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America vs. the Oligarchs (yep, it's real, and they are US BANKERS)

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  • #16
    Re: Taking Back Our Money

    Originally posted by vanvaley1 View Post're no fun.
    Upon further consideration after taking a wee nip from the bottle...ya are fun. Makes me think before the sweet nectar puts me asleep. Can't imagine Obama calling out the national guard or local paddy wagon to round up folks in a bank line. Having moms' crying out for the kids and kids for their mom as they're hauled away or an old fella callin' to his wife to fetch his walker as two SWAT officers drag him to the Black Maria lorry while she chases behind him in her wheel chair with his walker ain't real good politics as the TV media salivates at their ratings coup.

    However, there are alternatives that could quell this gig. Picked this up on 'links' at naked capitalism:
    Now these folks might get a bit upset at a run on the banks that could disrupt their plans for 'saving' the banking systems. A few well place drive-by shootings at the folks in the lines would probably discourage a peaceful bank run protest of banking policies.

    Of course, the banks would be shocked. Kinda like the police chief in Casablanca "I'm shocked to find out there's gambling going on here..."

    BTW, does anybody have that article(s) that list bankers recent 'accidents'? Can't recall where I read it...vaguely remember one reference to a banker tripping and falling out of a multi-story building. Think I remember back in the 80s (?) when the Yakuza were confronted with a persistent and demanding banker to perform on their real estate loans they 'convinced' him and the bank to 'forgive and forget'. The bank hired a new REPO loan officer as the old one was unable to perform in his duties in his present condition...ashes.
    Last edited by vanvaley1; February 17, 2009, 09:21 AM.

