009

              America vs. the Oligarchs

              "Bill Moyers has an interview with former IMF Chief Economist and MIT professor Simon Johnson that puts forth the notion that there is a small group of financial oligarchs essentially holding the country hostage.

              Simon Johnson's premise is that the big Wall Street banks represent an oligarchy that is exerting undue influence and control on our government and the economy. They are turning this crisis to their advantage, and circumventing the democratic process.

              What we are seeing looks to Simon Johnson like a financial coup d'etat.

              Now is the time to break up the big money center banks. Now is the time to reinstate Glass-Steagall. We must demand the reforms for which we elected the Obama Administration.

              Watch this interview. Think about it. Let other people know. Write your congressmen.

              And be prepared to act on a larger scale in a peaceful way to get the point across that we value our liberty and we will stand for justice. We are not optimistic that the government will do the right thing without more prodding and significant support from the public."
              Hi jtabeb,

              The only question is are these Oligarchs acting on their own or are they just part of the world wide Oligarch network? I think its the latter. However we are being looted just like the Russians were. Its the nail on the head.
              I just had my neighbor over and told him all about it. I sent him home with The Creature from Jekyll Island.


              • #8
                Re: America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

                EJ is covering this now - Bill Moyers reveals to the world the true root of the US banking crisis: FIRE Economy Oligarchs


                • #9
                  Re: America vs. the Oligarchs (1931 vs. 2009)


                  From "The Plot to Sieze the Whitehouse"

                  August 21, 1931, Butler spoke to an American Legion convention in New Britain CT. Looking back, he reflected on his career. His remarks stunned the audience. Few papers dared report even part of the speech:
                  "I spent 33 years...being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism....
                  "I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1916. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City [Bank] boys to collect revenue in. I helped in the rape of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street....
                  "In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested....I had...a swell racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals, promotions....I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate a racket in three cities. The Marines operated on three continents..." (p 118).

                  Are they at it again? Perhaps its not the second time...

                  "I sincerely believe … that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."

                  ATTRIBUTION: Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), U.S. president. Letter, May 28, 1816, to political philosopher and senator John Taylor, whose book An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States (1814) had argued against the harmful effects of finance capitalism.
                  BIOGRAPHY: Columbia Encyclopedia.

                  What should be done?


                  • #10
                    Re: America vs. the Oligarchs (1931 vs. 2009)

                    Originally posted by Glenn Black View Post

                    From "The Plot to Sieze the Whitehouse"

                    [/INDENT]Are they at it again? Perhaps its not the second time...

                    What should be done?
                    Thanks for that website. It's obvious that the political parties aren't gonna gum up the lobbying machinery and their pimps. I've always wonder if 'they' could shut down the a national security threat...if some type of 'movement' was launched by using it.

                    I'm looking for somebody to tell me what the principal problems would be if folks just lined up outside of banks and started taking their money out in protest of what's going on. Ya'd have to have a clear and simple 'request' of politicians and bankers and not come up with a 2000 page Manifesto. Needn't take it all out. Just first. A little more a few days later? Haven't the foggiest idea what type of communications, money, or organization that would require. It'd have to be orderly. No stoning, burning at the stake, or quartering of bankers cuz there's a lot of decent ones out there. Just line up, peacefully, patiently, orderly, and take the money out and allocate it accordingly. Just exercising a time worn capitalistic enterprise and all.

                    Think it would get anybody's attention? Think any serous reform could occur from such an action. Heck, we line before Christmas to take money out to buy things. Why do the same to buy some politicians to do some serious reform.


                    • #11
                      Taking Back Our Money

                      Not a bad idea to do civil disobedience by taking our money back.

                      However, read your bank account terms. Even though its your money, you don't have the right, without the bank's agreement, to withdraw your money for some minimum notice period.

                      Minimum notice can be a week to 3 months.

                      They can delay us, but not stop us.

                      During that time delay, the government can pass additional regulations imposing currency controls (eg. Max. $10 per day withdrawal per account, or 1% of balance, whichever amount is less).

                      Organized so a significant % of the population takes action on this idea would scare the sh*t out of them.

                      Marshall Law could follow soon after.

                      Remember, they have Homeland Security and the Patriot Act now. Has not habeas corpus been eliminated for some people and circumstances? The law prohibiting the use of the army against citizens has been repealed (Posse Comitatus Act), then re-instated, but could be done away with again soon enough, and does not apply under The Insurrection Act (controlled by an edict of the President). Most local police forces have been hardened and militarized.

                      You may suddenly disappear. How long can they hold you without charge for "Un-American Activities"? The withdrawal of bank funds by you could be defined as "economic terrorism". In that case, can they hold you without charge for "Forever"?:eek:
                      Last edited by Glenn Black; February 16, 2009, 03:11 PM. Reason: title, correction, clarification of Posse Comitatus Act


                      • #12
                        Re: America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

                        Simon Johnson who is the subject of the Moyers video looks to have pretty solid ESTABLISHMENT ELITE credentials:

                        Simon Johnson is the Ronald A. Kurtz (1954) Professor of Entrepreneurship at MIT's Sloan School of Management, a position he has held since 2004. He is also a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, D.C., and co-founder of a website on the global economic and financial crisis, THE BASELINE SCENARIO. He is co-director of the NBER project on Africa and President of the Association for Comparative Economic Studies (term of office 2008-09).

                        From March 2007 through the end of August 2008, Professor Johnson was the International Monetary Fund's Economic Counsellor (chief economist) and Director of its Research Department. At the IMF, Professor Johnson led the global economic outlook team, helped formulate innovative responses to worldwide financial turmoil, and was among the earliest to propose new forms of engagement for sovereign wealth funds. He was also the first IMF chief economist to have a blog.
                        So, Johnson may be a stalking horse for an IMF revival. The IMF, of course, implemented and parroted much of the neocon claptrap which got us to this stage. So, the IMF may be looking for a piece of the Recovery Action.

                        The interview may also indicate that the System is now "eating its own". Not enough $$$ or work to go around so the Boyz must fight it out between each other. That would be a good sign. Maybe they will start to rat on each other, even better. Hearing an ex-IMF guy like Johnson be against Big Banks is remarkable to say the least but not proof he is "born again" I'm afraid.


                        • #13
                          Re: America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

                          Originally posted by petertribo View Post
                          Simon Johnson who is the subject of the Moyers video looks to have pretty solid ESTABLISHMENT ELITE credentials:

                          So, Johnson may be a stalking horse for an IMF revival. The IMF, of course, implemented and parroted much of the neocon claptrap which got us to this stage. So, the IMF may be looking for a piece of the Recovery Action.

                          The interview may also indicate that the System is now "eating its own". Not enough $$$ or work to go around so the Boyz must fight it out between each other. That would be a good sign. Maybe they will start to rat on each other, even better. Hearing an ex-IMF guy like Johnson be against Big Banks is remarkable to say the least but not proof he is "born again" I'm afraid.
                          Hi petertribo,

                          I agree. Absolutely the system is eating its own. This is "Good Fellas" after the heist. The big banks are eliminating the small competition. Its when the core gang kills off the driver, the hired stooges and the safe cracker. They make great scape goats too. The vultures are fighting over the carcass that is the world economy.


                          • #14
                            Re: America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

                            In the mid 80’s, when I was in the boating business, Pete DuPont and family charter the mega-yacht I worked on, for about 10 days.

                            Had I known about this bit of history I could have asked him if he knew the name Gen. Smedely Butler.

                            His family’s name is mentioned in the group of coup organizers.


                            • #15
                              Re: Taking Back Our Money

                              Originally posted by Glenn Black View Post
                              Not a bad idea to do civil disobedience by taking our money back.

                              However, read your bank account terms. Even though its your money, you don't have the right, without the bank's agreement, to withdraw your money for some minimum notice period.

                              Minimum notice can be a week to 3 months.

                              They can delay us, but not stop us.

                              During that time delay, the government can pass additional regulations imposing currency controls (eg. Max. $10 per day withdrawal per account, or 1% of balance, whichever amount is less).

                              Organized so a significant % of the population takes action on this idea would scare the sh*t out of them.

                              Marshall Law could follow soon after.

                              Remember, they have Homeland Security and the Patriot Act now. Has not habeas corpus been eliminated for some people and circumstances? The law prohibiting the use of the army against citizens has been repealed (Posse Comitatus Act), then re-instated, but could be done away with again soon enough, and does not apply under The Insurrection Act (controlled by an edict of the President). Most local police forces have been hardened and militarized.

                              You may suddenly disappear. How long can they hold you without charge for "Un-American Activities"? The withdrawal of bank funds by you could be defined as "economic terrorism". In that case, can they hold you without charge for "Forever"?:eek:
                    're no fun.

